Do you think Donald trump will win?

2016-02-22 12:10 pm

回答 (174)

2016-02-22 12:20 pm
Trump = Winning
2016-02-22 12:15 pm
Not in this life time. Very few, if any Democrats like Donald Trump. Only half the Republican party can stand him.

Bernie Sanders would certainly wipe the floor clean with Trump.
2016-02-23 5:34 pm
Absolutely YES.

The left's only answer is to attack him AND HIS SUPPORTERS as: (and you know the drill): Racists, Bigots, Haters, Idiots, Clowns, Morons, Misogynists, Animals, etc., etc.

The problem is, they've been using those labels for 7 years. Any time anyone has questioned or challenged Obama, they have been labelled as: Racists, Bigots, Haters, Idiots, Clowns, Morons, Misogynists, Animals, etc., etc..

So they DON'T CARE. They are NUMB to those labels already. The labels MEAN NOTHING.

However, the are also QUITE ANGRY that they've been labelled those things. And Trump is their chance to fight back against it.

If you had spent the past 7 years actually LISTENING and having a real DIALOGUE with Obama's detractors and really considering their POV, Trump would have never been possible. But this is the result of 7 years of screaming at his detractors as Racists, Bigots, Haters, Idiots, Morons, Animals, etc.

And they ARE PISSED OFF and they will come out by the MILLIONS to show how angry they are.

And what does the media do? Open letters and videos of girls in tears terrified that Trump supporters must be Racists, Bigots, Haters, Idiots, Morons, Animals, etc.

They don't see that this is having the exact OPPOSITE effect they think it will.

The singular way to defeat Trump is to DEFEAT OBAMA. If the left tears down Obama and turns their back on him, the need for Trump vanishes overnight. But that's not going to happen.
2016-02-22 12:17 pm
He's gonna win the Republican nomination for sure (Unless republicans smarten up and refuse to elect him no matter his popularity). I think Hilary will put up a good fight and could beat him. She'll only because of how scary the idea of him being president is to so many people. He could still win though. Even if he does it doesn't really matter. Some people think the president has total power for some reason. As long as the system continues to run the way it does, a president will never be able to just do whatever he wants. There are too many failsafes in place. The country will be fine no matter which jackass gets elected. And don't kid you self, every single f*ck ing candidate is a complete jackass this time around.
2016-02-24 2:46 am
Trump NEEDS to WIN, this country is being run by Democrats and Republicans that are corrupt, dishonest and just in office to get rich on the backs the working tax payers. Both are running scared by the thought of someone LIKE Trump, cant be bought, only wants what is best for the entire country. Congress has a 7.9% rating
2016-02-22 1:54 pm
Look at Hillary. Such a liar,so greedy,pantsuit phony! Cruz is Bought, Rubio is scripted, Bernie is a communist. The Idiots dropped Kasich and Carson. So now we have Trump vs Sanders! No way in hell I'm voting communist!
2016-02-22 8:27 pm
No, and if he wins the Republican primary, he will likely give the Presidency to whomever the Democrats elect.


Consider: THE MAJORITY of conservatives don't support him. I have YET to hear of an independent to support him, and I can't imagine a progressive supporting him.

Unless he convinces mass numbers of independents and Democrats to simply not show up, he'll lose an otherwise generally balanced voting base.

Don't get me wrong: I don't support Clinton, I have a tough time with Sanders, but Trump? Not in a millions years ...
2016-02-22 12:31 pm
No. Americans are dumb, but they aren't stupid!

The latest Bookies' odds (and Bookies care ONLY about profit, not politics!) have Clinton as 24 times more likely to be the Democratic candidate than Sanders, Trump as the probable GOP candidate, and Clinton as the eventual winner by a margin of 3.75 or 4-to-1

COULD Trump still win? Sure! But it's not very likely!
2016-02-23 11:45 am
It's VERY possible: Given his learned and earned experience within the global economic word of corporate business, Trump's plans for America's economic repair / restoration and strengthening ARE impressively logical--even the brightest economic scholars in the Democrat Party, admit Trump DOES KNOW what he proposes IF he wins the Presidency.

