Weird Conman encounter?

2016-02-20 1:55 am
Ok so I was waiting at school for my ride and this short indian guy comes up to me and says "you are a very luck man and all this stuff about how im going to get 3 miracles by monday. So he tells me this and asks if I have back pain, I tell him no no back pain and that life is okay. He talks a little more about karma and how my forehead is good luck or something like that. He says goodbye and God bless you so I play along. Immediatley I check my backpack to see if he was distracting me or if someone was taking anything while he was talking to me. I dont think he took anything? What the hell was that about. I read on the internet that if I stook around he would have probably asked me for money so thankfully I didnt get anything taken from me. Why did he do this and why did he bail.

回答 (1)

2016-02-20 2:17 am
Very likely that he has a mental disorder. In the future, if someone like that tries to talk to you just start screaming "get the fock away!" You are just a teen and are vulnerable, no matter how adult you think you are.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:01:12
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