What is your opinion about Ronda Rousey being suicidal after her loss?

2016-02-17 12:00 pm

回答 (284)

2016-02-18 2:44 am
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I can understand how she would be depressed. Years ago I was being a big mouth at a party and someone beat me up in front of a crowd of people - I grew as a person from that negative experience but it did devastate my ego - I was just an idiot at a party and when I think of how it made me feel I cant even imagine how someone who has thier career and reputation riding on winning would feel. Rousey seems to have had a HUGE ego - she was an undefeated professional fighter who got knocked out in front of the whole world after talking A LOT of smack. I am sure she disappointed many people and felt like a joke. If she truly felt suicidal then thats sad and I hope she gets help for those feelings but I was happy to see her get knocked down a peg - hopefully she comes back stronger then ever BUT humbled. I would like her a lot more if she didn't seem so pompous.
2016-02-18 1:47 am
Depressed? Over what? Her magazine covers, glam, money, and above all blatant favoritism by the head of the UFC? Rousey got demolished by Holm and made a fool, but only after Rousey and her egotism practically set herself up for a blowup. The fact is Rousey should NOT have been given a rematch; plain and simple. She didn't deserve it, only reason being is that Dana White is banking on the fact that their cash cow Rousey will somehow manage to survive five rounds and win through split decision. Unfortunately Holm is not marketable, that's the reason you don't see her on magazine covers, and blockbuster movies. It's because Holm is a true champion not a fake, overly hyped up fighter that has their matches setup for them. Champions are supposed to be tough, and if Rousey wanted to prove herself again, she should've have worked her way back from the bottom not just accepting an undeserved rematch and complaining about depression. Once again what depression? The fact that she's been in too many magazines or has too much money? The only thing that lead to her "depression" is that fact that she's been overly arrogant with her larger than life personality prior to her getting knocked out, and now karma has dealt with her. She is fake as can be, and certainly not a champ by any definition
2016-02-17 6:15 pm
That winning streak was all that she had, it became part of her identity as much as fighting did. Now, imagine having something that has embodied your pride, personality, hardwork and dedication, even the support of the fans be swept away in less than a day. On the other side of th spectrum, that's a life lesson for her, she needed to be humbled. She needed to be re-awakened in a reality that the world does not revolve around her. Many great atheletes had their shares of losses, Muhammad Ali, Kobe Braynt, Jordan, and many more..
2016-02-17 10:07 pm
Suicidal' I doubt it!, depressed that she got her *** kicked? Yes! This stint is all about Rousey getting people to feel sorry for her. She got to accept her loss. I appreciate her role in bringing this sport to what it is now. But I also know her winning's have gone a little fetched with her attitude towards other competitors. During this fight I noticed two things about her that I totally dislike. First' she didn't touch gloves with Holms' and then her facial expressions like she was queen almighty before the first round. I'm glad she seen the light of a loss. And now filtering out through interviews she was contemplating suicide ' that's a joke! Her real suicide attempt will be when she fights Holms again
2016-02-17 6:06 pm
She competes at the highest level of competition in the world, that alone is enough to drive someone a bit crazy. But I think that she is the type of person who just never learned how to lose. She has obviously achieved everything she ever wanted due to her physical ability, and on top of that, the people around her as well as the media were playing up how much of a winner she was. She was backed by some of the biggest names in the industry including Dana White, and the media was telling her she could even be competitive in the men's division. So more than likely her loss to Holly Holm was a complete devistation of everything she had ever known. So you can't totally blame her for going off the rails a bit, just as long is she is mature enough to get her mind right and get back in the game.
2016-02-18 3:15 am
I doubt she was depressed, it was more embarrassment and the bruised reputation which made her contemplate suicide. She just didn't want to deal with all the hate she would get online and all the media repeating the defeat over and over again. She was seen as a role model for women across the world, and the loss kind of ruined the whole superwoman thing. She went into the fight with too big of a head, and now she paid the price. Sure, losing for the first time sucks, but failure must always be present for improvement.