Nobody owns Trump because no lobby group and/or NATION, can afford to buy Trump. Albeit that about Trump--I think he can attain bipartisan harmony within Congress--nothing sweetly harmonic, but more along RESPECT lines honored between Democrats and Republicans.

And Trump isn't afraid to anger Corporate America--who he believes DESERVES to feel the pains they've put on the WORKING American for decades; we've needed a President like Trump for decades, and our chance is upon us now to undo 43 years of mindless political / economic damage inflicted on the U.S.---to tell the Bill Clintons, the Obamas and Bushes of Washington D.C. political dynasty rule two resonant words they deserve told them:

2016-02-23 12:40 pm
To attack and complain about other people's poor performance is easy.

To actually be able to do the job and make a difference in improving the situation is a lot more difficult.

The other great unknown is the situation and circumstances in the world that is beyond one's control and/or things that cannot be changed overnight. Those problems may not be solved in one or two terms of presidency.

So the bottom line is that Donald Trump may win BUT will America win? is another question.
2016-02-22 7:34 pm
I hope so. I don't care for Bernie or Hillary even though I am a Democrat. They are way too liberal for my blood. I would rather vote for somebody like John Kasich, but I am aware he will probably drop out of the race the next primary election.
2016-02-22 12:15 pm
If T and H are the nominees, it'll be the 1st time in modern history both candidates have such low Favorable ratings. May well be a low voter turnout....advantage Trump.
2016-02-23 8:15 am
No. In the long run, I still have faith in America that we won't let that happen. I honestly don't know how that @$$hat continues to lead in the GOP race thus far. Ultimately he may end up doing the Democratic party a favor because I think people who would usually vote Republican might end up voting for anyone but Donald Trump. But my optimism that Republican voters will wake up may be giving them too much credit. Still, I think that even though he is likely to win the Republican ticket he shouldn't pack his bags for the Whitehouse just yet.
2016-02-24 5:36 pm
Yes, I think the odds of him winning it all with a never before seen high conservative and liberal turn out would be very high. The reason is because of "swing voters" and because Hillary is a politicizing shrew and exactly like Obama. So the odds of the Obama administration being re-elected twice are probably the same as flipping a quarter and having it land on tails three times! Not only that but the nation wide trend seems to be anti-establishment politics and pro outsider. This means that Trump an outsider has an advantage over Hillary an establishment politician with a terrible dishonest record. So by my estimation and rightly so the odds of Donald Trump winning against Hillary are 93.75 percent. There is the possibility that Hillary could beat trump but as a result of what I like to call " the Obama phone effect"
2016-02-22 6:41 pm
Yeah I think he will win. His numbers are great, people love him, and I know at least a hundred people in my town who's voting for him. Seems like he's got a good chance.
2016-02-22 12:11 pm
No way. America is not THAT dumb.
2016-02-22 12:10 pm
Hope not
2016-02-22 8:15 pm
I certainly hope not. This country needs a political leader not a trash talking, power hungry, narcissist. If he's elected the United States is in trouble. He's making a joke of the Presidential election and of the country itself. I can't believe that more people can't see through him.
2016-02-22 12:12 pm
No, but then again the Jews didn't think Hitler would either.
2016-02-22 12:12 pm
I'm hoping the American people are not that dumb.
2016-02-23 1:42 am
Yes I do think that the Donald will win the election.
2016-02-23 5:28 am
No way. There are far more intelligent conservatives then there are trailer park conservatives, even then there are more liberals today than ever.

