I've never came ever, whats wrong with me?

2016-02-21 1:44 am
Okay so like, I've had sex with a few people and I've even touched myself, but for some reason I can't ***. I can enjoy sex, like the pleasure will be there but I never get like anything more than just the same pleasure. I'm not very sensitive at all. I don't enjoy being eaten out or having my clit played with either, it just feels like nothing to me. There was one time recently where I thought I was about to but he had to stop because he had came so ya know. What do you think I can do about this?

回答 (3)

2016-05-29 11:36 pm
You have never been with someone who truly cared about you its that simple ----- find the romance the passion and if you still have problems talk to a doctor (i truly don't think it's medical it's that no one has loved you in a romantic way)
2016-02-21 3:53 am
Fall in love : )
2016-02-21 8:36 pm
You might have a hormone imbalance where you could be low on testosterone or have too much estrogen. You could also just need more experience to find out what works for you.
Get it checked out because you should not have to go through life without the pleasure of sex.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:59:37
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