my 9 year old female dachshund has an almond shaped lump on her belly close to teat .It's not red,inflamed or to be an irritation to her.?

2016-02-17 7:41 pm

回答 (5)

2016-02-17 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The best thing to do is get her to the vet to let them tell you what it could be. Nobody, not even a vet can tell you what it is online with a description.
2016-02-17 8:21 pm
Get it checked asap. Mammary chain cancer would be a concern. Only a vet is going to be able to diagnose and treat this. Hopefully it's "nothing," but sounds suspicious. vet tech
2016-02-17 10:15 pm
What does the vet say about it?
2016-02-17 8:30 pm
It sounds like a mammary tumor ... is your dog spayed? If not, then it could be a cancer. Usually spayed females do not have problems with these types of tumors.

Only your vet can determine if this is a mammary cancer of some sort, or just a fatty tumor.

My vet charges $35.00 for an office call /basic exam - surely the life of your dog is worth that to you to have her seen by a vet. If it is cancer, they will try to remove it (and pray for clean margins). The vet can discuss the options with you when he examines your dog.
2016-02-17 7:46 pm
If it's close to a teat then get it checked asap.

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