Trump is good for ratings, and that is all.
2016-02-22 2:00 pm
Of all the candidates, there are only 2 that have ever balanced a budget other than household and I doubt that any of them do it themselves, hired help you know take care of that for them. Only Kasick and Trump have had to do a business budget, however in Kasick's it is government and not using his own money. Trump owes and runs a business. I know that he does not do the work, but in the end he has the final say on spending.
I want and need someone to run this country like a business, watch our money, and spend it wisely. Of course this will affect Immigration, foreign policy and social welfare.
2016-02-22 12:38 pm
I am voting for him because I WANT him to win!
2016-02-23 8:45 pm
No i do not think Donald Trump will win! I will be voting for Hilary Clinton!
2016-02-22 12:14 pm
He is just an attempt to make everything dumb, genius... brainwashing
2016-02-22 12:12 pm
2016-02-22 2:20 pm
No. I think that even though Jeb Bush got off to a slow start, he would have a better chance at getting the GOP nomination than Trump. Jeb should have stayed in the race a little longer before deciding to suspend/drop out of his campaign.
2016-02-23 2:13 am
All that matters is what will happen if a liberal wins .....🌋🌋🌋
2016-02-23 8:48 pm
No Way . The present situation is out of control for Donald Trump.
2016-02-22 5:33 pm
The only reason Republican established powers are against him is that they will lose their ability to make side deals with defense contractors, and favors for financiers.
2016-02-22 1:13 pm
2016-02-23 7:16 am
No. He fairs terribly in a general where he will need to go past the ground he has already taken. Also he is too much of a one trick pony. That one pony being constantly lying about his actual wealth and mostly talking about himself when he doesn't want to answer the question.

