What is something you noticed about others?

2016-02-21 1:38 am
No one gives a flying $hit about me lol

回答 (5)

2016-02-21 1:38 am
The walk says everything about a person.

If you walk as if you have all day to accomplish nothing, then all you are good for to me is maybe one fck.

If you walk as if you have 10,000 things to do in one hour, then l'm your man 24/7.

I don't like lazy people.
2016-02-21 7:51 am
they're selfish
2016-02-21 1:42 am
People seem to think they can drive any way they want with no regard for the rules of the road or all the other drivers.
2016-02-21 1:41 am
I notice the depth in their eyes.

"No one gives a flying $hit about me lol" -> that's not true, I'm 100% sure there's at least one person out there who cares about you, whether it's a parent, a sibling or a friend. As a fellow human being, I care for you and your well-being and wish you the best with all my heart
2016-02-21 1:45 am
they are all different

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