2016-02-20 6:21 pm

RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY. THE BIBLE AND MOST RELIGIONS CONDEMN MURDER. EVEN by lawmakers. people who commit certain crimes get death penalty. not sure if out of line with gods and religion.

回答 (106)

2016-02-20 10:22 pm
No I don't. When a criminal commits a crime that is very severe, like rape, murder, etc., they are no longer a human being, so should not be treated as one. The death penalty should be a deterrent for crimes, but it doesn't seem to be one. Even if a criminal is given a death sentence, it takes years and years to actually carry the sentence out. There needs to to a deadline set for any death sentence to be carried out. The case usually takes a very lengthy time period to go through the court system, so if the death penalty is issued, any appeals process should be limited to something like 5 years to try and prove innocence. After that time is up and nothing has changed, the death sentence should be carried out.
2016-02-21 2:53 pm
No, I don't have a moral problem with someone who takes a person's life forfeiting his or her own life because of it.

What I do have a problem with is the chance that the person might be innocent of the crime. We like to think the justice system works perfectly, but there are too many examples of people released from prison even 20 years after being wrongfully convicted. We can let someone out of prison, but we can't make him alive again once he's been executed if it's later found he was innocent.
2016-02-20 6:30 pm
When someone rapes and kills a child they have given up their status as a human.
2016-02-20 6:22 pm
not really. we have some serious criminals
2016-02-20 6:22 pm
well, some people deserve death for their crimes
2016-02-20 11:23 pm
No. But I feel that people acting unchecked in a way that massively and seriously hurts others is ungodly and satanic. Since they acted ungodly and satanic, biblically they deserve the lord to strike their chair with lightning until they no longer move.

As should be the case with the previous staff in charge of Enron including george w bush and dick cheney.
2016-02-23 6:56 pm
That's why no civilised country has the death penalty. It's never been shown to be effective as a deterrent. The USA has the death penalty. Look at the other countries that do. Do you feel you're in good company?
2016-02-23 2:39 pm

lol, just kidding. i find the death penalty cruel, but there are some people in this world who dont need to be alive.
2016-02-21 11:53 pm
Jesus at least was big on forgiving other people. If Christians believe there is going to be a 2nd coming where the good people will go to heaven and anyone deemed by God to be evil will be sent to Hell then why do we have to punish people with death on Earth? There are people on death row who turn out to be innocent, or might change to be genuinely sorry. If one is being 'godly' they will believe the criminals will really be ultimately punished if they deserve it. The death penalty does NOT bring the victim back.
2016-02-21 9:24 pm
Ok forget religion and satanism for a second.

For example, an innocent person was murdered for no good reason, for the sake of someone to have power and the desire to kill. Let's assume the victim had zero reason for death. Let's say many watched this pointless murder.. The murderer should be killed if it was clearly for no reason.

If this was a domestic murder, and both parties had history of violent behaviour, one would question even the victims role in the death. For murder is not usually pointless or has no meaning. People get mad, and violent, and it should not be held in a random juries hand to say this person deserves death from lethal injection. It's a two way street. Murder is influenced regardless if it's a man or women committing the crime.

It's messed up.
2016-02-21 12:04 pm
I feel it is a waste of tax payers money, and not needed. Once a criminal is in ???? custody, killing is not needed punishment is better to see. These thugs don't care about life, death simply doesn't scare them. So I say use them in experimentation for beauty products and for ???? companies. That way, at least they have some use to them.

???? ????
????. ????
2016-02-20 11:43 pm
I feel it makes no sense. The whole point of the system is to punish people who have done wrong. So when you kill someone for a crime, how will they learn their lesson if their DEAD. Honestly, life in prison would probrably be worse.
2016-02-25 12:20 am
Pretty much.

From a political point of view, capital punishment:
+ Risks killing the wrongly convicted,
+ Risks the abuse of power
+ Wastes money and resources
+ Is arbitrary and unjust

While repealing the death penalty would:
+ Show a respect for life, as in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
+ Limit government power
+ Cut wasteful spending

From a Christian (and Catholic) point of view:   

Jesus, John 8:1-11, spares a women guilty of adultery whom the Mosaic Law said should be stoned to death.

