Why doesn't Rihanna get a hairline surgery?

2016-02-21 11:40 am
She is really rich and can fix that big *** forehead by getting a hairline surgery. The surgery is expensive but she is rich. Leave your opinions below.

回答 (4)

2016-02-21 11:56 am
I don't appreciate her music but there is no denying Rihanna is a beautiful woman.
There is nothing wrong with her forehead. It strikes me a normal.
Small foreheads are associated with lower intelligence though I don't know how robust the science is for that.
I can't imagine anyone wanting to make their forehead look smaller so they appeal to more thick kids but I suppose it might happen.
2016-02-21 11:56 am
Maybe she doesnt care
2016-02-21 11:41 am
Probably because she's a confident woman and isn't insecure about little things like that.
2016-02-21 11:41 am
who knows

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