Questions for extreme feminists?

2016-02-22 7:06 am
1- Why so much hate for men? Do you have a dad? Maybe a brother? I have a dad, step dad and 3 older brothers, I'm the only female sibling, all are highly protective over me.

2- wtf is period shaming? Why is this even considered a thing? I've never been shamed because of my period, yes granted we are taxed on hygiene products which is wrong, but other than that there's no shame.

3- in relation to question 2, how on earth do some of you go without feminine hygiene products? Like that has got to be the most uncomfortable and most discusting thing ever.

4- If you were drowning would you prefer to have a man save you and resuscitate you or have him leave you to drown/why?

5- what is this whole "no shaving" thing, like I get why you feel oppressed but shaving isn't that big of a deal, we aren't forced to, I do it because it feels uncomfortable and itchy when I don't.

6- Why are we burning bras? Like seriously my boobs are DDs and without a bra I feel like my back is breaking lol.

7- not really a question but, men are not all praised for having multiple partners, they are shamed just like women though I'm more of, **** who you want, it's your body.

8- what other beliefs do you have that I've not mentioned, and why?

These questions aren't to cause argument nor are they to "make a dig" but they are for me to understand this more, I'm curious

回答 (6)

2016-02-22 7:15 am
Have a look at the NOW website - it's the mouthpiece for feminism. You will then see what issues are genuine feminist ones and which are just nonsense. You will see that feminists focus on contraception, abortion, the safety of abortion clinic staff, the concerns about domestic violence offenders owning guns, etc etc.
2016-02-22 7:27 am
There are no extreme feminists here. You are only getting answers from trolls, people who call themselves anti-feminists, or feminists who are quite tame. But I'll answer your questions...

1. I don't hate men.

2. Period shaming is when people (usually male persons) poke fun, or blatantly insult a woman for showing the slightest bit of emotion - by suggesting she is experiencing her period. We are also expected to hide everything about our monthly cycles, with expensive feminine hygiene products, packaged in paper that doesn't crinkle so that even the lady in the next stall won't hear what's happening. So yes, there is a lot of shame wrapped up in this perfectly boring human condition.

3. I don't "free bleed". That's not a thing. Though if you ever dare visit a third world country, I wish you luck in finding feminine hygiene products.

4. If I were drowning, I would want whoever was around to help me. And if I was ever in a situation where someone was drowning in front of me, I would help them. See how that works?

5. Again, that is something that individuals choose to do or not do. My being a feminist does not necessarily mean I am covered from head to toe in body hair.

6. No bras have been burned, since one protest of the ms.America pagent in the sixties. You can look it up on Wikipedia.

7. Okay, you have an opinion. Good for you.

8. I believe you don't know what feminism is. Why I believe that, is because you asked this series of nonsense questions, that strongly suggest you think feminists are hairy, monsterous women, covered in blood, and looking to have sex with everybody, without shame.
2016-02-22 7:48 am
As Kiki said, there are no extreme feminists here.

But to answer your questions as best I can:

1. Not one feminist I know hates men
2. What Kiki said
3. Much is made of the free bleeding thing but practically nobody does it if they access to sanitary products
4. I don't care who saves me
5. It feels uncomfortable and itchy when I do. I haven't shaved in years. Some of the men here (and some of the women for that matter) try to shame me for it but I couldn't care less. My body, my choice.
6. There is no bra burning. It was a one time thing.
7. Whatever
8. Again, what Kiki wrote is pretty much spot on. Feminists believe in equality of the sexes and in not pigeon-holing people according to gender. We are not man hating hairy bra burning free bleeders.
2016-02-23 5:35 am
6. The bra burning thing was in the '60's. Feminists bring it up as a massive strawman, er, sorry, strawPERSON.

Kiki is wrong. There ARE extreme feminists out there. There is, for instance, the "all PIV is rape" lady, "wytchwind" I think her name is. She says that anytime a penis goes into a vagina, it's rape. She also says that it's unnatural to put a penis into a vagina. If Kiki thinks that ALL feminists are like that, well, OK. I'm an anti-feminist and I was willing to give feminism the benefit of the doubt on this one but whatever. Kiki knows best. (Just kidding. I don't think she's an authority on feminism.)

Kiki's number 2. Got proof Kiki? Also "expected"? Hey, DON'T. See if I care. I get to date whom I want. See, I'm allowed to say 'no'. You're not advocating that women rape men, are you, Kiki b/c it sounds like you're saying that men shouldn't be allowed to say 'no'. Oh, I'm sorry. No. You're not advocating the rape of men. You're advocating the LOBOTOMY of men. Personally, I'd rather be raped.

Kiki's number 3. Freebleeding IS a thing.

Kiki's number 4. I believe the asker was asking about the feminist who pressed charges on the guy who saved her from drowning. From what I understand, that was satire but... Poe's Law. That's what feminism gets for being insane.

Kikis number 6. Yeah. Agreed.

Kiki's number 7. Kiki, your whole F'ing ideology is a loose collection of opinions. Often conflicting with each other.

Kiki's number 8. Okay, Kiki, you have an opinion. Good for you. By the same token, Kiki, I don't believe feminists know what anti-feminism is.
2016-02-22 1:22 pm
1. I don't hate men
2. It happens
3. It isn't disgusting, women did it for millions of years
4. Of course I would want someone to help me. It doesn't matter about gender. If people need help, they need help. That's all there is to it.
5. Body hair is considered fine on men but not on women. That's the problem.
6. We don't.
7. They are.
8. My strong belief is that no one on this website knows what feminism is. Well, practically no one.
2016-02-22 7:08 am

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