Please help?

2016-02-21 1:35 pm
Balance the following reaction by ion electron method in basic medium:
CrO3^- + H2O2 + OH^- ------> CrO4^2- + H2O

回答 (1)

2016-02-21 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Step 1 : come up with the two half reaction.
1. CrO₃⁻ → CrO₄⁻
2. H₂O₂ → 2OH⁻

Step 2 : balance H and O atoms by adding H₂O and OH⁻.
1. CrO₃⁻ + 2OH⁻ → CrO₄⁻ + H2O
2. H₂O₂ → 2OH⁻ (already balanced)

Step 3 : balance the charge by adding electrons to the more positive side (less negative side).
1. CrO₃⁻ + 2OH⁻ → CrO₄⁻ + H2O + 2e⁻
2. H₂O₂ + 2e⁻ → 2OH⁻

Step 4 : Add the two half equations together, and eliminate 2e⁻ and 2OH⁻ on the both sides. The balanced equation is :
CrO₃⁻ + H₂O₂ → CrO₄⁻ + H2O

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