I can't blame her for having a cocky attitude. The media, as well as society, had such high expectations for her. In reality, she's just another human being. The media made her think she was untouchable with all these stories of heroism, and reality hit her hard. She is having trouble coping with the fact she is not invincible, but once she moves past that, she should be fine.
2016-02-18 1:19 am
Ronda rousey is still a great fighter and all but point blank she had it coming. She got too cocky and thought no one at all I'm the world could defeat her. That's when she finally got put in her place. And for her to be suicidal is joke. Cmon you won all fights except one ? Get over it. That's what happens you win some you lose some
2016-02-17 8:15 pm
Part of me felt really bad for her at first, even though I think that she got what she deserved. I don't think that she was ever truly suicidal though. I'm sure she was depressed and had a hard time accepting that she got her butt kicked and lost the title, but I don't think she actually considered taking her own life. It was probably more like a passing thought.

I also can't help but wonder if her tears were largely put on just to get sympathy and in some backwards kind of way, make Holly Holm seem like the "bad guy".

I still hope Holly kicks the crap out of her again, she's a real fighter. Ronda Rousey believed her own hype, and had become more of a "Pro Wrestling" style personality.
2016-02-17 6:14 pm
I think she's just being a cry baby. Only sore losers throw hissy fits when they lose. You know theres a 50/50 chance you'll win or lose so when you lose you're going to cry and say you want to kill yourself? You're the much of a cry baby that you didn't win? She made MANY women lose and do you think they ran off whining? No. She needs to wake up and smell the coffee
2016-02-18 12:50 am
Ronda rousey is still a great fighter and all but point blank she had it coming. She got too cocky and thought no one at all in the world could defeat her. That's when she finally got put in her place. And for her to be suicidal is joke. Cmon you won all fights except one ? Get over it. That's what happens you win some you lose some
2016-02-17 8:11 pm
I'm sick of Ronda.

That's what I think.

She lost against someone who clearly trained everyday and did not take her opponent for granted.

Learn your lesson and come back prepared or don't come back at all.
2016-02-17 6:52 pm
I think its LAME. She is in a profession in which she has a 50/50 chance of winning or losing. She a competitor. COME ON. I just find it hard as a competitor as well to feel like killing myself after a loss.

it is clear to me that she believe she was on a higher level than anyone else. She believed the hype. it sucks cause I appreciated what she did and was looking forward to the rematch. EVERYBODY LOSSES, what makes her think that she is immune to that.
2016-02-17 5:34 pm
I'm glad Holly Holm won
參考: I allways believe she will win
2016-02-20 11:58 pm
2016-02-18 3:15 am
HONESTLY!! she got what she deserved!! all the trash talking and got put to sleep! its her own fault for making it a personal thing. she hurt herself. yeah I get it. sports have rivalries that's what make them great! but if you lose then be a champ and take your L! like if Floyd Mayweather lost everybody would be happy. Floyd has a big ego but he never underestimated any of his opponents and he always took his hat off to them no matter what. People like Rousey I doubt feel bad for them. she's being a big baby! thats like those people who cut themselves. I dont respect that? why should I feel bad for you? yeah people are mean but thats not gonna change. get some tough skin a man up about it. the world is gonna turn when we die. Life is all about learning
2016-02-17 7:39 pm
she seems to have no sense of reality.she might become suicidal if she goes broke, she might become sucidal if her boyfriend breaks up with her,, she might become suicidal if she doesnt win the belt again. An immature person who doesnt seem to be able to handle dissappointment. she has got a lot of life lesson to learn
2016-02-17 7:09 pm
The ultimate sore loser.
2016-02-17 6:04 pm
Depression is real, and it's difficult to cope. She is skilled and successful, and I hope she finds the help needed to get back on track.
2016-02-17 5:35 pm
If she wants to kill her self, she can choke on my penis
2016-02-17 6:01 pm
I think she's overreacting, but I've never been an athlete. Let alone a star athlete. This is what sport psychologists are for.
2016-02-18 12:36 am
Personally I think She is an idiotic mess, and just looking for attention. It isn't even logical to want to kill Yourself after one loss in a mixed martial arts match! One simply cannot except to win every time, even the greatest of champions have lost. A true fighter would dust themselves off, get back into training, perfect their weak areas that need work, and make their way back to the top. Rhonda is not accomplishing anything by keeping up is woe is Me act, suicide is quite selfish, especially over something so trivial. There are plenty of people who probably wish they were still alive, or wish they were mobile like She was, yet She is complaining about one upset? Her killing herself would only cause more issues for others around Her, and would solve nothing. It's ridiculous, Holly is getting better while Rhonda is getting much worse.
2016-02-18 3:38 am
Nothing to be suicidal about. Did she really think she would never lose a match, and being so cocky was a good idea?
2016-02-18 2:05 am
She was going to commit suicide and suddenly she thought "Shoot! I must go to the bank to deposit this huge check from Dana White". That was close.
2016-02-18 1:16 am
Even saying that after losing a fight with everything she has going for her, showed she is not a LION at heart. It is easy to act confidant when you have run into no problems. Losing a fight should have been no big deal to a champion
2016-02-18 12:50 am
Suicide and depression are real issues and I don't want to say I think she is lying about having those issues without being a doctor, but if she really is having that sort of psychological reaction to loosing one match, maybe she is in the wrong career.
2016-02-17 11:59 pm
Just from personal experience, I think there are very unrealistic expectations thrown against people in wrestling or MMA. When I was in wrestling in HS, I learned that the best wrestlers usually start very early in about 2nd or 3rd grade (or perhaps even sooner). I wanted to wrestle in 7th grade, but our middle school did not have it. I remember specifically asking the athletic director, and he said we had no coach for it. The same thing happened in 8th grade. In 9th grade I went to a HS that did not have wrestling. In 10th grade, I transferred and finally got on a wrestling team at age 15 right when the movie "Vision Quest" came out. Meanwhile, I learned that winter that the elite wrestlers on my team had already started wrestling about 10 years earlier. Needless to say, I was really green and inexperienced. The hazing was horrible by upper classmen against the freshman and sophomores. The coach didn't even care. He just said "Don't get mad. Get even." So he somehow expected me to learn ten years of wrestling in two weeks.

