Should I move my bunny outside to a former dog pen?

2016-02-21 6:20 pm
My bunny has been living in a cage in our garage for a while. Now that it is warming up outside, should I just move the cage our onto our deck, or would it be ok to move her into a dog pen that our dog used to live in before we gave her to our grandpa. It's about 12 by 12 feet square. The pen has wooden fence all around it, and I would plant grass there so that she could hop around and nibble on the grass. If I do move her out, I'm planning on raising a hutch that we have up onto stilts, and then letting her hop around in the pen while I'm at school and during the day while it's warm. She'll be able to get back into her pen by herself. The only problem is that there are a couple stray cats in our neighborhood. My bunny is pretty big (though she's not a Flemish Giant), and she has proved able to defend herself when my two cats try to wrestle with her, which are the only reasons I'm considering letting her be outside by herself, hopping around. What's your opinion?

回答 (4)

2016-02-21 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Unless you can cover the top of the pen to keep out predators (hawks, cats, etc), then I would not advise it. And rabbits can dig their way out if given enough time.

The pen would be good, however, to use while under supervision. Only use it when you can be out there watching. It only takes a moment for a hawk to swoop down.

Your rabbit may be fine with your household cats, but that would be a different dynamic with stranger cats.

Have you considered housing her indoors with you? Then you can spend time with her in the evening while doing homework, etc. Just take her outdoors when you have time to sit outside with her.
2016-02-21 6:26 pm
Your bunny could easily dig it's way out under the fence. The stray cats would be a problem too....more willing to fight it and try to eat it....also possible diseases. Only put the bunny in that dog pen when you are right there with it.
2016-02-21 8:29 pm
You can move her to the pen, it's big enough to be comfortable. She must have shelter in there from the sun and the rain/cold too, and you need to make sure she can't dig out under the fence/fit through it(and that nothing else can get in from the top or under/through it to hurt her), or get stuck IN the fence. And she needs more than grass to eat, obviously, but it's a nice treat to keep her happy.
2016-02-21 7:06 pm
The pen will need some form of wire that goes a few ft into the ground as the bunny will dig under it and be able to get out easily without this. Perhaps just put her in the pen when you are at home or in the garden on a nice day. Better to be safe than sorry and keep her in the garage at night. Rabbits don't tend to get eaten by cats, but they can be damaged. Maybe purchase a small hut to put in the fence that is secure that cats cannot get into if one was to get in the pen.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:06:34
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