
2016-02-18 5:15 pm
1(i) Sketch the variations in boiling point and first ionization enthalpy for the elements in period 2 and period 3.

1(ii) Explain briefly the sudden change in ionization enthalpy between N and O.

2(i) Lead(II) oxide is amphoteric in nature. Write a balance equation to support this phenomenon.

2(ii) Is the following reaction a redox reaction or an acid-base reaction? Explain bridfly.

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2016-02-19 6:47 am
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Refer to the diagrams below.

(ii) There is a general trend of increasing first ionization enthalpy across a period. However, N (1s² 2s³ 2p³) has a higher first ionization enthalpy than O (1s² 2s² 2p⁴), because
• 2p subshell of N atom is half-filled and exhibits extra stability, and thus more energy is needed to remove one electron from it.
• removing an electron from O atom will lead to a half-filled 2p subshell which exhibits extra stability, and thus less energy is needed to remove one electron from O atom.

Amphoteric oxide means that the oxide can neutralize both strong acids and strong alkalis.
Lead(II) oxide neutralizes strong acids :
PbO(s) + 2H⁺(aq) → Pb²⁺(aq) + H₂O(l)
Lead(II) oxide neutralizes strong alkali :
PbO(s) + H₂O(l) + 2OH⁻(aq) → [Pb(OH)₄]²⁻(aq)

No equation is given.
A redox reaction involves the change in oxidation number, while an acid-base reaction involves the transfer of protons (hydrogen ions).

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