Genesis 2:7, 21-27: Every life is sacred, a gift from God.
Romans 12:17: "Do not repay injury with injury."

If the guilty person's identity and responsibility has been fully determined then non-lethal means to defend and protect the people's safety from the aggressor are more in keeping with the common good and the dignity of the human person.

The Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives. But this is choosing a lessor of two evils and not the ideal situation.

However in today's modern society, the capability of rendering the offender incapable of doing harm - without definitively taking away from him the possibility of redeeming himself - the cases in which the execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically non-existent.

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 2267 and

With love in Christ.
2016-02-21 2:04 pm
Not Satanic - just stupid !!! It costs a hell of a lot more than prison - let me tell you !!! & by killing a murderer - you are just saying killing is OK !! How much does it cost to keep someone on death row for 10 years ??
2016-02-21 12:33 am
Human beings are fallible and all human institutions are bound to get it wrong some of the time. The death penalty is no exception and its worst mistakes are irreversible. No matter how hard we try, we can’t prevent all of them. As of now, 156 wrongly convicted people on death row have been exonerated. We'll never know for sure how many people have been executed for crimes they didn't commit. DNA is rarely available in homicides, often irrelevant and can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people.
2016-02-20 8:06 pm
No because some people don't deserve to be on the surface of the earth
2016-02-24 4:58 am
No. The death penalty is not ungodly nor is it satanic. It is only used in the worst case scenarios when the defendant has been found guilty by a jury of his peers.
2016-02-21 3:27 am
However the death penalty is flawed in that it takes too long for the sentence to be carried out
In cases where there is a confession or DNA evidence there should be no more then 10 days between sentencing and execution
2016-02-21 1:39 am
No it is up to the given state voters to have the death penalty as a sentence or not. State s Rights, under Amendment X.
Even if the state has the death penalty, per stationary law, the sentence is automatically appealed in the court system.In Ky there are still inmates in dearth row since the 1980 's.
So what about the victim s families? How do you think they would feel if the death penalty was considered ungodly and satanic?
Even in the Bible, they were going to stone a prostitute to death,until Jesus stopped the action.
Sharia Law stones to death any woman who has sex outside of marriage or is raped. Back in Colonial America, men and women were "pressed" to death as punishment after a rigged "trial" or kangaroo court for being a "witch". The statutory laws should never reflect any type of religious belief but "secular" justice . If you look in any old case laws from the 1950's , that the court used the Bible as the law not the US Constitution for deciding marriage between non-whites and whites were illegal and could be punishable under statutory "Jim Crow " laws.It makes me cringe when I read the decisions sometimes in those case law.
In short the punishment for having the Death Penalty as a sentence for the jury of 12 should be, and is under many statutory laws , restricted to capital crimes such as murder.
Save Treason under Article 3, Section III, of the US Constitution.
2016-02-21 1:29 am
IN my OPINION (since my opinion is NOT a FEELING but an INTELLECTUAL insight) The Death Penalty is
a CRIME against humanity.
2016-02-20 8:57 pm
Although in Deuteronomy 19:21 it tells us "You should not feel sorry: Life will be for life, eye for eye,..." ect. Though we should remember that this was under the mosaic law under Gods authority, now we are not under the Mosaic law after Jesus sacrificed himself and established 2 principles we should go by, which are love your neighbor and love God, so with this we have no real authority to decide who lives or dies.
2016-02-24 7:53 pm
Only if there is not 100 percent evidence that the person committed the crime.

For someone to receive the death penalty they have had to carry out an act of Satanism ie. Serial killers of heinous crimes. So it is an act of good to remove someone evil from society.

Innocent animals are killed each day in order for food consumption, they don't want to die nor do they go willingly, God gave the animal life like he did a human(if we are being religious here).. Is that satanic?

Prison guards also risk their lives, so you need to ask if at some point the majority become more important than an individual.

