Are people racist towards black people in Atlanta?

2016-02-22 5:47 am
My mom is afraid of moving to Atlanta because of crime and racism.
She's afraid my brother who has paranoid schizophrenia and not medication compliant will get into a fight with someone and get shot. (he is way over 18 and we tried getting him treatment, he refuses and by law we cant force him)

So she also says that as a black family we will have a difficult time in atlanta and people wont accept us.

She's also afraid of crime.

What are your views on the people in Duluth and alpharetta?

回答 (11)

2016-02-23 4:15 pm
Atlanta is predominantly black so you will fit in just fine. 52% Black and only 37% White. Blacks run the government and the schools. There is no more racism in Atlanta than there is in Chicago.
2016-02-22 6:17 pm
More than half the people in Atlanta are black.
2016-03-30 3:00 am
Black in Atlanta is good the Mayor is black and everyone else including the police and most white people. Seriously its not until you get outside the city to the north like up I75 or Georgia 400 til people start acting even more country as far as racism goes though I never really noticed it. Cities like Sandy Springs and Dunwoody which once was part of ATL left because they say those areas are more white and didn't want to be governed by a black government. Which is not true those areas just saw it was more profitable to secede from the city of Atlanta.
2016-02-22 9:41 am
Sorry bout the schizophrenia.

Im always symptathetic to a fellow supernatural traveler.
2016-02-22 5:48 am
Atlanta is mostly black.
2016-02-22 9:42 pm
Actually I found the racist problems in Atlanta were more the blacks being racist against any others. (But I've been seeing that as a growing trend all around the U.S.)
2016-12-02 7:29 am
your brother sounds like a typical Atlanta resident
2016-03-25 10:38 pm
Atlanta is Dindu City.
2016-03-24 6:02 am
I live in Alpharetta and im positive almost no one is racist here. More Blacks have moved to Alpharetta with the past years. Stay out of anywhere North Alpharetta though.
2016-02-22 5:56 am
Just an FYI to help out a bit. Most states have laws that allow two or more adult family members to meet with a judge in order to get a court ordered committal to deal with mental health or addiction problems. You and another adult family member can ask to see a judge, and you will have to prove to him that your brothers mental health issues are a danger to himself or others. If the judge decides that yes, your brothers mental health issues are a danger to himself or others, he will sigh a warrant and instruct the sherrifs department to pick him up, and take him to a mental health facility for evaluation. Now, I can't say for sure that all states have laws that allow you to do this, but most do, and it's worth looking into in case your brothers mental health problems reach that point.
2016-02-22 5:49 am
Duluth and Alpharetta are ok. Traffic is bad in Duluth. There are a lot of Asians than black people. There weren't that many black people at my school (I live in Suwanee), but I don't think they were treated that badly.

Although I can't say anything about your brother, but it's safe.

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