Years later, I confided to others in college or at a church about those experiences hoping to get some kindness and understanding. But the feedback was often harsh. The common attitude was that if you wrestle you should win 100% of your matches or we will see you as completely undignified and stigmatized forever and ever and ever and ...

Meanwhile, the elite HS state champions in wrestling often go on to lose many matches in college. At Notre Dame, there was a three-time HS state champion from Chicago who weighed 190lbs and could bench press 400 lbs. He lost over half his matches his freshman year. As for college, the college champions often go on to lose many matches at the international level. Ben Askrin was an elite 170lb NCAA D1 champion but lost a lot of international matches.

The guy who went the longest without losing a wrestling match was Alexander Karelin of Russia. He was undefeated for 12 years and three Olympic tournaments until he lost to Rulon Gardner in 2000. At the time, the American media made fun of him and stigmatized him badly. Gardner was seen as the American hero who destroyed the Russian Communist. But Gardner lost badly about a year later against a Cuban wrestler in a one-sided rout. Gardner eventually retired.

So the expectation of "being undefeated forever" in wrestling isn't realistic. But many people throw that expectation at wrestlers - and hence some get depressed and suicidal. I've seen the most arrogant, extroverted personalities go into tears after losing a match. It's an unrealistic expectation thrown at them many times. Brock Lesnar was right in saying Rousey needs to learn to lose in MMA if she truly wants to win. Everybody does at some point.
2016-02-17 8:53 pm
Pathetic, it seriously makes her look weak. Failing is part of life and obviously no one has taught her otherwise.... it's disgusting!!
2016-02-17 8:52 pm
do u think i care
2016-02-17 8:35 pm
Needs better coping skills. She got beat bad. Not just being beat.
2016-02-17 6:55 pm
sore loser
2016-02-17 6:51 pm
I dont care :)
2016-02-17 6:13 pm
She is extremely skilled and talented. A lot of stress comes with being at such high level. She's under the spotlight and wants to win at all costs, this is where her main issue is. She is a bit too full of herself and believes too much in her own strength. After her defeat, she realized that she is not invincible, no one is. She needs help.
2016-02-17 4:01 pm
She's either a serious competitor or a p*ssy when things don't go her way
2016-02-19 5:40 pm
Do you blame her?
She watched Entourage.

