How do you feel about Donald Trump?

2016-02-21 8:27 pm

回答 (12)

2016-02-21 10:05 pm
Intelligent and the ONLY candidate that can get this country back in shape! President Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-22 3:31 pm
angry, disgusted, and offended
2016-02-22 6:10 am
I like that he's gotten what he wants out of life, money, hot women, etc.. I like that he's not a hater. I don't agree with everything he says though. I don't agree with banning all Muslims, or some of the other comments.
2016-02-22 1:07 am
I will take any Republican over Hillary.
2016-02-21 9:46 pm
demagog w/ mental probs
2016-02-21 9:21 pm
That if Trump wins the election I will be moving to Canada... and I know a whole lot of people who will be coming with me.
2016-02-21 8:57 pm
not a person id trust running a country
2016-02-21 8:39 pm
The man's a idiot !
I've just seen him on the news (in the UK) talking about ''the wall'' he wants to build
between America and Mexico
and when he was asked how America could afford it he said ''I'd make Mexico pay''.
Seriously ?
2016-02-21 8:36 pm
Funny person but very conservative.
2016-02-21 8:35 pm
he's one of the few people that
if i heard he died
i'd actually be glad
2016-02-21 8:28 pm
If he could actually get rid of illegals, I would vote for his gay hating a s s.
2016-02-21 8:47 pm
Racist asshole

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