Please note that at all times Trump never actually answers any question that is given to him. Its always dodge it. Usually with buzz words like "Make America Great Again". Whatever that is supposed to mean. I guess we don't want a growing economy, but one like we had under George W Bush.... what?
2016-02-22 1:25 pm
Do you think Donald trump will win? >> you must be bored, this question is still as stupid as it was when asked the other 999 times ... NO ONE ' INTELLIGENT ' CAN ANSWER THIS, Trump supporters can ONLY HOPE Trump wins ... and only ' Trollers Answerers ' would even say something like YES or NO , LOL... there are no fortune tellers !
2016-02-22 12:30 pm
I honestly would not put that level of dumb past the Americans, and I do mean that, I know there are many many smart cookies over there, but when it comes to electing your President! Jeez! You take some beating for stupidity!
2016-02-22 9:59 pm
Trump won't win the presidents election... but he WILL lose it for the republicans. If he gets on the ballet as the republican nomination, a very large chunk of republicans will either not vote ( 😞 ) or vote for someone else... which only helps Hiliary. If he puts himself on the ballet as an independent, he'll split the republican vote, again only helping Hillary. He needs to stay out of politics and go back to working on bankrupting his next company
2016-02-22 12:27 pm
I have some deep reservations(no pun intended) about the
Donalds ability to carry this off. He certainly has the ability
to govern well. However he not very forth coming on who
or how he would effect any policy situation. That will hurt
him in the long run.
2016-02-22 12:13 pm
Nope..many people hates him
2016-02-24 7:19 am
For the nomination? Yes. For President? I don't think he will win. It could go to Hillary.
2016-02-23 10:41 am
No. He will say something so offensive everyone will wsnt to get away from the smell. Of course if the alternative is someone under investigation by the FBI we all may be voting for Bullwinkle the Moose.
2016-02-23 8:08 am
Probably not but better him then Hillary
2016-02-23 2:34 am
At this point, I don't see how he can't. I'm not sure how to feel about it.
2016-02-23 1:15 am
I hope so. Looking at who else is in the race he looks the best. Not saying much here.
2016-02-24 2:38 am
Yes. He has my vote.
2016-02-24 1:38 am
I hope he does. He's a whole lot better than Hillary. He's more realistic than Bernie. I hope either Trump or Rubio get the election
2016-02-23 7:17 pm
2016-02-23 1:31 pm
2016-02-23 8:34 am
2016-02-23 5:31 am
Let's hope not
2016-02-24 5:38 am
Trump is the only one who can stop the problems in America cuz anybody can buy him . Plus he has the support of military and the only one who raising money for vets. Many people do not like him but right now America needs a hero to save this country from total disaster. Look at the Iran idea total mess it's like the Munich agreement Hitler got what he want it same to Iran they aare going to build up the military and take over the middle east by surprise. Wilson Churchill warned us about Hitler its the same Trump is warning us about Irans propaganda teaching their children how to hate us. No good. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT
2016-02-23 11:31 pm
I hate to say this, as he is my least favorite candidate, but I think yes. Mainly because of what's called the "Celebrity Effect." If someone goes out to vote, he/she may not have heard of other candidates such as Cruz, Sanders, etc. However, because Donald Trump is a well-known celebrity, people might vote for him because they know his name.
2016-02-23 2:54 am
2016-02-22 10:48 pm
If the election is run fairly I think he stands a great shot...but the key word is Fair!
2016-02-23 5:59 am
I am AFRAID Trump will win.
2016-02-22 9:23 pm
I think it is likely that Trump would beat Hillary.
2016-02-22 8:43 pm
Yes I do believe he might
2016-02-22 4:17 pm
Not impossible
2016-02-22 4:02 pm
Take out Donald//Hillary//Sanders// Any body is better
2016-02-22 12:25 pm
2016-02-24 12:22 am
Trump v Sanders = sanders wins
hillary v trump = trump wins
2016-02-23 12:00 pm
I could see myself voting for him if he does win the nomination. I hope he does. Then, for a chance, we will have a real choice and not the lesser of the two evils. The last several candidates have turned me against the GOP. It is high time that we get a 'man' or 'woman' who is going to clean up America.
2016-02-22 11:01 pm
No. And if he does, America is screwed.
2016-02-22 6:23 pm
I think he could but it would be a very expensive and scary mistake for Americans to elect him if you listen closely to what he says and wants to do.
2016-02-22 12:19 pm
I'm pretty sure there are more people who hate him than like him
2016-04-03 8:19 pm
2016-02-25 5:05 pm
YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................
2016-02-25 8:38 am
2016-02-25 5:04 am
