Is this technically starving myself?

2016-02-22 11:16 pm
So I'm 13 and 5'4 170 pounds. I want to loose weight. But what's happening for the past couple days is where I'll eat like 300 calories a day and burn more calories than I consumed through exercise. I'm just trying to loose 55 pounds quickly, I don't want to commit to starving myself (which was the only way to loose weight in the past) but I just can't do it.

回答 (19)

2016-02-23 6:32 pm
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Yes pretty much. You may drop weight fast but the second you eat again you'll gain it back. What you need to do is look up a workout plan and pay attention to what you're consuming. Watch your carbs and sugar. I promise it's less torturous and it will help you a lot. I lost 30 pounds in a decently short amount of time doing that. Starving is not the answer. A safe weight loss is 2 pounds a week. Don't loose too much too fast or it will cause problems. Good luck!!
2016-02-22 11:30 pm
If you're eating you're not starving yourself although you should really take more calories as calories are energy and if you don't have any your body will use your muscles for energy and you will become weak so technically yes you are starving yourself
2016-02-23 11:29 am
I know someone who did this. They landed in the hospital because their body was starved of nutrients because it was all burned off while exercising. The doctor said it was, technically, starving oneself because his body was starved of necessary daily calorie intake that was all burned off.
It's like going to the bathroom (bare with me for a moment). If you drink a lot of water, you'll have to go to the bathroom a lot. That's because your body is only keeping what is necessary to use + a little extra. But if you rarely drink, then your body is starved and it's getting rid of all the nasty things. Hence, why people have dark urine if they don't drink water and hydrate their body.
So, like water and bathrooms, you are starving your body of the necessary things because while you are eating, you're burning off more than what is needed.
2016-02-22 11:59 pm
That is starving yourself, yes. You burn more than 300 calories a day just being alive, with no exercise. You probably burn about 1300-1400 that way.
2016-02-25 6:25 pm
Yes. I'm anorexic and eat more than you do. Best way to lose fast and healthily is cutting sugar and carbs. avocados and nuts are good for fat/protein, and other than that, fruits and vegetables for fructose, vitamins, etc.
2016-02-24 8:52 pm
Yes. If you fed someone else 300 calories per day you would be tossed in jail for abusing them. Do NOT do that to yourself.
2016-02-23 8:06 pm
world health organization considers 800 cals or less starvation and says it takes a minimum of 1300 calories to meet your daily nutritional requirements.
2016-02-23 9:51 am
a starvation diet is 900 calories a day
2016-02-25 12:30 am
That is starving technically. Like, you are eating but just not enough.
You will lose weight but will gain it all back quicker than you lost it, plus more weight than you lost.
Take it from someone like me who has been where you are more than a hundred times. Being unhappy is right around the corner.
Eat no less than 1200 calories and burn off about 400-500. Not hard. You will lose weight and KEEP IT OFF.

What you are doing is, you are setting your body up to store every calorie you eat into fat. So when you fail and do this all over again your body will be "eating" the stored fat because you are lacking energy/nutrients. Then still, every calorie you eat will be stored AGAIN. Which will be harder to lose weight when you want to THE RIGHT WAY. If you fully starve, you will lose your hair, grow hair over your body, basically to make this short, you'll lose everything.
Be smart...
2016-02-23 7:41 pm
300 cals a day is not necessarily starving. You can eat cups and cups of certain fruits and vegetables and not exceed 300 calories. Someone who only eats a snicker bar a day is probably on the verge of starving themselves but starving is when you barely eat anything especially when there isn't any nurtrients. But yes 300 calories a day is still extremely low
2016-02-23 8:43 am
well, son- as you're young enough to be my son-to begin with...
you're at the utmost age of growing and flourishing on one hand- and a very difficult age too-on the other hand...
and what you actually do is starving yourself understament...
you need a balanced nutrition- with plenty of fruit and vegetables, high-proteins from meat, fish...yeah, milk and dairy products, eggs,both animal and vegetal fats- the latter are edible oils- and carbohydrates -an an amount of calories tailored to your age, height, real and ideal weight= you've got to gradually lose weight rather than precipitously- while the latter could be really harmful..., caloric expenditure- for instance- your practice of outdoors sport or so, your growth needs= you're still growing and fast-and your growth is NOT supposed to be impaired by harmful ''crush -starvation'' dieting... if you please...
in order to allow you understand what you're doing to yourself - 300 calories is about or even less than what - at that time- Jewish prisoners in Nazi concentration/extermination camps were given- as they were supposed to die this way or another-sooner or later....
it sounds to me- as far as I am able to professionally understand- it would be much better and healthier for you to get the professional advise of a nutritionist-in real life- in your area- someone skilled in treating people of your age...
2016-02-23 12:01 am
You are not "starving." Starvation is a life threatening condition. A water fast is the consumption of only pure water for a series of days. It takes most people 30 days on a water fast to begin the experience of starvation. Some people will experience life threatening health conditions much earlier. That's why a water fast must always be supervised by a qualified medical professional. Clinics in California offer this service. To learn more read the book "Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease" Apr 15, 1998 by Joel Fuhrman and Neal D. Barnard. An ideal way to lose weight is to read books and watch online videos by Neal Barnard, Douglas J. Lisle, T. Colin Campbell, and Dean Ornish.
2016-02-25 4:40 am
2016-03-03 12:46 am
You said, " Starving yourself like you did in the past." Huge problem! You probably f*cked up your whole metabolism doing that which is why you are having a hard time now. I hate to tell ya but it's going to be hard to get it back to normal now. Your going to have to exercise like crazy and eat certain foods that will speed it back up like green tea, fish, and that kind of crap. So yeah, at least now you know what the problem is.
2016-02-26 6:39 pm
It's about what your eating. There isn't a need to starve yourself, just make sure your eating healthy (fruits and vegetables) dont drink any juice or soda pop, only drink water and teas.
2016-02-24 7:14 pm
Your body "burns" 1500 calories a day anyway.
2016-02-24 1:24 am
Yes you're starving yourself. You do technically need more calories to survive. I would recommend eating clean. If you stick to fruits, vegetables, while grains like brown rice and maybe some dairy and combine this with exercise, you will see the number drop in no one, plus it's better for you than starving yourself
2016-02-24 12:49 am
2016-02-23 10:24 pm
Loosing weight quickly is a bad idea.. people don't tell you to eat minimum 1200 calories for nothing.. if you continue to do this you will eventually get intense cravings to eat everything, because your body wants to make up for all the calories you haven't been eating and you will put even more weight back than before or if you lose the weight fast you will have loose saggy skin because your skin hasn't had enough time to adapt to the weight change.. a great app to use for weight loss is "my fitness pal"..please pace your weight loss darling and please be safe.
2016-02-26 3:50 pm
another deluded starvation. very first thing that goes away when you starve is muscles!, fat goes last. at 300 kcal energy is not enough for your body to grow new blood cells, not enough to grow bones, not enough to breathe , not enough to rebuild skin- what body does when there are no energy? it eats own muscles because protein easiest to convert to carbs+fat, turn reproduction function off both menstruation and sperm production stops. Muscle mass creates metabolism, no muscles no way to burn fat or energy. then in starvation mode body starts desperately preserving fat storage while using some of it for energy, until there are no more fat to use , this stage is irreversible. You look like anorexic, your body will not be able to put fat or weight back on, menstruation in most cases never return and you slowly die.

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