I'm going to kill myself today.?

2016-02-19 2:02 pm

回答 (53)

2016-02-19 2:04 pm
Don't do it, talk to me if you want :)

I won't judge, email me from my profile. You will be okay, I will help you. I honesty don't think of you any less, may

just need a friend to listen. I'm right here for you, I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry.

I'm thinking you're an interesting person, just might feel fond of. Please, talk to me :)

I also agree with David. This could be a health issue as well and that you're not crazy.
2016-02-22 11:30 pm
That's not a question.
2016-02-19 2:05 pm
No you aren't, things might feel bad now, but go take a shower. Dress nicely.
Pamper yourself a little, and don't feel guilty one bit. Keeping yourself happy is more important than anything. If you want to die, absolutely nothing else matters. Money doesn't matter, people's opinions don't matter.
2016-02-19 2:24 pm
This is a permanent decision to a temporary situation. While I do not know of the hardships you're enduring, I ask that you strive on and don't give in to the whims of death. But if my words do not compel you and you go through with what you say, then may your soul find absolution in your next life...
2016-02-19 2:11 pm
The fact that you're announcing it to the world rather than just doing it leads me to believe that you're just seeking attention. Get help.
2016-02-19 4:57 pm
You're just trying to get attention like a typical narcissist would.
2016-02-19 8:48 pm
Oh how I just can't wait to see you in a mental hospital with tubes sticking out of your nose! It'll be so funny! Ho ho ho!
2016-02-19 2:04 pm
Its hard to take these things serious when you stop to post on Yahoo answers.
2016-02-21 2:30 am
Sounds like you suffer from loss of attention syndrome. That you need to be at the center of attention. Some identify this by being a class clown or the one always in trouble. Tell your self you'll be ok, but the day is not over.
2016-02-19 2:29 pm
How nice to see all the heartening answers in here. It shows that people still DO care, even though we're all pretty much strangers to each other here. So what makes you think there aren't people in your life who DO truly care about you and love you?
2016-02-21 2:04 am
What is todays' date?, the 20th?...It's getting late, you better hurry.
If you wait until tomorrow, then you'll have to re-post.
2016-02-20 11:21 am
I never in my life was more hopeful that a troll posted this.
2016-02-19 2:11 pm
why - tomorrow is bound to be better and you'll miss it if you do.
2016-02-19 2:04 pm
Save to get to Geneva or to Holland for dignity
then have a change of heart in the new surroundings. Please?

2016-02-19 2:07 pm
Don't do it. I tried 3 months ago via hanging, and I still feel guilty for what I put my brothers through. I am so incredibly grateful to be alive. Time will pass, and someday you will be too.
2016-02-22 4:13 am
So you're admitting to planning to kill online? Not the smartest thing, mate. Don't you know this is 2016 and law enforcement can track you down just by your post?
2016-02-20 7:36 pm
I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling like you want to end it all. Some people feel such intense anguish that they see no reason to continue living. Why would anyone consider taking his or her own life? A number of factors could be involved. For one thing, we live in “critical times hard to deal with,” and many adolescents feel the pressures of life with great intensity. (2 Timothy 3:1). Then, too, human imperfection can cause some to harbor deeply negative thoughts about themselves and the world around them (Romans 7:22-24). Sometimes this is because of mistreatment (or who knows...fluctuating hormones). In other cases, a medical issue may be involved. My advice to you is to please get help or seek out someone you trust and express your feelings to release some of that stress and emotion you are holding onto. Don’t keep those feelings to yourself. Talk to someone—a friend, teacher, or anyone else who cares and who will listen to your concerns and take you seriously. You have nothing to lose—and everything to gain—by talking out your problems. When undergoing distress, remember this: No matter how dire a situation may seem, in time things WILL change (Psalm 30:11). In due time you may discover a way of coping that you hadn’t considered. The point is, distressing problems will not stay the same forever (2 Corinthians 4:17).