It would please me greatly if he did. Unfortunately, in this decrepit, corrupt world we currently reside in, we have no freedom anymore, and that includes the choice in choosing who leads our country. We are walking in a hall of mirrors day in and day out thinking we are free, they will lie to us without hesitance. The government chooses the president nowadays, and don't say it's unconstitutional and violates our rights because yeah, so is 99% of what our government does nowadays, so, yeah. If you want Trump, sorry because he won't be elected, but God please turn that around. And if you don't like trump. Congratulations, your ruining the nation with the help of your government.
2016-02-24 11:29 pm
No. He's a maudlin man, and a bully.
參考: He buys his voters
2016-02-24 9:25 pm
NO !!! I am praying he don't, I can't take the yelling & screaming for 4 years !
2016-02-24 7:35 pm
I hope not he's crazy ..
2016-02-24 6:28 pm
Probably not
2016-02-24 9:09 am
2016-02-24 4:01 am
I pray he doesn't.
2016-02-24 3:28 am
Sadly, yes. Unless we expose him as much as we can
2016-02-24 1:24 am
I think yes, and no. I live in a big liberal community, all they talk about it how horrible he is. Personally I like him tho. So idk what's going on.
2016-02-24 12:58 am
**** TRUMP.
2016-02-23 9:23 pm
No I hope not
2016-02-23 8:40 pm
I hope not but he does have a lot of voters and he is rude and fascist he doesn't deserve to be president
2016-02-23 7:38 pm
Unfortunately I think he might...
2016-02-23 7:35 pm
Yes, he will win the nomination. For President? Not sure about that one though.
2016-02-23 6:11 pm
2016-02-23 5:19 pm
Probably not; I hope not; And I'm a Republican from Texas !
2016-02-23 3:40 pm
2016-02-23 3:26 pm
Maybe....but we can only pray he won't.
2016-02-23 2:15 pm
2016-02-23 1:53 pm
I honestly think he will win not saying I support him but by the looks of it yes
2016-02-23 12:14 pm
2016-02-25 3:20 am
No. Hillary Clinton has been chosen to win this election. And I will be the nominee in 2020. The true rulers of this country have already given me an identity and successful resume which will resignate with americans so I can win. I don't even know who my real parents are. See you in 2020.
參考: Your future president.
2016-02-24 8:53 pm
2016-02-24 8:39 pm
2016-02-24 2:01 pm
Not if the democrats can fix it so they get the most electoral votes. I'm for Trump!!
2016-02-23 8:15 pm
2016-02-23 7:51 pm
Honestly he will NOT . I mean is not because how of a jerk he is is just that trump is rich because he is a bussiness man but he is not a politician . Its simple as that .
2016-02-23 4:24 pm
He could possibly win. However if he does he wouldn't last the full four years. He would probably get impeached for doing something stupid.
2016-02-23 4:04 pm
Not happening.
Hillary Clinton all the way.
2016-02-23 11:05 am
2016-02-23 8:18 am
2016-02-23 6:05 am
i honestly believe a sack of dead skunks would be a better president
2016-02-23 1:04 am
TRUMP is a virtual steam-roller.
2016-02-22 5:14 pm
Because there is no one else as persuasive as he is, yes.
2016-02-23 1:30 am
2016-02-23 3:00 am
If George W Bush won two times,Why not!
2016-02-23 2:25 am
No . He s the epitome of evil
2016-02-23 12:17 am
2016-02-23 12:13 am
First he has to win the nomination, then we'll worry about becoming the president.
2016-02-22 12:11 pm
I do...and he`ll be so surprised.
2016-02-22 3:49 pm
I hope not.
2016-02-22 12:22 pm
2016-02-22 12:34 pm
Don't know. Polling shows that all the other Republican nominees can beat Hillary, but not Trump, who will lose by a slim margin.
2016-02-22 12:12 pm
if he cheated
2016-02-22 12:33 pm
Yes. But, let's see how Super Tuesday hashes out? Establishment GOP are counting on the convention floor to stop Trump. They hope he hasn't enough delegates to win outright. Throwing the vote open. So, either a 'dark horse'? Or, Jeb.
2016-08-22 8:19 pm
thank you for all the answers
2016-03-01 3:06 am
2016-02-26 2:28 pm
If he does, ill deport MYSELF back to Mexico... -_-
2016-02-26 12:14 pm
Hopefully NOT...
2016-02-26 3:55 am
The odds are much higher now, especially if a third party candidate joins in the race. I'm glad I helped donated to the cause.
2016-02-26 3:13 am
Maybe the Republican nomination but not the Presidential election.
2016-02-26 1:45 am
yes. Big time. Marco Ribio was a male prostitute for old gay men when he was a teenager. And Hillary is corrupt and disgusting
2016-02-25 11:59 pm
He will win the republican nomination
2016-02-25 11:10 pm
What does this have to do with marriage and divorce?
2016-02-25 10:41 pm
i do not think he will.
2016-02-25 8:00 pm
I sure do hope not. It will be so embarrassing...
2016-02-25 7:17 pm
I don't know for sure. But he could.
2016-02-25 4:58 pm
I hope Rubio wins in the polls he's the only one who can match Hillary.
2016-02-25 4:41 pm
I pray not and have contacted friends who have moved out of the country putting in my visiting reservations in case he does. I fear that the media has already gotten him to much support and people are really tired of what has happened the last 8 years.
2016-02-25 8:28 am
I sure hope so.
