How long does it take to look like a bodybuilder?

2016-02-22 5:52 pm
I'm fairly fit but I am very skinny too. And I sometimes get bullied. I notice that people seem afraid of men with huge muscles. How long does it take to become from a skinny guy to an extremely buff strongman considering you taking the right diet, the most DEMANDING of strength workouts and spending hours at the gym.

回答 (2)

2016-02-22 9:41 pm
rome wasn't built overnight. bodybuilders spend YEARS training hard and eating lots to get to where they got. but if you spend 2 years following the right programme and eating properly, people will definitely be able to tell that you lift. investigate a push/pull/legs split or upper/lower body split to get the best results in the gym. remember that you need a surplus of calories and plenty of protein to gain muscle. good luck!
2016-02-22 7:21 pm
Takes quite a while if you start from skinny.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:02:52
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