If there is a Hearer of prayer, logically he must be the Creator. Who else but the One who designed the human brain could read your thoughts? Who else could respond to prayers and provide mankind with the help they need? But you may wonder, ‘Is it rational to believe in a Creator?’

Lastly, the most important form of communication you can have is prayer. It is real communication with your heavenly Father, who wants you to “pour out your heart” to him (Psalm 62:8). Consider the following basic truths about God:

● He is aware of the circumstances that contribute to your distress.—Psalm 103:14.
● He knows you better than you know yourself.—1 John 3:20.
● “He cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7.
● In his new world, God will “wipe out every tear” from your eyes.—Revelation 21:4.

Therefore, “Let your petitions (or prayers) be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers.”—Philippians 4:6, 7.

Best to you!
2016-02-20 12:42 am
It's your decision
2016-02-23 11:44 am
plz dont
2016-02-22 1:21 am
2016-02-21 4:56 pm
i'll get the camera ready
2016-02-21 2:13 pm
2016-02-21 5:36 am
Check out the cost of body disposal before you pull the trigger.
2016-02-20 7:02 pm
2016-02-20 3:44 pm
i hope and pray you do not, Whatever you are going through, God knows your pain and sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for your sins raised him from the dead and is alive today, and wants to be with you... he can heal your pain, strengthen you, no matter what has happened or what you may have done. Things of this world can destroy a person...but God is wanting to restore.
2016-02-19 2:13 pm
I don't think you really mean it, get proper help.
2016-02-19 2:09 pm
2016-02-19 2:06 pm
it's kinda hard to believe you because you decided to post it on here. sounds like a cry for help.
2016-02-20 6:45 am
Hands up don't shoot!
參考: Really, don't.
2016-02-20 12:27 am
People who just unilaterally condemn suicide regardless of the circumstances - Why?
There are things far worse than death. Well, death itself isn t good or bad, it s the end.

If someone s life is 90% misery and 10% joy, with a very slim prospect of change, what are the reasons to go on? Probably more reasons to quit.
Is it a selfish, soft option solution?
Selfish - yes, but there s nothing wrong about it; YOU have to live with yourself in the first place, not your mates, parents etc. A soft option - hell no. It s one of the hardest things to do actually.
And I could go on and on.

Really disappointing is that many (vast majority of) people with strong unilateral opinions, have no relevant experiences whatsoever.
2016-02-26 12:44 pm
Better not, kid.
2016-02-23 4:03 pm
God loves you, but if you kill yourself how are you going to be able to ask God for forgiveness? You will be doomed to a hell of fire!!! Just keep your head up, things will get better, there are some people fighting to stay alive, wishing they could live another day.
2016-02-23 4:16 am
Don't it's not worth it you are just going through a hard time
2016-02-23 2:29 am
I should've done it this morning
2016-02-22 11:21 pm
2016-02-22 2:13 am
Bye. Write when you get a chance.
2016-02-22 2:02 am
2016-02-21 3:36 am
Don't do it! God be with you ????
2016-02-20 12:07 pm
Have some one take you to the hospital er for an evaluation asap.
Call 911 if you have to for a cop to take you to the hospital .
2016-02-19 2:36 pm
mee too how could i be killed dead?
2016-02-23 9:33 pm
I may be a little late but I hope I am not. Since I was a teenager (I am now 33) I dealt with depression and being hyper emotional. Many times we don't feel love the love we seek but are still loved. I didn't go to the doctor about it because I thought I would be called crazy.

Many things went wrong in my life and I too had to decide whether I was giving up on life. I fought to live and I am glad I did. I finally have peace and I don't have to be in love or get high to be happy. I don't get depressed and I definitely don't think about hurting myself.

