rape should be legal tawards women?

2016-02-20 4:58 pm
heres my reason,first off if women had there way there would be no sex allowed women generaly dont like having sex,also women are very picky when it comes to men,i say it should be legal for a man to just have sex with anyone he wants to..society would become a better place,?

回答 (11)

2016-02-20 7:57 pm
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Legal rape... society better... Hmmm.... I don't know, I'm just not feeling it. Ask the Muslims. They seem to think that's a fine idea.
2016-02-20 5:03 pm
First of all no. You obviously know nothing about women either. If rape were legal every guy would go rape a woman and and she would get pregnant and she would be stuck raising a baby and now she can't do what she wants with her life. And women do want to have sex just not all the time. My wife is more of a sex freak than I am.
2016-02-20 5:01 pm
No. It shouldn't.
2016-02-20 5:00 pm
you are a moron
they just don't want to do it with you
2016-02-20 5:03 pm
Rape should be legal?

Lol, I bet you'd love it if a bunch of men raped your daughter one day. Tsk.
2016-02-20 5:41 pm
Your logic is rivaled only by your mastery of the English language.
2016-02-20 5:26 pm
2016-02-20 5:23 pm
If rape were legal, women would be committing suicide in much higher numbers or wearing armour or locking themselves away so you wouldn't even be able to find them. This would not be fair to them. There would be millions of women pregnant with children that look like the horrible selfish nasty ugly jerks that raped them - there would need to be billions of abortions and families would disappear. If babies were born, who would adopt them? You can't expect a mother to agree to raise the child of a rapist. Your society sounds totally barbaric and I bet even the selfish nasty ugly jerk rapists would not like it - they would all have STDs.
2016-02-20 6:35 pm
It is, in most of the middle east. Here in America we at least have SOME sanity.

Regardless of morons like Bill & Hannity.

2016-02-20 5:12 pm
You should go throw yourself off a bridge
2016-02-20 5:07 pm
No, but you should have your brain examined.

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