I get so insecure when I don't feel stressed or I don't have anything to worry about?

2016-02-21 4:28 am
Whenever I'm free from work feeling relaxed I eventually worry that I might've forgotten something that needs to be done. Also, whenever I have finished a school assignment I don't get the relief right away. Is this OCD or any other mental/neurological illnesses?

I feel kind of like out of control.

回答 (1)

2016-02-21 5:00 am
worrying about potential pitfalls can be good, but OVER-worrying can actually cause ulcers in your stomach.
i myself tend to overthink things more than most people. but i don't WORRY about them. you should never worry about things outdide your control. if you forgot something, you'll find out eventually, and worse come to worst you can just say sorry...

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