I can't stress enough though that unless there is 100 percent evidence then yes, the act is satanic as could be killing an innocent person to appease statistics
2016-02-24 6:00 pm
It was religion who championed it. READ YOUR BIBLE, it will give you examples of when and how to put people to death, even for small trivial things! :)
2016-02-24 9:09 am
Its basically, immoral. After all, the system is executing those whom have already been taken permanently off of the streets. Its more about being a tool for revenge and deterrence.
2016-02-23 1:55 am
I think that even though those members of our society do bad we are nobody to judge them and or determine their fate. However it has been proven that countrys with death penalty have lower percentages of crimes of that nature besides paying for their food and bills isnt fair for the rest of the productive members of the society, I think that is ungodly.
2016-02-22 9:23 am
If someone does a horrific crime then… off with his/her head!!
2016-02-22 4:01 am
Really, it comes down to the person living a life of misery or dying. Personally, I'm for the death penalty.
2016-02-22 2:42 am
No I don't, crime is sooo bad they needs to pay for with their own life.
2016-02-22 1:26 am
2016-02-21 9:06 pm
Eye for an eye...
2016-02-21 7:37 pm
considering GOD HIMSELF made the laws in Leviticus that give the death sentence for certain offenses,how can you ask such a dumb question ?
2016-02-21 5:44 pm
2016-02-20 6:49 pm
Honestly this is a personal opinion. But I mean, someone like hitler should die..
2016-02-23 10:49 pm
2016-02-23 12:52 am
I feel that the death penalty is wrong unless the person being condemned has absolutely no hope whatsoever of repentance
2016-02-22 8:44 pm
No one ever has any right to decide a person's fate. I don't believe the death penalty is satanic but it most likely does not please God. In the Bible King David was urged to kill king Saul while he had a chance. Instead of killing his enemy he spared his life because he said that Saul was God's chosen one and he had no right to kill him. Ultimately it's up to God to give or take away lives, personally I think the death penalty is not right. Jail sure, but not death.
2016-02-22 1:20 pm
From a Biblical point of view: yes. All the death penalty is is another person murdering another person (the execution). The Bible does condemn murder as well. Honestly, having a death penalty is stupid too. Once someone executes a murderer for murder, the executioner is now guilty of murder as well. Face covered or not, just because the public can't see your face doesn't mean you're not guilty of it. I feel imprisonment for life would be a better punishment.
2016-02-22 1:00 pm
Nope. I think it's perfectly healthy for "bad apples" to be taken from society. In all honesty, I think many more should be "selected" for extinction. I think we as society go far too easy on those that are hell bent on harming others. In the animal kingdom, the inferior(or otherwise damaged) members usually die either of natural causes or they're killed by healthy ones. Nature has it's way of keeping a healthy species, so should we. Too many people only drag society as a whole down, and could stand to be pruned for everyone's sake, even their own in some cases. I believe if a person intentionally causes harm or death to other(s), whether physical harm, financial harm, or whatever, the same shall be done to them if possible.
2016-02-22 11:18 am
Was holmes God'ly? Kids at a batman movie? Red-handed? Boobie-traps? Any reason this person gets to inspire other other lunatics by getting waffles and basic cable? Of course The Death Penalty!
2016-02-22 11:17 am
I was watching tv and the topic of overcrowded jails came up. And they made some interesting suggestions. Rather then locking up nonviolent offenders for life- men that are fathers- maybe force them into rehabilitative programs, retrain them for eventual release into society.
Now each man reeks what he sows. If a man has proven to be so dangerous, uncaring, and evil, beyond repair and a threat to all around him- the death penalty should be considered not as a brush but as an option on a case to case basis
2016-02-22 9:41 am
Yes. The strange thing is that among Western democracies, USA is the most Christian, yet is the only one that still uses the death penalty.
2016-02-21 7:45 pm
I feel that people who kill should die, but in a more humane manner. Strapping a human being to a chair and running thousands of volts of electricity through their veins is anything but humane. Also strapping them to a gurney and forcing a lethal and painful three drug cocktail through their veins is sadistic! What ever happened to a simple hanging?
2016-02-21 6:04 pm
God isn't real
2016-02-21 3:25 pm
Hmm what did the ten commandments say - thou shalt not kill? What did Jesus say - Let he who is without sin throw the first stone? I rest my case.
2016-02-21 10:20 am
nope, murderers are animals, so they should be executed when they murder people especially murdering police
2016-02-21 9:58 am
As yea sow, so shall yea reap !, Do the crime, now do the time !

