I have a big bump on my head?

2016-02-22 11:03 pm
I havnt hit my head on anything and this quarter sized bump appears on my head and it hurts like hell. Any ideas? Its been here for 4 days now. Thanks

回答 (10)

2016-02-22 11:09 pm
What did you hit? (I don't mean your head.) If you didn't hit anything, it might be a virus or something, so I might recommend a doctor, ASAP. If you did hit something, I'd probably reccomend keeping an eye on it, if it get's bigger, or it's not becoming smaller, call a doctor. If you don't enjoy the pain, try taking a nap once in a while. It removes stress, same with a shower. I wish you the best of luck with the bump, and be careful.
2016-02-22 11:05 pm
You should see a doctor. Simple as that.
2016-02-23 8:03 pm
Maybe if you stopped hopping on your uncles dick and actually got a life you wouldn't have to result to yahoo answers to ask your shitty questions.
2016-05-26 3:10 pm
參考: Secrets To Curing Acne - http://AcneAway.raiwi.com/?Ewor
2016-02-23 6:15 am
This has happened to me before, it might be a buildup of flued on the skull its harmless and should go away soon but if it doesn't, I'd recommend seeing a doctor
2016-02-22 11:07 pm
It could be a bite or an ingrown hair/ pimple. Is it hot? Is there puss? Does it smell at all? If you said yes to any of those it's infected and you need a DR
2016-02-22 11:06 pm
-Sounds like a Cyst of some Kind. Methinks You should head out to See a Medic- to have it Checked out... :o
2016-02-24 1:17 am
Its a quarter sized yahoo question
2016-02-22 11:07 pm
Could be a big zit
2016-02-22 11:05 pm

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