I want to make a website for SEO, web designing, and web development services. Please give me free download responsive html5 jquery template?

2016-02-18 12:39 pm

回答 (10)

2016-02-18 1:09 pm
Are you kidding? Whether this is your own service or whether someone hired you to do it, it is YOUR job to create the website.
Not only are you apparently unable to do that, you can't even go on google to find a responsive template yourself.

I cannot imagine anybody LESS qualified for this job.

Also I'm really curious. Do you offer a web design/dev service yourself without having the first clue about either? Or did some clueless guy hire another clueless guy to make them a website about offering this service?

It's like a carpenter who opens a shop and goes to IKEA to buy the furniture. I can't even. I better stop now before I get abusive.
2016-02-20 8:59 am
If you want to start yours business for seo web design development then i suggest you to design yours website on html5 dont use free template because the website which is design on template then if will take more time in search engine ranking
2016-02-18 7:11 pm
This time, I definitely concurr with Chris! You are out or you mind!
And, yes, I would ALSO become abusive.
2016-02-22 10:46 am
Ha haha this thread is entertaining. How about putting it this way, if you want to be a lawyer, then you've got to know the law. If you want to be a rocket scientist, then you should know how to count on both hands. Of course you could fake it, like many do. The fake it till you make it saying. If you want to be a billionaire, you're going to need a few thousand years to make it as a web developer.
2016-02-21 12:07 pm
Start studying and start programming!

Chris is spot on and your "sweetshop" analogy is nonsense.

If you were selling a service to _design and develop_ sweets, then you would be expected to know everything possible about making them!

That is what "design and development" is all about, for any product.

Quite a few "dropouts" do so because they want to study and learn beyond what the teachers/tutors can manage. You cannot equate dropping out as automatically being do to lack of knowledge or ability.
(Speaking from personal experience; I got sick of teachers telling me I was wasting my time learning about electronics & computers in the early '70s - I set up my own business straight from school & never looked back).

ps. Serious tip:
Avoid HTML5, it's still immature and not properly standardised. A lot of browsers screw up or do odd things on html5 content.
Stick to xhtml1, that's absolutely compatible and the W3C themselves - the WWW standards body - still use that for their own sites.
2016-02-19 9:21 am
@Chris First of all thanks for giving answer to my question. According to you, If you open sweets shop, You have to know how to make sweet. I know lots of people do not know how to make sweets but they are running sweet shop. Following are list of people who drop out school. Now they are success entrepreneurs.

2016-02-21 12:38 am
Search for bootstrap templates.
2016-02-19 8:29 am
I suggest wordpress...
2016-02-19 6:24 am
I would suggest you to create wordpress blog which is free and more seo friendly.
2016-02-18 12:57 pm
For SEO purpose,I suggest you to create blog or blog page,its better instead of using other templates.
2016-02-18 2:08 pm
Here, catch!

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