How did Europeans use Social Darwinism to justify their imperialistic empire building?

2016-02-19 4:01 pm
Full question:
How did Europeans use Social Darwinism to justify their imperialistic empire building? Do stronger nations have the right to impose their will on weaker nations even if in the end it benefits the weaker nations? Do you agree and/or disagree with any of the beliefs of Social Darwinism? Defend your response well.

I have no idea what the answer is please help!!

回答 (3)

2016-02-19 4:29 pm
First of all, do you know what Social Darwinism is (and do you know that it is not actually related to Darwin's biological theories at all)? If not, no wonder you're confused. You probably need to talk to your teacher to find out how you can learn this.
2016-02-19 4:21 pm
Read up on Eugenics
2016-02-19 4:51 pm
The answer is to define Social Darwinism, then to identify whether Europeans used it to justify their empire building. Then to discuss the morality of this justification including any points that you agree or disagree with (and why).

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