Plea bargain not, and take what you got ! An eye for an eye !
2016-02-21 2:21 am
no death penalty for absolute wanton cruelty in taking other innocent life,
cheapens life,,held by the left to be almost 'sacred'
abortion,,I E, 'womens' rights' however,is a sacrament to the left and your friends,in this sacrament,the presiding priests & dogmalogians,are govt paid workers to perform it,,with tax money,,death penalty,you love it
already,bud. you have no legs on the stool
2016-02-20 11:21 pm
Yes. It should not be done. Every human life has value. It u s,also done to men, minorities and the poor for the must part.
2016-02-20 7:24 pm
Not so sure about Gods and religions, both are made man....... as is the death penalty and that is uncivilised, inhumane and unethical
2016-02-20 7:15 pm
2016-02-20 6:52 pm really haven't read much of the bible then, have you? Might I suggest you study this passage:

Deuteronomy 19:21
Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

And think about what it means. Especially that whole life for life thing.
2016-02-20 6:39 pm
2016-02-20 6:27 pm
yes, its a harsh sentence
2016-02-23 6:48 am
No, I do not believe the death penalty is ungodly or satanic.

If you can't do the time don't do the crime. Including death sentence.
We must have laws to abide by or the lawbreakers would run us all over. Imagine how much more lawlessness this world would be if we had
no enforcement.
Whatever a lawbreaker decided he wanted to take from us. There would be no boundaries. No justice.
2016-02-20 6:22 pm
I feel that we should kill them al cuz they suck anyways
2016-02-20 6:25 pm
I got brought up being told things were God’s way, and when things didn’t work out, it was called God’s plan. I always had a lot of questions about the world, even in kindergarten. A big question to me was fairness. If I’d grown up in some other religion, would I get the same shot at heaven as a Christian has? When I got untethered from the comfort of religion, it wasn’t a loss of faith for me, it was a discovery of self. I had faith that I’m capable enough to handle any situation. There’s peace in understanding that I have only one life, here and now, and I’m responsible.

- Brad Pitt
2016-02-25 6:57 pm
Does your bible not say something about and eye for an eye?
2016-02-25 6:26 pm
If a person goes thru a trial, and is found guilty then I say the death penalty is a good thing. If we stopped feeding and giving inmates on death row cable and ac, crime would go down. If you knew you did something wrong and you would die from it, you would think twice before doing it.
2016-02-25 3:52 pm
The death penalty actually sends the person to God, and if they are innocent, then they enter heaven. If they are guilty, then they will be judged appropriately. Those that oversee the death penalty shall be forgiven, for they err as part of humanity.
2016-02-25 4:45 am
well there are executions in the bible.
2016-02-25 1:08 am
No. these people deserve to die for taking a life, so would you be happy, if someone in your family was murdered?
2016-02-24 8:58 pm
Once a person knows how to place themselves in someone else's shoes....then the answer is easy.
Why do criminals feel they have the right to kill others? Do they even ask the person is they want to die or not? Do they even care? The actions of criminals are ungodly and satanic.
2016-02-24 2:48 pm
**** you Christian bullshit.

