Who else is proud of being straight?

2016-02-20 12:14 am

回答 (19)

2016-02-20 12:30 am
I don't believe in being proud of something that you had no choice in.
2016-02-20 12:53 am
Are you trying to put down LGBT pride?

If so, read this:
2016-02-20 2:30 am
Wouldn't say I'm proud to be straight.
I'm happy to be straight.

You always see these arseholes going around crashing gay weddings and they make gay people so depressed and so many of them just hide and pretend they are straight. I'm so thankful I was born to never have to worry about any of that. I'm very happy to be straight.
2016-02-20 12:36 am
I'm not heterosexual, but honestly I don't really mind if you're proud of your sexuality. So good for you, glad you're content with who you are, etc.
參考: Just as long as you're not the type of person who thinks your sexuality is "superior" to others.
2016-02-20 4:53 am
Every straight person. Nobody has ever shamed you for being straight, so I imagine it's fairly easy to be proud.
2016-02-20 12:26 am
2016-02-20 4:13 am
You have been allowed to be proud of yourself all your life, so consider yourself privileged.
2016-02-20 1:59 am
2016-02-20 12:54 am
Who I may or may not wake up next to in the morning, has absolutely nothing to do w/ my feelings of being proud about who I am inside. It's the most personal and private thing I do, basically nobodies G.D. business. My life or self esteem doesn't revolve around a bedroom.
2016-02-20 12:51 am
Being a gay guy I know it's considered hypocritical to say it but heterosexuality makes me feel physically SICK. The other day I was in Nando's and two straighties were making out, rubbing my face in their sexuality. I asked to move tables.
參考: ...and before you ask i had the lemon chicken burger (seeded bun)
2016-02-20 12:46 am
But don't you hate being just average?
2016-02-20 12:57 am
I'm not proud of something I didn't earn, I'm not worthless like other people
2016-02-25 6:05 am
I'm proud of my accomplishments.
2016-02-21 4:19 am
I am!!! :) I am not against LGBT people, I know that God loves EVERYONE (regardless of sexuality or gender identity) and it is great to be yourself. I am straight, and am glad that I don't have to worry about coming out or liking friends ( :@ the creeps ).
2016-02-20 7:46 am
If i was born straight i would probably kill myself from overloads of shame
2016-02-20 6:38 am
why do you feel the need to be proud of your sexuality?? Ulitmately you had no choice in the mater, it doesnt require a particular skill or for you to make a sacrifice to be that way. it does not benefit others in any way. I can understand some being proud of having the courage to be open about who they are when it is frowned upon by society and being open can lead to bveing bullyed or attacke, but when have straights experienced this???
2016-02-21 9:22 am
I think the real question behind this is why is it okay to be out and proud of being gay when being straight could be labeled as offensive and homophobic? much like why is it okay to have black pride but white pride is unthinkable....
2016-02-20 3:30 am
gays can be proud but we're not allowed. intolerance at its best
2016-02-20 5:36 am
extra proud because I am exgay. I know I'm doing it right now.

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