I am doing computer engineering and i like it. But why i don't studying?

2016-02-20 10:39 am

回答 (3)

2016-02-20 10:59 am
then stop asking, start studying!
2016-02-20 3:42 pm
Maybe you need a different set of "studying" techniques. Lots of people find it hard to "study" by just staring at a set of equations. Problem-solving is the most effective study method for many students. If there are some things you need to memorize, maybe a study "pal" would be helpful. You could try reciting or explaining various rules to one another. Engineering requires creativity, so you need to "engineer" a more palatable study method!
2016-02-20 3:09 pm
You don't studying because you like partying better! You will flunk out unless you study. Engineering very hard.

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