Canadians: is your Healthcare as bad as the US makes it seem?

2016-02-20 5:41 pm
I live in the United States and I always hear that you're universal Healthcare system is terrible and is the reason we shouldn't have it hear.

I'm told you have ridiculous wait times for potentially life threatening things and that many from your country flock to America for better healthcare... Is that true?

回答 (6)

2016-02-20 6:09 pm
We have to sneak across the border fairly often to avoid the "terminal" waiting lines up here.

So we still can get access to the best HC in the world. Hope u dont change it. How boot dat?
2016-02-28 9:31 pm
A country that has a national health care system does not keep emergency cases waiting for treatment. If you dont pay anything you should wait for elective treatment. If a Canadian comes to the U.S. they have to pay cash for care and Americans could not afford that. America has 10 times Canada's population and that many more resources.
2016-02-20 10:49 pm
That is largely American propaganda designed to prevent the US going the same way, regardless of the fact that it actually works better. At least you can get treatment that doesn't make you bankrupt.
2016-02-20 7:49 pm
Socialized medicine is just like EVERY OTHER SOCIALIZED SYSTEM. It is run by BUREAUCRATS who know NOTHING about running a business and when this happens...IT ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, SUCKS!!
2016-02-20 6:02 pm
Canadians love their healthcare system.
2016-02-20 5:45 pm
I'll have Canadians answer this question specifically, but I wanted to provide you some reading on this debunked assertion:

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