Do intelligent people believe in God?

2016-02-18 1:31 am

回答 (25)

2016-02-18 1:33 am
Some do some don't. Some idiots do some idiots don't.

Theists and atheists are both too large and varied of groups to say anything more about them as a certainty than "they do/do not believe in a deity/deities"
2016-02-18 1:38 am
certainly. I know a great many people of faith, and a small number of intelligent people. And I can assure you, in that small number are some people who believe in a god or gods.
2016-02-18 1:32 am
Only a fool does not believe in God.

But the issue is not whether any believes in God but whether any believes God.
2016-02-18 1:43 am
There is no answer to your question because nobody knows what "intelligent" means, not even the people who sell the test. But it is a fact that people who believe in God are more mentally stable, because they have the God of rightness to rely on instead of having to figure everything out by their own native ability.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2016-02-18 1:38 am
參考: Yes
2016-02-18 1:32 am
2016-02-18 1:33 am
Yes, there are some very intelligent scientists that have a personal go, but a majority of them don't
2016-02-18 1:32 am
Some do. Many don't.
2016-02-18 11:24 pm
Yes, of course we do.
2016-02-18 6:42 pm
So, you are asserting that "intelligent people don't believe in God or that "God does not exist", but cannot produce any evidence or logic in defense of your claim. Your own lack of evidence is sufficient to fail your claim before it even begins. A YouTube link is not evidence.

The supernatural is not testable, therefore, according to science, does not exist. A scientific proof is testable repeatedly in the present; the very definition of "science."

Most people don't realize more than 95% of science was founded by Christians. God has existed since the beginning of science, scientists like Newton and Kepler used the Bible as a starting pointing, then tried to figure out how Goddidit. Same with Maurey, from his Bible studies saw a passage referred to as "the pathways through the seas." He is responsible for discovering the shipping sea lanes used today.

We all have access to the same science and same facts. To say Christianity is removed from science would be misrepresenting truth. It's your starting assumptions that must be proven first, regardless of worldview or choice or belief; easily done with the "Bible, impossible with the unfounded opinion of the myth of evolution. Darwin wasn't even a scientist, what's your excuse for using unfounded opinion w/o support for integrity of your claims/beliefs?

Your question misrepresents truth. God coexists with science just fine, as does the Bible. If you don't think so, by your claim, you are obligated to provide evidence in the integrity of your claim, or fail automatically.

The question should be: can "atheists" and science coexist? Science is entrenched in truth and integrity of detail, as are Christians. The atheist has no such moral code or rule. Without truth, the atheist operates on unfounded opinion, almost certain he will get the wrong answer. Testable, repeatable "science" in the laboratory will go on as before, as it always has, with as many Christians as non-Christians.

What you are confused about is the atheist/evolutionist myth proclaimed as "fact" by pseudo-science (not science) supported by unfounded opinion.

I don't think you've looked at the evidence or confirmed your starting assumptions with evidence. You probably assume the secular “old-earth” assumptions of uniformitarianism and naturalism (taught by the humanist curriculum in school) in order to “prove” that the earth is old. This circular logic may be due to the fact that many old-earth supporters are not aware of their own starting assumptions. If you start with the wrong assumptions, you are certainly, not maybe, certainly will get the wrong answer.

Darwinian Evolution is total opinion. Millions/billions of years are total unfounded opinion. Species change is total unfounded opinion. Prove me wrong, please, so we can all go back to doing something useful.

If you are going to hold a belief about Darwinian Evolution, you need a fact. Show me your fact. Otherwise, let the record show, you're a proven liar and live a lie. I don't know how to soften the blow; dead end. I would much rather be proven wrong than carry the stress of a lie.

Can you provide specific examples as to why or why we shouldn't have morals? Can people have morals w/o religion? Sure, what do you base those morals on, "nothing"? Back to a free-for-all and collecting stones?

What our forefathers understood, what Moses understood, was that it would be the morals of men not the laws of men that would preserve society. Otherwise, whose unfounded opinion rules the world, Hitler, Stalin?

Either you believe what the Bible says or you don't, but the evidence points to creation, where the unfounded opinion of the evolution myth is unjustified. Your decision.

If people would simply define their terms and pay attention to presuppositions and presumptions, it would clear up a lot of confusion. If you're going to involve science, then you should know something about scientific method. But evidence is not proof, necessarily. It's just a start. Then enough evidence becomes "proof enough."

It is possible to gain evidence and prove facts, that leave no alternative than an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being.

A historical document, like the Bible, is as close as you're going to get to evidence of God. There will never be a proof until you meet Him, and there will never be a scientific proof.

Try looking for the evidence of Creation, like in the geological evidence of Noah's Flood, a worldwide event seen worldwide, mentioned in every major culture.

