If a woman came up to you and punched you in the face, would you punch her back?

2016-02-19 8:51 am
I've never punched a girl, but I had a scenario with and old ex where she was screaming in my face and began to slap me over and over, which soon turned to punching, and I dodged her last punch and cocked my head back and jolted it forward and headbutted her in the nose, what do you think about this? when it comes to equality, there should be 0 difference between be retaliating against a man who was hitting me, and to be fair, a man would've gotten it ALOT worse and he wouldn't have even gotten past the first slap, would you have taken the same course of action? I personally see 0 difference, if another human being attacks me, I will retaliate. But if the cops would've gotten involved (they didn't, I could've had her locked up in three seconds just by pulling her stupid drugs out), but if they did, they wouldn't have hesitated to take ME to jail, that's just the way it goes, the man goes to jail no matter what in a domestic disturbance. I think this is a clear indication that femenists are WAY off, there is no inequality for women, they have it way better than we do. I could have bullet holes in me and they'd haul me off. She was hitting me in the head, so I hit her with my head, poetic justice right?

回答 (6)

2016-02-19 12:29 pm
No. I would walk away and call the police.
2016-02-19 11:49 am
No, I'd probably be not a moron standing there and letting her hit me. It's called walk away.
2016-02-19 8:55 am
yes, im not a little ****. I wont tolerate her bs.
2016-02-19 8:54 am
I don't think law courts factor in poetic justice.
2016-02-19 3:29 pm
1) If she was a man and did this to you and you headbutted him back, you'd both be arrested for assault. It was not self defense.

2). If cops were there for your fictional story (you didn't headbutt an ex, you'd need to have dated someone to have an ex) You'd both be arrested. Her for assault for slapping and punching you, you for assault for headbutting her.

3). A real man would walk away or pin her hands to stop her from hitting him. You're just a little boy though so it's understandable that you'd think you could headbutt someone.
2016-02-19 8:59 am
I don't believe in men ever hitting a women and vice versa, women shouldn't attack men and think it's OK to do so as it isn't! I think a headbutt was a bit too much, if I was a guy I would of just restrained her, told her to calm the f**know down and if that didn't work then maybe give her a hard slap!

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