why dog lovers are a bunch of ***********? they hate killing dogs in self defense, because they think their dogs should be allowed to attack?

2016-02-20 9:05 am

回答 (12)

2016-02-20 10:12 am
I think you'll find the majority of people who keep dogs don't want their dogs attacking - for starters. If they did, said dogs would be seized and put down, and the owners facing a big fine. What dog lover would want their dog in that situation?

Looking at your other question linked here, I'm really not sure what your problem is other than a hatred of dogs and their owners, for some reason.
2016-02-20 10:48 am
I have never seen any dog owner here say that a person should not kill a dog in self defense. You are blinded by a dislike of dogs and that has clouded your perceptions badly.
Now, I suggest you take your trolling, level1 self off to bed and let the grown-ups talk.
2016-02-20 9:54 am
Don`t dump ALL dog owners in the same basket.
Any person who is attacked by a dog for no reason, has every right to kill it in self defense and to sue it `s owner for owning an out of control vicious dog.
If a dog owner is under serious threat and their dog bites the aggressor, then I don`t see why you would question it.
If "I" was attacked "for no reason" by a dog then I would certainly go all out to kill it if I could, before it killed ME.
I think you should think more thoroughly on what you are implying before posting such accusations.

Oh...and obviously you have a big disregard for dogs.:>>https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160213191254AASPetB
2016-02-20 9:54 am
If a dog is vicious and attacks people without provocation and has a history of doing so it needs to be put down quick for the safety of people around it.
But if a dog attacks someone after years of being abused the does so in self defence then it should not be put down
2016-02-20 2:31 pm
Here is an example of how completely wrong you are. My daughter, son-in-law and their 2 kids love animals, especially dogs. In fact one of the kids is planning to be a vet or a vet tech or a dog trainer. BUT, a few years ago in their neighborhood in the country, a neighbors pitbull attacked my granddaughter and her friend biting her friend many times over. My son-in-law came out after hearing screams and shot the pitbull dead. It was completely in self defense, thus proof that dog lovers will indeed defend themselves and their family against a vicious dog.
2016-02-20 9:41 am
Yes, dog lovers are a bunch of STARs. And, I am one of those stars.

I hate killing dogs in self defense, but will kill one if the need arises, and still would hate what I had to do to save myself.

I hate killing dogs for any reasons, but still would agree to euthanasia, and hate that decision forevermore.

I don't think my dogs should be allowed to attack. But, if they attack, and someone kills them in self defense, I would hate that, but still would understand and respect that decision. I would hate myself, because it would be my fault, not my dogs', if they attack and as a result, get killed.

You will need more () to understand a dog or a dog lover.
2016-02-20 2:22 pm
Anyone that thinks their dogs should be allowed to attack...anything at all, shouldn't own dogs in the first place.
2016-02-20 1:12 pm
2016-02-20 1:19 pm
Reported. hope you're little tirade was worth it.
2016-02-20 11:39 am
The majority keeps their dogs properly confined, spay and neuters and trains their dogs. The trolls who have no pets and are just little angry kids claim they let thier imaginary dogs run loose. The rest are just lazy onwers who refuse to train their dog and do let them attack people, let them run loose, and kill other animals.

If a dog attacks someone or bites then it needs to be put down since its agressive and dangerous.
2016-02-20 9:17 pm
I wouldn't want my dog to attack anyone, unless that person attacked me. You sound like you live in a one story brick home and pay for sex from whores wearing pink. I'm not doubting you lost your kids to a whore. Since most avid dog haters suck to the extreme. They think stinky aquarium fish are pets and their family hates them. Most cases they think they're better than everyone else because they live in a faux luxury one story brick house.
2016-02-20 11:14 am
It is beyond the remit of this section to offer advice to anti-dog trollers who have dominance/acceptance issues at the individual level. Usually the person grows up and no longer needs to be prickly 24/7. Usually, too, they protect their own and even their dogs up to certain limits beyond which the law removes dangerous dogs from them.
2016-02-20 10:57 am
all of u dont know how ignorant dog owners/lovers r, they just find excuses about unlawful dog attacks, they should be put down along with the attacking dogs

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