why do so many brits read the right wing propaganda rag the SUN, any rag that rips into the junior doctors surely should not be supported?

2016-02-17 8:41 pm

回答 (14)

2016-02-18 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because we have a large group of poorly informed morons.

Because they need to blame some one for their life and instead of asking themselves, why does the Sun pay so little tax, they blame it on 1960/70s black people; 1980s unions; 1990s single mums; 2000s Polish men and now 2010s syrian refugees. It was these peples fault that the banks crashed because the bankers know nothing about the maths they where using !!
2016-02-17 9:28 pm
One time I looked at the Sun it's contents consisted entirely of telling its readership what they should be thinking about this or that, rather than any objective news. The opinion and bias was just soooooo obvious, it was actually nauseating.
2016-02-17 11:59 pm
I support the Doctors,I don't buy the Sun.
Choices !
2016-02-17 9:36 pm
The Sun is glowered and grunted at only by those who are not quite human. It makes Pravda look professionally respectable, and is in itself the best evidence since the Volkischer Beobachter that the ownership of the media is a more powerful tool of social and political control than almost any apparatus of armed suppression.

Murdoch, and anyone involved at any creative or decision making level in his unspeakably evil empire, should face the justice of civilised humanity, and should never be released from prison.
2016-02-17 11:39 pm
I know. Without the girls on page 3, it loses its raison d'etre.
2016-02-17 8:59 pm
Maybe because they have the same attitude as Murdoch. And zero attention. Zilch! But they sure help Murdoch to coin it!
He must flatter their ego! Make them feel intelligent. Make them think what they have to say matters. Because their opinions certainly don't to government, with whom Murdoch is attached hip-to-hip.
Murdoch spends an astronomical amount on advertising, to promote his various British newspaper brands.

Murdoch said people don't want news....you have a few seconds to grab their attention, and sell, sell, sell.

Not sure Sun IS "read!"
Flicked through, to espouse doctors DON'T work, just sign a contract which overpays them, because they spend their live golfing. In other words they get paid to work, but don't lift a finger!
Some answers on Y/Q & A make that disgusting attitude quite clear!
It seems it doesn't matter, to them, if a doctor is dead tired, or if the patient dies, because there is inadequate back up.
No doubt if they were assessed as OK, went home had a stroke, they would demand compensation! Whinge to the media!

The bigger picture: the government is out to privatize the NHS by stealth is not revealed.
TTIP is all about rewarding corporations, at the expense of the people!

Murdoch owns media in US/ UK/ Australia! Yet pay tax? What's that?

Some of the readers maybe have shares in the healthcare companies who are hoping to clean up after the NHS is privatizated. Maybe they think, ill health won't hit them! Maybe some are too old! Maybe they are rubbing their hands with glee! Live for today! Screw tomorrow.

15-34 age group read the sun, classed as skilled working class to non-working people.
2016-02-17 10:03 pm
Junior doctors know they do not have a case, remuneration is not affected, rest periods and spaces between night work are protected. The whole issue is that they are refusing to treat Saturday as a normal day as promised in the conservative manifesto .
I think senior doctors and surgeons are the real ones behind this and the junior doctors are the ones taking the flack . I read patients have a far higher chance of dying on a Saturday due to skeleton staff. Also I read 43% of junior doctors are not behind this strike.

2016-02-18 5:50 pm
Leave the Sun alone.We live in a free country and it's ridiculous to expect everybody to support the strikers.Pick on that disgusting rag the mirror that covered up the NHS scandals when labour were in power.
2016-02-17 11:21 pm
Why what have they been saying.

Not read let alone bough a red top or news paper of any type properly in years, glanced at few a few months back and didn't like what I saw, still cr@p.

But after reading some of the comments on this page, the Red Tops seem quite tame in comparison.

"The Sun is glowered and grunted at only by those who are not quite human" love it, and they say Hitler was mad.
2016-02-18 7:27 am
Because L wing papers can't compete in a competitive market environment. The Grauniad has been reduced to asking for donations on its website.

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