Am I hopeless and remain to be single my whole life?

2016-02-19 12:00 am
I will soon hit my big 4O.

When I was in my early 2O's, I tried finding love in different places and meet different people, but I was not able to find any.

When I was in my late 2O's, I got converted to a Christian and knew that I should not look for love outside of church settings, but I had not found any guys in my church.

When I was in my early 3O's, both my parents passed away and I literally hid myself in the house all year long. I could not cope with their deaths (one killed by a car, and one had a stroke). After 6 or 7 years, I could finally release myself and able to smile.

In my mid 3O's, I lost my job so I went back to school. Right now, I have a decent job and able to support myself.

I can say I am all good and happy now, I really wanted to come back to the dating pool and hopefully find my future spouse. However, things got so much different these couple of years. All the guys I saw were either married or gay. Did I miss my prime time? What should I do now?


回答 (1)

2016-02-19 5:17 pm
Use dating websites

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