Is it the eve of a great war? Turkey definitely is going to go into Syria. Russia is longing for it to check NATO. Will NATO be along Turkey?

2016-02-21 4:41 pm

回答 (9)

2016-02-21 5:25 pm
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Wait and see. Will be an interesting week.
2016-02-21 6:05 pm
NATO would only go to the aid of Turkey if Turkey were invaded. If Turkey invade Syria they are free game for Russian and Syrian forces. Syria would be well within their right to bomb Turkish forces and if Turkey send planes into Syrian airspace, you can bet they will be shot down.
2016-02-21 5:40 pm
Be very foolish of Turkey if it did, the USA might/probably would back W. Europe against Russia but Turkey, I'm not so sure, especially if Turkey is seen as the invader or aggressor.

It all depends on what Russia has on the ground in Syria, if they're light on the ground which I think they are then Turkey might feel confident enough for a limited invasion (incursion) as I don't think Russia would openly invade Turkey in retaliation, if Russia and the rest of the world see's Turkeys invasion of Syria as a limited invasion or incursion.

But as always, one never knows.
2016-02-21 9:01 pm
The russian capability against turkey would be devastation for turkey. Despite what the media is saying in russia people are saying they have no desire for a war with turkey, and those people are the ones in power. Even putin said it, they dont want a war with turkey but will respond in kind if provoked.
2016-02-21 6:52 pm
Leave Turkey to it's 3rd World balls-ups.
2016-02-21 6:23 pm
Turkey's leader Erdagon is mad that he can no longer profit from selling oil stolen from Syria

Saudi Arabia is mad that they or rather their proxy ISIS - didn't achieve their endgame in Syria - getting rid of Assad (because Assad wouldn't allow their oil /gas pipeline thru Syria )

so they are now randomly bombing civilians and acting like IRA

if NATO backs actions like this then it needs to be scrapped because it should not be backing terrorists it should be fighting terrorists
2016-02-22 7:02 pm
No, no, no. NATO cannot back Turkey if Turkey is inside Syria and others have told Erdogan to stop shelling Kurds in Syria. The U.S. made the mistake of funding and arming so many different groups for regime change and as usual, with disastrous results for the people. The conflict resolution is up to Russia.
2016-02-21 7:24 pm
The NATO treaty most certainly will not cover the Turks when the Russians blow their troops into the stratosphere. This is a pity, because I have met a number of pleasant fellows in the Turkish armed forces, including some of their parachute regiment, and I am sure they themselves do not think their politicians are being very clever with regard to this one. Especially as the Greeks are likely to make as much of a nuisance of themselves as they can.
2016-02-21 4:47 pm
Personally, I think they are both crapping their pants because of oil prices. It's starting to sting. Deflection and smoke screen is what's going on.

Let them work it out.

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