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Rich people have one thing that poor people don't: Money. The only thing we can take from this is that rich people who are consistently rich are smarter *about money* than poor people who are consistently poor. Any other conclusion isn't warranted.
Not really, It really Depends, some stupid people get rich cause of luck while some poor people have new and great ideas to start with and they get ignored by everyone, it really depends, it's like the new actors some of them are better than the big ones and they get "ZERO" Credit..
So if you are going to say who is smarter i'll say no one, cause you can't say someone is smarter than another just cause the money they have in their Pocket SO! YOU CAN ANALYZE A FEW THINGS THOUGH!
1) Some people get rich cause they have a new smart idea and requires being intelligent.
2) Some people got rich and then once again became homeless cause they spent it in a Non-intelligent way.
3) Some people are poor cause they got unlucky and got abused to become poor.
So you really cant say "Yup, rich people are more smart"
It just depends. Some got unlucky and others got lucky
ALTHOUGH IT DOES REQUIRE Intelligence to gain more money, and once again
some people were unlucky cause they were born from a poor family maybe and they had a great idea but did not have the chance to share their idea and maybe pay for it....it depends.
Rich people usually inherit their richness. Rich parents pay for kids to go to college, get degrees and continue in richness. I have seen more stupid people that are rich, even doctors, then poor people. Generally speaking, the poor seem to be less good at managing money, that's all. Some of them drink a lot and smoke a lot, which can explain where the money goes. But all in all, having been in the company and friends with many doctors and lawyers, as well as dealing with and helping out low income people and homeless people, I will tell you that "poor" people are much more intelligent, have MORE common sense, and are better able to care for themselves (Handyman) then "rich" people. I know people who make less than 20,000 a year who can build a house, while my doctor friend can't even fix himself dinner.
Donald Trump is living proof that not all rich people are smarter than poor people.
Seriously though, being rich or poor does not determine smart or dumb. Having money only makes it easier to go to a good school, it isn't the only way. With financial aid a poor person could go to the same place.
well it depends what kind of "rich" people. Did the rich people get rich selling drugs? Or selling guns? Or corrupt government officials? Those people are selfish and retarded anyway and they wanted to get rich fast.
But rich people who invented something new like Mark Zukerberg or Bill Gates or Colonel Sanders, they are definitely smarter than most people. They know what they want and know to achieve their dream. That's what I call smart people. Not just some book worm who studied about nuclear physics.
There's no simple answer for this. If it's just an IQ question then no. It can really be anyone who has a high IQ. However, a person being rich can depend on so many variables. They may be rich because they are born in to wealth and therefore are given a leg up in life. Poverty is such a complex issue that cannot be addressed with one simple answer.
1. This is an empirical question. You need a sensible measure of intelligence, or perhaps a few reasonable contenders and compare empirical averages for a random sample. Per the law of large number, we know those empirical average converge in probability toward their expected value provide n is large. We also know the estimator thus invoked for the expected value is normally distributed in large sample because of the central limit theorem and, per the first theorem aforementionned, that its variance is decreasing in n. So, you need enough people to make the estimator precise and to induce a good approximation of convergence -- for the whole of the United States, you'll need several thousands of each groups;
2. If you're going to read the resulting estimations as being smarter induces gains in wealth, you'll have to do A LOT more work than this;
3. A priori, however, there is no reason to suspect that, systematically, smart people are richer. What if smart people actually do not happen to exhibit the qualities required for success in accumulating wealth or if many of them prefer to indulge in other activities? We can't answer the above until we have data.
There is a correlation, but it would be illogical to suggest that one causes the other. There are smart rich and poor people and very unintelligent rich and poor people. However, rich people have access to more resources. It would be accurate to say they're more likely to be well-educated.
the PC answer is 'no', but studies do show that kids who grow up in environments where they can experience or are exposed to new and different things in life, such as going on vacations, living in different places, traveling to other countries tend to earn more money as adults, receive higher educations, and tend to get higher paying jobs. Generally only rich parents are capable to provide such experiences for their children. So growing up with rich parents could make you smarter, but you can still be poor and be exposed to alot of things if your parents can find ways to engage you with their budget
no money is a human invention it has nothing to do with nature or evolution the Queen of England owns England literally William the conqueror left it her a thousand years ago the people of Britain are not allowed to touch her she is a supreme being but breathes and uses the toilet like the rest of us it is all in the mind she believes she is superior so do the rich and their children a crook can be a billionaire and some are some of us can be conquistadors some can't those that can't are fools if you get the picture i would sooner charge that old lady less to keep warm idiot see