I assume every thing that a celebrity does or says is marketing.
2016-02-19 11:24 am
There is never a dull moment with these so called celebs battling for column inches and time. As for the fact that allegedly she s feeling suicidal, says a great deal about the many things she mentioned in the past about being in a far better place than she s ever been etc, etc, etc. Don t get me wrong I m a huge fan, but just cannot help telling the truth even if it s about someone I like, because telling them what they want to hear isn t going to help them one bit. Sports personalities are forever saying that they find it hard after a loss and felt suicidal, well, welcome to the real world, which you were apart of, and many of your fans have experienced loss yet, dust themselves off and carry on to fight a better fight next time. So, no sympathy here, sorry.
2016-02-19 4:12 am
she should go see a therapist
2016-02-19 1:22 am
I cant blame her for being highly upset about it but her career isnt over. She's being a drama queen about it, if someone announces they want to commit suicide they are looking for attention. If a person really wants to do it they wont announce it at all, maybe leave behind a note. Ronda is a drama queen plain and simple.
2016-02-19 1:22 am
Ronda made a fool out of herself by being too cocky. But regardless of that, she is still a great fighter. And she still has a bright future ahead of her. Killing herself over one loss? That would be like if Michael Jordan killed himself after he lost once in the NBA Finals. You fall down? You get back up and try again
2016-02-18 8:20 pm
I try not to have an opinion if it's gossip. Ronda Rousey errbody. 7^ -ewe- ^7
2016-02-18 6:57 pm
Having suicidal thoughts or acting on it is no joking manner. It's a serious matter. I don't have any sympathy for Ronda Rousey's reasons for thinking about considering suicide over her loss to Holly Holms. I agree with Brock Lesnar's response to Ronda about this issue, "That she needs to learn how to accept the reality of losing and not just winning." It may not had been exactly said in that way, but I am very accurate to what he was saying. lol! I feel like Ronda got too arrogantly egotistical and thought that just because she was champion with so many wins....that she would remain unbeatable. Even the greatest fighters are not immune to being defeated...because anything can happen in a fight....and there will always be a better fighter. Holly was a boxer who was women's champion in that field before transitioning into MMA as a kick-boxer to the UFC. Ronda isn't a horrible striker, but Holly was the better and most skilled striker. I've seen how Ronda acted at the weigh-in promotion,...how she got in Holly's face and talking all that trash. Ronda didn't touch Holly's gloves before the fight. The level of unprofessional and disrespectful attitude she had shown Holly was uncalled for. Holly handled every situation like a woman of class. Holly let her abilities prove her worth than her lowering herself to being a trash talking bully like Ronda. I was happy that Holly Holms won and rooted for her before she won the women's bantamweight championship. I was impressed with Ronda Rousey in the beginning, but when that story came out how she physically abused her ex-boyfriend and how she bragged about it like it was something to be proud of, my view of her changed. The way she kept going after Floyd Mayweather Jr. condemning him as a "woman-beater" for his past domestic violence allegations towards his ex-girlfriend or wife, while her hypocrisy came to light with her past being the aggressor on her domestic violent actions against her ex-boyfriend, was truly appalling to me. I don't like woman-beating men, but I strongly have no respect for man-beating women....especially those who brag about it like it is acceptable behavior. She finally met her match when Holly Holms knocked her out. It's not like one loss will ruin Ronda's career and she can always come back to fight for the championship. Maybe she'll come back prepared and stronger than before....or maybe not. She's been given so many opportunities and has a good boyfriend on her corner supporting her...to me there is no reason why she would consider suicide unless she has a mental illness-(severe depression). I feel like she is just struggling of the fact that she lost her title to another woman. So.....she's going to have to get use to losing because everyone in all walks of life....especially male athletes, learn from a young age that losing is part of the learning process of learning from your mistakes and making you a better person. You win some and you lose some....but you strive to lose less and win more. That's how I feel about it.
2016-02-18 5:28 am
A bit dramatic.
2016-02-18 5:08 am
Why would she be?
2016-02-18 4:44 am
Who cares
2016-02-18 4:37 am
Her priorities are messed up.
2016-02-18 4:09 am
I think she is just a nutjob looking for attention and thinks she is the center of the universe and now that she lost and got knocked down a notch she is trying to get the spotlight back on her.
2016-02-18 3:39 am
Simple. Sore loser. When I used to lose at monopoly as a kid I cried, but I grew up and realize in life you'll lose sometimes. It's part of life. It just means you should get back up, train harder, and realize where you made mistakes and fix them. Then make sure to not make them again. Or try your hardest not to. Not just kill yourself
2016-02-18 2:21 am
She needs to stop being such a perfectionist and realize that she's only human and that everyone, regardless of skill level, can be defeated in a fight. Well...except for me, but that's only because I have special powers.
2016-02-18 1:59 am
Who is ronda rousey. Jk
2016-02-18 1:55 am
The funny thing about this is that this is a woman talking about being depressed and getting all kinds of attention for it.