What turned things around? I visited the doctor. I found out I was highly deficient in Vitamin D and was also prescribed a SSRI for my anxiety. I haven't felt this good since before I was a teenager. What I want you to know is you can get there. You are loved. You are not crazy, just reach out and get some help. You will be glad you did, and you will be a stronger person coming out of it than when you went in.
2016-02-22 9:22 am
Those people who wish to rip off their arms and stick them in their ears should not be discouraged from doing so. Can I have your Playstation™?
2016-02-22 12:03 am
Just do it tomorrow.
2016-02-21 4:52 am
that s not much of a question
2016-02-21 3:42 am
Is this the correct answer#
2016-02-20 2:03 am
kill yourself just do it
2016-02-19 3:12 pm
do not do that.

(Most probably) The reasons & logics (unreasonable logics) have/had been from the [idiotic, vile-fying, a-bad-nti, mad, sad-istic] pseudoscience's [idiocies, biases, prejudices, tribist-racist nature].
Slave Girl - CRAZY **** the Quran Says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ
Sa[i]nt Agnivesh abhors idolatry: https://youtu.be/HsEZaCWlG5U?t=5m9s - PK: https://youtu.be/NKWy5jWvxU0 - Amresh: https://youtu.be/TBvjF-c8olA
Most dis-pro-portion-ate [un]reasonable logics were/are improvements & improvisations for fares and impoverishments for darks by pseudoscience!

Not many can self-discipline & self-control their habits, too, because of prejudices & practices of prevalent pseudo-science, too!
How much difficulties & emergenciengs are there in various diffi-oc-cul-tu-re[li]gions?

A good woman/man is one who understands the differences and similarities among(st) different re(li)gions & pseudoscience, propaganda, -isms, awareness hindrances, & archaic diffi-cult-ure (after) effects on life & afterlife!

Jesus, the Black God-Man, Did Exist!

Human youth, groups, classes & populations have had been badly, madly & sad-ist-ically misguided, ruined, converted, directed, diverted, digressed, dimensioned, misled, [re, op, de, sup] pressed, [re, trans] gressed, [di]stressed and driven by pseudoscience, (रूढ़िवादी) pedantic, (पागल) lunatic, (कट्टर) staunch, (हठधर्मी) fanatic {isms}, (ईर्ष:-आलू-मु-नफ:-रतें-हानि-लतें-हठें) jealous-profit-hat-red-harm-addictions-perseverances-waywardness, archaic diffi-oc-cul-tu-re-li-gio-se re[li]gion[s], propaganda, (बर:-बर | बारम-बार १६-६०पु) bar:-bar Barbarians bAram-bAr (16-60m) - बरस year baras (6-16f, ६-१६स्त्), and (जाग-रुक:-वटें) awareness-hindrances, too!

How ideology of the princely state of gar-bhar-at was envisioned, conceived, emergencied and enforced?
Are/Were diffi-oc-cul-tu-re[li]gions, almost-all sources and causes of Contradiction, Anomalies, Controversies and idiocies (CACTi)?
How much difficulties and emergenciengs are there in various diffi-oc-cul-tu-re[li]gions?
2016-02-19 2:04 pm
What is your question
2016-02-22 1:43 pm
See, there is no a communist/socialist here, nobody really give a lil fu¢k about your own, just fu¢kin die in silent and don't distribute me, just tell me where you going to get buried so I can visit your grave an piss on it
參考: Fu¢k you (◕‿◕)┌∩┐
2016-02-22 7:43 am
Don't matter to me
2016-02-21 4:01 pm
if you are white, this is natural, Most of you guys are weak minded anyways. DONT CARE

1 less pro-racist white person in america.
2016-02-20 10:03 am
Please don't.It will affect your family and friends and there will be consequences.(Although you're dead.Do you really think that there's a slight chance that God will forgive you and allow you to be in heaven.Well if you're an atheist then BURN IN HELL!!! HAHAHAHA!!) Anyways, killing yourself is a crime and you know it.You wouldn't want to die knowing that you break the law.So use your brain.
2016-02-19 8:46 pm
really..............good luck with that. I had a dream you bought a lottery ticket and won. You can forget that now.
2016-02-19 2:11 pm


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