Why is the ringing in my ears getting worse?

2016-02-19 10:13 pm
For as long as I can remember my ears have picked up a very small noise, it's like ringing or a white noise. The noises are more easily heard when it's quieter in a room so I use a noisemaker that I kept since I was 6 when I started hearing the same sounds. I've been dealing with it fine but now the noises are starting to get louder than my noisemaker, and when I will be doing something I'll randomly get a VERY loud ringing (you know in the movies when a bomb goes off and it's all muffled) I know it must be tinnitus but why would it be getting worse? I'm 17, and I don't listen to anything loud like music or video games.

回答 (1)

2016-02-19 10:37 pm
Tinnitus gets worse for no reason at all sometimes. Unless it's so bad you can't hear "real" noise, about all you can do is cancel it out with white noise, soft music, etc.

There are a few medications that have been linked, including OTC ones, so read packaging fully. (Alleve kicks our daughter's tinnitus into overdrive for about three weeks.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:58:00
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