What do I need to set up a fax machine at home? Do I need to pay a monthly fee to the phone company for a fax number?

2016-02-18 3:08 am
Do I need to subscribe to telephone service?

回答 (3)

2016-02-18 3:14 am
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In our country U need a phone land line
2016-02-18 9:38 am
Several years ago, I went electronic. My work orders are closed out via email, so I have a scanner to send and I can receive faxes via email. If I need to send a "fax" I can do that with the send app. My particular service is by http://www.maxemail.com I use the "lite" product that gives me a number in suburban Chicago (815) and costs about $24 a year. It also handles my voice mail.
2016-02-18 3:08 am

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