2016-02-23 9:46 pm
Not as ungodly and satanic as the crimes carried out by those condemned as the criminals. There is no sensible reason to incarcerate them for the rest of their lives, caring for their keep, welfare, etc. Considering that there are those in the public domain who do not have these same standards and will NEVER achieve them, how on earth do you consider that criminals should be looked after to such a degree. ?
2016-02-23 7:50 pm
I feel strongly that an individual or family has the right to feel safe and secure in their homes, in their community and in their country. if in individual is a threat to that security, to society, and does not posses the ability or will to change the behavior the good of himself and the populous than it becomes necessary to eliminate that threat. the involvement of emotion and religious views continue to cloud the greater picture when it comes to mans obligation to one another. laws are set in place to hold man accountable for acts that would threaten the balance of good and evil as well as the emotional, intellectual, and physical security of man. A rational, logical and reasonable individual, no matter the level of intelligence, would weigh the consequences both positive and negative and act accordingly. it is the choice of the individual to initiate illegal activity that would result in corrective or legal action. read an answer. by me( it is signed - Alpha Hominem Crevan Similus,) on the question "prove to me that god is real? and ask yourself what you will do with your remaining time.
2016-02-23 10:34 am
That's a difficult one no matter what a person has done the godly thing would be to forgive them but that does not take away the fact they still must be judged.These people have committed some awful crimes and many without remorse.The process takes years it's not a death for a death but more than that the crimes they have committed are extreme and its solatery confinement or death.either way they don't have a life.
2016-02-23 8:14 am
No I don't think it's ungodly or satanic at all. I think those words wouldn't go well with death penetly. Polotics is not Ment to be godly and is not religion based iether way,maybe death might be a tad harsh but if you were thinking of it in a biblical way nope it's just a nother murder and a nother sin. Maybe the prosecuter might feel godly and think they have the right to determine ones faith. And even though judges are Ment to judge one for there crimes I assume they have no right to think they can kill someone or else what would make them so diffrent from the murderer? If that's the case then might as well go ahead and let polotics decide if we should die or not.
2016-02-23 6:02 am
No. What would we do with all those criminals going into the prisons? If we didn't kill some of them they'd all gang up on the cops and over take the prisons for sure and they'd all get out and we'd all be in trouble. Some ppl are sick in the head and what else are they good for at that point anyway, for killing us all? Raping our kids? Stealing our money and children?
2016-02-23 5:00 am
As if death is a penalty! More like a privilege. You really think they'd rather spend their entire lives in prison over a quick, clean death? I sure wouldn't.
2016-02-23 3:51 am
Not the premise of it no. The way it is handled yes.
2016-02-23 1:48 am
No, I don't. Genesis 9:6 If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands.
2016-02-23 1:25 am
No We have NO drug problem here like America. But it is true that in America many a head would need roll to solve that problem.
2016-02-22 10:06 pm
Not really. If you are a believer in a ibrahimic religion, read your holy book.
2016-02-22 8:33 pm
Definitely, 'revenge is mine he said '.
2016-02-22 8:26 pm
No. They should use it more.
2016-02-22 7:40 pm
NO!! if you have done something that terrible...then yes off with your head, a zap you, or shoot you full of juice or simply hang you!
2016-02-22 6:45 pm
Not as much as money-grubbing lawyers keeping people on death row for years.
2016-02-22 6:07 pm
Forget the parlor room discussion look at an innocent person with his brains laying beside his skull.
2016-02-22 4:52 pm
Yes, Only 2-8% of the world population is atheist. Irreligious range is about 10-20%. This leaves 80% of the worlds population that are religious in one way or another that commit 80% of the worlds chaos.~!
2016-02-22 4:17 pm
Lol why not if he or she deserves it if someone do bad things to other people like killing why not they must get a penalty too
2016-02-22 3:42 pm
No not at all.
2016-02-22 3:05 pm
No. Because god gave us a government for certain reasons. God set up the cities of refuge for this reason, if they commuted ma slaughter they had to flee to one of the cities for safety until the high priest died. If they were found guilty they were put to death. Only he can read ppls hearts. And one act that issued a death penalty was adultry, David and bathsheba could have died but god read their hearts and knew they were truly repentant.But that doesn't mean ppl on death row wont have a ressurection. Remember jesus told the one criminal beside him that he would enter gods kingdom. But ones who purposely grieve the spirit won't have a ressurection. Adam and eve for one. Hitler might not be ressurected because he tormented and persecuted gods personal ppls. It was like Hitler himself was touching gods eyeball. We just need to have faith in god that he will make the right discion.
2016-02-22 12:53 pm
No I don't.... Think of one thing... Boston Marathon 2k13 Boston Strong
2016-02-22 2:58 am
No god killed people various times. He flooded the earth, killed babies, neglects the prayers of starving children.

