How do I become a dietitian/ nutritionist? (What steps do I take?)?

2016-02-21 10:35 pm
I'm a 16 year old girl and about halfway through my weight loss journey I became interested in the idea of becoming a nutritionist. I want to educate people and help them lose weight or just live a healthier life style. Could I teach nutrition? What steps do I take? Since I lost a large amount of weight make me credible? Thanks for tips!

回答 (3)

2016-02-21 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For any career, I suggest something you have a passion about.
From what you say, it has become an interest and perhaps a passion, so it would be a good choice.

Look ahead to a college you might want to graduate from for nutrition, and look at what is necessary courses you'll need.
2016-02-21 10:48 pm
Oh - get Dr. Fuhrman's book about eating only the most nutritious stuff. This might be a great basic book if you move into this field. It's a great diet - you might try it yourself. It's greens and beans and some fruit. Plenty to eat and it's all pretty cheap.

At 16 you have to finish high school - take some math and chemistry. And then go onto the University in Pre-med. From there you can dodge anyway that interests you.

BUT... the most important thing is to keep eating well and staying off the JUNK food.
2016-02-22 1:02 am
Yes. Keep some before and after pix. When you start looking at colleges, find out which ones have nutritionist. Maybe a little med school would help. Very noble profession!!

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