Science is continually proving parts of the Bible and recently found evidence of Moses. Traditional chronology has tried to fit Moses into the 18th or 19th dynasty where there is no evidence of Semitic slavery on a large scale, but Moses’ unusual adoption does fit into the late 12th dynasty. The Bible is full of legends, but no myths; zero. These are real documented people; The Patriarchs.

Science has studied the Walls of Jericho several times over many decades. The archaeological evidence supports the historical accuracy of the biblical account in every detail. Every aspect of the story that could possibly be verified by the findings of archaeology is, in fact, verified. Historical facts of real people in real places.

The Bible itself has been authenticated by the Dead Sea Scrolls.

If the Creationist model is consistent with the evidence of a created universe, this adds credence to the events laid out in Genesis 1-11 of the Holy Bible. Astronomy and astrophysics strongly support a created universe. Our specific solar system has been finely tuned to support life; the possibilities are just too enormous for any of this to happen by chance, let alone all of it.

A straightforward reading of the biblical genealogies according to the reliable Masoretic text shows that Adam was created about 4000 BC, and this was on the 6th day of creation. If the genealogy of the Bible can be taken literally to be correct and verifiable, then the Bible becomes evidence of creation of the first Adam, all the way to the current day.

The geology of the earth gives us strong evidence for a "young" age of the earth and the universe.Since geology gives us samples and massive amounts of hard evidence that supports the Creationist model and a young earth, it adds credence to the text and accounts of Creation given in the Bible. Here are 101 evidences for a young earth.

There have been plenty of claims that things contradict the biblical account, but the Bible has a habit of being proved right after all. Archaeology and history confirms a great deal of a straightforward reading of the text of the Bible; proven verifiable evidence and facts.

Linguistics, Genesis and the Tower of Babel point to evidence of historical events given in the Bible that is verifiable fact.

Paleontology, fossils, and anthropology are verifiable evidence of many events of the Bible, most notably Noah's Flood. Again, verifiable, observable evidence of past events and a young earth.

There is much, much more if you want to email me, but I'm not sure how much more evidence you need, or what better road map there is than the Bible.

What gives the Holy Bible credence as the Word of God is very simply the hundreds of prophecies. No other book in existence, whether the Torah, or the Quran, or the Tao or the Upanishads, etc., have been able to foretell the future with such accuracy and detail.

Addendum of Evidence

Can we believe what the Bible says?

Seven Evidences for a Young Earth

Is Noah's Ark a Fairytale?

Dating the Bible w Egypt pyramids and Gilgamesh (also ice cores)
Did The Biblical Flood Happen?how the chinese or the east indians survived the flood?

Geology of Grand Canyon & Noah's Flood
In what ways do you justify that the Earth is some 6000 years old?
2016-02-18 4:16 pm
Many do.
2016-02-18 2:54 pm
Yes they do, because they're smart enough to realize we must have come from somewhere
2016-02-18 2:17 pm
Yes there are many scientists and professors and other Scholarly figures who do believe in God. One experience is Dr. Gene Hwang, Who is a retired professor of mathematics at the National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan. He is also professor emeritus at Cornell University, U.S.A., where he taught and did research in statistics and probability. For years he was one of the most published authorities on statistics, a field in which he is still involved. As a young man, he believed that life began by evolutionary processes. But he later changed his view. Awake! asked him about his work and religious beliefs. He states:

Even the simplest living cell needs molecular machines for building all the parts of a new cell, as well as the means to harness and direct energy. How could such complex mechanisms assemble randomly from nonliving matter? As a mathematician, I could not accept that assumption. It asks far too much of random processes.
2016-02-18 12:15 pm
Read the differences between Christians answers and atheists answers then you will get the answer.
2016-02-18 10:09 am
Many humble and honest scientists do believe in our Creator, Jehovah God.
Regards, Gunter
參考: Bible
2016-02-18 2:22 am
Only intelligent people believe in God. Not only they believe in God, they love this world that God created for us. They love humankind that God loves so much. They do good to the needy persons they come across in life.
2016-02-18 2:14 am
Yes, of course they do. Some scientists believe in God, as do doctors, lawyers, professors, etc.

I'm a Baha'i, a member of the Baha'i Faith. We are told to study the arts and the sciences, to work to advance humanity.
2016-02-18 2:02 am
Of course, I do.
2016-02-18 1:57 am
2016-02-18 1:52 am
There is a very strong correlation between being smart and not believing in god.
In the Triple Nine Society (IQ 150+), atheism is the norm, the theists are rare.
2016-02-18 1:47 am
Only thick and dumb people would ask that stupid question
2016-02-18 1:43 am
Since, we are learning about the so called intelligence and what is at
the roots of this system, i would say that it is close to impossible for
those who accept this world system to believe in the Truth.
2016-02-18 1:38 am
Anyone who believes in the Magic Man is a feeble-minded coward.
2016-02-18 1:33 am
Some do yes. The more education someone has, the less likely they are to be deeply religious or religious in general. This has been documented. So education level correlates with belief a lot better.
2016-02-18 1:33 am

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