There aren't many things as Christian as killing another man, but don't take it from me; read the Bible yourself.
2016-02-22 1:43 am
No, I feel it is TOO humane not in humane
2016-02-21 10:35 pm
if there's a god, killing people is certainly ungodly. what's satanic is killing people when we know that dna evidence of convicts in other cases proves that a high percentage of those about to be killed by the government are not guilty of the crimes they have been sent to death row for.
2016-02-21 8:51 pm
It s up to the government to take whatever action necessary to punish an unrepentant criminal. That is why it "bears the sword", according to the Bible. Executing a criminal is not considered murder in the true sense o the word, by the way.
2016-02-21 8:16 pm
The Answer to this Question could be both yes and no.

Firstly, It depends upon the way used to kill a convicted.

Secondly, Everyone wants to live in a safe environment, and a criminal who has committed a severee crime gets to live in a jail, in which he gets meals , playtime etc,

This creates a sense of insecurities in human beings living in a community,

So for a safer environment, their is a need of fear of the wrong, fear of the consequence, which can be achieved only and only by a death penalty.

So for this perspective its not satanic, even in the God's kingdom penalty of sin is eternal hell fire (Christans), Continuing in cycle of life or going to hell (hinduism).

And the other side of it is, like ISIS, which uses deadly ways to kill people, by convintng them of crimes againt organisation.

The United States also had previous unhumane ways of killing people like, gas chamber and electrocution which were painful , now it has adapted to a newer form of hanging (that prevents death by strangulation) and LETHAL injection ( with a dose of anaesthetic)

So Basically, your concern is also because you fear to die in such a manner, regardless of it being painfull or not.

Hope it explains it all.. :-)
2016-02-21 6:54 pm
Nope. If a renegade jerk decides to kill children or just any person in general or some a$$ abuses their family or animals then they should be beheaded and their last seconds can be knowing how it felt to the poor souls who went up to the mercy of the gods
2016-02-21 6:08 pm
If the Bible advocates something, then it isn't ungodly.
2016-02-21 4:45 pm
satanic yes
2016-02-21 9:35 am
2016-02-20 10:55 pm
Depends on the characteristics of "the majority", obviously.

Look up american literature, "The Lottery".
2016-02-26 9:00 pm
No I love the death penalty. Should John Wayne Gacy still be alive for killing 30 teenage boys? No.
The problem is it took over 20 years until his death sentence.
2016-02-22 7:04 pm
Yes. More or less.
The victims suffer because of the initial crime.
Then they suffer again in court.
Then the guilty party suffers death.
And the public suffers as we argue among ourselves whether the death penalty should be legal or not.
God could never be the author of so much contention and suffering.
2016-02-22 6:49 pm
No, I just think it's a bad idea, considering how many innocent people have been put to death. Besides, it's cheaper to give a maximum sentence of life without parole, and it gives the truly innocent a chance to exonerate themselves.
2016-02-22 5:52 am
No it is not.

Do you feel that it is okay to rape or torture and murder innocent children or adults is this "UNGODLY AND satanic?" The death penalty is too humane to kill this type of garbage.
2016-02-22 1:28 am
Yes, it is unconstitutional.
2016-02-22 12:38 am
Yes it is very weird
2016-02-21 10:00 pm
"An eye for an eye" so God agrees
Only If there is definite proof and no chance of threats of torture and such.
But it is unnessicary
2016-02-21 4:33 pm
NO. The death penalty "defeats" the satanic, and the ungodly PEOPLE. The penalty itself is neccesary.
2016-02-21 4:17 pm
Not really, but I think it is waste of money and tax payer dollars killing people to show that killing people is wrong is idiotic.
2016-02-21 3:41 pm
No. Just bad social policy and many times a violation of human rights.
2016-02-22 2:18 pm
I STRONGLY support the death penalty. As a matter of fact, I would like to extend the death penalty to include ANY armed robbery, whether or not there is a shooting. Home invasions, convenience store robberies, carjackings, driveway robberies, etc, should all be punishable by death.
2016-02-22 2:28 am
As an atheist I would obviously say no. As far as being morally wrong that's a tough question. They system we have now has a lot of problems and I don't think we should keep executing people as we have been.
2016-02-20 6:26 pm
I do not think we have the right to end anyone's life

thats just not our place

However I would really like to see hard labour, chain gangs and whatnot reinstated

letting some murder play his gang games while he gets three hots and cot, is not my idea of justice

make them work....and make them work hard

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