2016-02-25 5:29 am
I hope so. Fingers crossed!!! :)
2016-02-25 3:26 am
Hope so!
2016-02-25 3:07 am
How can he win and all of the internet hate him.....
2016-02-25 2:29 am
2016-02-25 1:31 am
2016-02-25 1:18 am
On one side, Trump, in nobody's back pocket, can't be bought: on the other, Sanders, in nobody's back pocket, can't be bought, which is an attribute that has captured many fed-up voters. If Bernie loses to Hillary, it's likely that many soft-line Democrats will vote for another person who can't be bought, rather than what we've had for too many decades.
2016-02-25 12:45 am
Judging by the votes he is getting I KNOW he is going to win.
2016-02-24 11:29 pm
He will and he should
2016-02-24 5:22 pm
2016-02-24 3:42 pm
Hope not. He isn't presidential.
2016-02-24 12:01 pm
Yes, and I'm saying that coming all the way from Australia! *sigh*
2016-02-24 8:09 am
Yes, and I am somewhat scared of what will do to this country.
2016-02-24 6:46 am
2016-02-24 5:58 am
I think he will and I will sit back and watch all who voted for him stew in the pot of shiet they created.
2016-02-24 5:31 am
2016-02-24 2:34 am
he may win the GOP nomination,but he will loose the Presidency.
2016-02-24 2:18 am
yes he will be and has already won! but people need to understand that the elected president does not run a thing the congress does
2016-02-24 1:02 am
Of course!
2016-02-24 12:25 am
The Republican nomination but not the election,.
2016-02-24 12:23 am
I am really concerned why so many Americans would side with him. I will never ever vote for him. He frightens me.
2016-02-23 8:49 pm
F*ck. No.
2016-02-23 7:39 pm
He goes from some big business/reality star to wanting to be a
2016-02-23 6:34 pm
the RINOpress ,& their friends & office holders in the gooper crew
have been trying to knockim out,he jumps back up like the foot weighted kiddies cartoon blowem up toy,,aint workin,fellas,if the past ( as in the last 2 midterms) is a predictor of the future,,dems & the suited experts are neck deep in fertilizer.
2016-02-23 5:32 pm
I am not to sure but there is a chance he might win the republican nomination but the Presidential election, I don't think so.
2016-02-23 5:19 pm
Not playing snap again is he?
2016-02-23 12:07 pm
I have doubts.Let's see the Americans and their opinion.But to me,maybe not.
2016-02-23 9:10 am
I think he can and will kick her behind right into federal prison.
2016-02-25 7:11 am
2016-02-25 5:20 am
No, Never win...................................
2016-02-24 9:58 pm
Yep, The Don says it like it is not like some candidate who is spoon fed answers. America is tired of politicians who are 'run'
2016-02-24 8:17 pm
No...but he might.
2016-02-24 6:47 pm
Much to many people's dismay(including mine), I think yes he will be the nominee. Look back at people like Hitler(I'm not saying trump is exactly on the same level but let's use him for argument sake). Hitler told the poor and desperate German people he would make them great again, which is exactly what trump is telling Americans. By telling the people what they want to hear, he wins over the politically unaware populace very quickly and by large margins. And believe me, that's a much bigger population than people think
2016-02-24 6:01 pm
i hope not...
2016-02-24 11:33 am
Is he playing the Trump card? Isn't No Trumps the highest hand
2016-02-24 3:51 am
100% win
2016-02-24 2:58 am
Don't forget Rand Paul
2016-02-24 2:51 am
yes i think he will... but only cause this election has no good candidates
2016-02-23 8:43 pm
I truly hope so!
2016-02-23 6:25 pm
Yes .
2016-02-23 1:46 pm
Yes, his chances are bright, irrespective of reckless spill out from his mouth.
His canny knack of delivering instant response to any issue, pertaining to US or other countires, which may affect the life of average citizen of US are his trump card.
Whether his stand against Muslim or blasting over Pope over his Christan remark etc had its own postive as well as negative impact on American soil . But, how it tollaly turn as a vote bank will be known only after election.
Anyhow, he is quite ahead of his nearest opponent.................
2016-02-23 11:52 am
YES 100% YES
2016-02-24 3:43 pm
Independent here I'm voting trump..I mean who else is there?
2016-02-23 7:58 am
Nope,never. If he does we can all count on world war three
2016-02-23 12:13 am
I wish no
2016-02-22 12:12 pm
dont know ,don't care
2016-02-22 1:42 pm
2016-02-23 6:16 pm
Yes, Trump would beat Hillary Clinton, but lose to Bernie Sanders. The current polls done on head-to-head match-ups can attest to the fact that Bernie Sanders does the best against Trump.
2016-02-22 7:02 pm
Don't think he will win the presidency. I think he may win the GOP nomination, illustrating to everyone some dangerous divisions within the Republican Party.

Obviously, I could be wrong in what I think, just like everyone else who answers this one.

-- democratic socialist for bernie's "political revolution" against rule by the corporate elite

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