What was this music on the dark side of the moon?

2016-02-21 9:40 pm
This was withheld from public for 40 years why?
The Apollo astronauts witness unworldly things on the moon?
Source: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/apollo-10-astronauts-reported-unexplained-music-at-moon_us_56c80662e4b0928f5a6c0679

回答 (9)

2016-02-21 10:42 pm
So... an article in a low-brow news outlet which is basically an advertorial for a lowest common denominator conspiracy theory show on TV.

Think you could manage to find us a lower standard of evidence? Surely you could scrape it just a little bit harder?
2016-02-22 2:34 am
The "Wooooo" noise heard on these recordings are the sounds of electromagnetic radiation being emitted by the gas giants. These are the sounds you get when these radiation frequencies are run through an audio amplifier, which is probably what inadvertently happened during the pass on the dark side of the Moon (which makes perfect sense, considering the moon had shielded them from all frequencies being emitted from the Earth).

The Voyager probes, which weren't launched until 1977, picked up these same sounds on their passing of the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, etc). They would not have known what these noises were in the late 60's, so it would have surely seemed very alien even to NASA and their astronauts at the time.

Everything the astronaut is reporting is true...the documentary film makers just aren't telling you that NASA eventually figured out what it was and where it was coming from...
2016-02-22 12:53 am
This particular source of "news" loves to spread conspiracy theories and silly stories.
Not unlike supermarket tabloids ("I gave birth to an alien baby").
2016-02-21 9:44 pm
Don't read the Huffington post. I s the online version of the National inquirer.
2016-02-21 9:42 pm
Oh... Cernan liked Pink Floyd, but NASA didn't approve of it. That's all.
2016-02-23 10:03 pm
The Huffington Post is trash, number one, but of course many news outlets are- they tend to distort the facts beyond recognition.

No 1: It was not music.

No. 2: It was not "withheld" from the public. Like anything else, the tapes were simply stored away among millions of other items of old data. The statement they were intentionally "withheld" is deceptive.

Someone read a written transcript of the Apollo 10 mission and saw the peculiar exchange, so it took some time to locate the actual recordings. NASA has other priorities. One of the astronauts jokingly called it weird space music. Anyone who remembers that period, the 60s and 70s, knows that radios often got a little weird- whether the big PRC-77 radios that were used in Vietnam (I had experience with these, post-Vietnam), or the famous CB Radios, or even kid's Walkie-Talkies for that matter.

The most likely conclusion is very mundane- it's not even from Jupiter or anywhere else- it was simply the radio in the LEM interfering with the radio in the Command Module. The result was a spooky whooing sound.
2016-02-22 12:44 pm
I would suggest you get your news from more reliable sources.
2016-02-21 9:56 pm
Many nut cases out there with skinny winny kids, that are not allowed dairy and look sick and sad.
2016-02-21 9:58 pm
Total B.S. all a HOAX. How can you have Music (sound) In a Vacuum?

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