What would you do if your daughter/son said they're athiest? (For thiests)?

2016-02-19 10:15 pm

回答 (14)

2016-02-19 11:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Love them the same as always, of course! :)

Just give them their space, if they didn't want to talk about it... But if they DID want to talk about it, I think we could have some very interesting, friendly, mutually respectful and beneficial conversations about it, like I've been able to have with my other atheist friends + family members... (All lovely, open-minded and accepting people!) :)

I would present my own perspective to her, fully admitting that I can't KNOW for certain that I'm right, but this is my approach, my way of connecting with that higher place, and my way of making sense of the Infinite and the Ineffable, in a way that resonates with ME! And then I would want to hear about what made her decide that she's an atheist, what that means to her, if she's rejected ALL conceivable God concepts, or just certain more specific ones that she's currently aware of, etc...

I would have more life experience than her, obviously. But I would try my damn hardest NOT to come across as condescending, or dismissive, or not taking her seriously! Because I know how much it hurts, being subjected to that sort of treatment as a teen... :-S I would still let her know that I was once a vocal atheist myself, though. Before having spiritual experiences that completely changed me... And I obviously wouldn't want to push that on her, if she wasn't interested! But.. y'know... I'd make it known that IF she ever decided to look for something more, and go on a spiritual search of her own, I would be readily available to her. :)
2016-02-19 10:27 pm
Without a doubt you should encourage them to continue to seek truth and follow the facts.
They have a great start, just by shaking off that serious limitation religion is.
2016-02-19 10:16 pm
I would say congratulations on not being an idiot.
2016-02-19 10:21 pm
I'd be happy for them.
參考: Agnostic Atheist, ex-christian as well.
2016-02-19 10:23 pm
Love them
2016-02-19 10:21 pm
I'd set satan on him/her
參考: Satan is my god
2016-02-19 10:19 pm
We'd discuss it and come to a consensus. My children know the consequences of unbelief. If at any point they choose destruction over eternal life, well then thats their personal choice. Of course i'd advise against that and encourage a more responsible choice.
2016-02-19 10:21 pm
Simple--prove to them that God exists. If you can.
2016-02-19 10:18 pm
I'd throw them into my oven. Abraham aint got nothing on my faith!
2016-02-19 10:27 pm
Since my children all know God and live in daily relationship with Him, that is not possible. You cannot "stop believing in" someone you know personally. Which is why someone offering me their "best arguments" for the non-existence of God makes just as much sense as someone offering me their "best arguments" for the non-existence of my wife.
2016-02-19 11:23 pm
I think a lot of teenagers go thru the anti-religion phase as they begin to question everything. I'm probably kick myself for not teaching and showing the love religion brings.......not the negative. I'm constantly hearing about Catholic guilt.......that's a turn off.
2016-02-19 10:23 pm
cry and pray for them
2016-02-19 10:28 pm
2016-02-19 10:25 pm
I'd explain to them what happens to the heathen in the last days.

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