I m 17 going to be 18 when I pass my driving test! Going to get a 1999 or 2001 bmw 3 series or Mercedes 190se how much would it be to insure?

2016-02-20 12:07 pm

回答 (5)

2016-02-20 1:36 pm
Even if I were a licensed insurance agent, (I'm not) I couldn't answer this based on the information you have given. I know you are going to be a new driver at 18, and what car you might get.

Insurance rates are set by a base rate plus a surcharge for any risk you present, based on information I don't have and you wouldn't want to say in an open forum like this.

Things like gender. Males are more risk than females, you are under age 25, that is a risk. ZIP code. Yes, you pay more in a high crime zone. Driving record, credit record, grades in you are in school, occupation, and the list goes on.

Find a local independent agent and ask him about possible costs.
2016-02-20 12:14 pm
No one on Yahoo can answer your question. The only person that can is an insurance agent or broker after you give him/her all of your personal and vehicle information.

BTW, Mercedes never made a "190SE". There was a model called the 190E but it was only made from 1984 to 1993. Starting with the 1994 model year, Mercedes began production of the 190E's successor, the C-Class.
2016-02-25 12:44 am
Another total lack of information provided question. A couple of things you probably should add if you actually expect an answer. 1. where exactly? City, state and country! 2. Male or female (males are always higher than females because they have higher serious accident rates)

Now let's look at your choices. 1999 Mercedes: Only E series (no SE) were 300 diesel and 320 gas. There hasn't been a 190 since 1993. The 4 cylinder cars in 1999 were all C class.

The BMW would be the 4th generation 3 series called the E-46 (and in 2000 they added the E54 and E56)

The Mercedes would be much cheaper to insure for a new driver (and also if you got a good one that wasn't trashed) a very safe and dependable vehicle. Those models of BMWs were POS to be quite honest. They were maintenance nightmares and costly to maintain. They were also rated as "sports sedans" by insurance companies and thus insurance was expensive.

I'll tell you right now that either will be a hole in the pavement into which you will throw lots of money just to keep them running and insurance will be high. Both require premium unleaded (unless you get the 300E Mercedes Diesel) and neither is great on gas.
2016-02-20 12:26 pm
I never heard of this! Your age is controlled by whether or not you pass a driving test? Unbelievable!!
2016-02-20 12:16 pm
It would be a lot, like a whole lot. In my experience, which is very vast, you'll be looking at anywhere between an arm and a leg and holy Jesus Christ are you kidding to insure either of those cars.

It's not the vehicles, because even a Beamer or Mercedes from 1999 is still at the bottom of the market. You could buy a Corolla or some minivan in that age range and you'd still pay a fortune for insurance. That's because you're a teenager with a brand new licence.

Insurance companies aren't really afraid of vehicles, because you can kill people just as easily with a little hatchback as you can with a Ferrari. What scares insurance companies is the driver, and they've studied drivers for the last 100+ years. They've verified that new drivers are 5 times more likely to crash than experienced (5+ years) ones, and they've absolutely verified that teenagers are more likely to crash than blind people are. Look it up anywhere if you don't believe me.

That's why insurance is going to cost you a king's ransom.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:00:00
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