When men get depressed, they are FAR more likely to shoot themselves.

And of course, feminists would have us believe that women are far more prone to depression and in far more need of our help.
2016-02-18 1:47 am
She should've just tapped gloves. Had she actually bothered to train and not be so f###king full of herself she wouldn't have lost as bad as she did. Her career is done for, and the endorsments wont be renewed after such a loss. The best she can hope for is a quiet retirement. I call it the "pacquio effect".
2016-02-18 1:47 am
Acting dramatic
2016-02-18 1:34 am
No, she's not, she's just kicking herself!
2016-02-18 1:18 am
i wish she would've pulled the trigger
2016-02-18 1:09 am
Personally I think she is getting a taste if her own medicine she disrespected transgenders now she nows how it feels like to be depressed and suicidal and walk in our shoes it's not fun it feels awful but our life is harder and we gave to live thru it everyday
2016-02-18 1:05 am
She was way to cocky about winning. I think she should accept defeat
2016-02-18 12:52 am
Booohooo! Its not always about winning
2016-02-18 12:47 am
She loves attention and fame, but that is okay. Now she is in the SI swimsuit issue.
2016-02-17 11:59 pm
Sincerely disappointed in that 5 minutes of fame. I thought she was tougher than that.
2016-02-17 11:55 pm
I guess if one gets knocked in the head enuf, their thoughts get scrambled...
2016-02-17 11:50 pm
What a wus she is, tough up and move on
2016-02-17 11:29 pm
She is being prideful.... If she cant take a loss, that is weakness
2016-02-17 10:20 pm
I mean come on lady how long do you think you were gonna go undefeated? I understand that she was upset and that is her life's work but suicidal shouldn't of been present.
2016-02-17 10:01 pm
2016-02-17 9:23 pm
Ronda is a butt head just cuz u get your *** kicked does not mean kill your self she just shape up and and prepare to kick to her ***
2016-02-17 9:22 pm
All talk and no action it seems.
2016-02-17 9:15 pm
2016-02-17 9:00 pm
2016-02-17 8:01 pm
She has some symptoms of affluenza...she might want to go get that checked out.
2016-02-17 7:51 pm
2016-02-17 7:42 pm
2016-02-17 6:55 pm
I don't know much about it but I don't think she should let it get to her that much.
2016-02-17 6:46 pm
I think she was sincere and not "acting". It'd be interesting how she was brought up - perhaps too much pressure as a child (prodigy)?
2016-02-17 6:23 pm
She'll be okay. She got kicked really hard in the head. That will mess up any ones thoughts for a while. She seems to be doing good now. Good for her to be open about it. Well done her
2016-02-19 5:46 pm
I don't know much about Ronda Rousey, I know she's some female MMA (or some other kind) fighter who gained a little mainstream attention like Gina Carano before her.
But this is not about her career, you missed the point entirely.
This is about the fact that she wanted to KILL HERSELF
It goes to show two things: even with money you can get so miserable and depressed that you want to die and this country makes a big deal about it, if you just say that you're having suicidal thoughts or someone suspects that you want to "harm" yourself (even if that person is paranoid) the government has the right to hold you against your will on suicide watch, which can be inhumane and sometimes involves tying someone to a table all day long.
We need to stop freaking out when people have suicidal ideation and try to help them instead.
2016-02-18 12:06 am
She wasn't

Quit spreading pathetic lies!
2016-02-17 9:21 pm
Professional fighters and athletes have a aggressive, competitive mindset so in that regard her depression is logical.
2016-02-17 8:20 pm
Typical chick!!!
2016-02-17 8:13 pm
2016-02-17 6:09 pm
She's human you know, she has struggles like us. When we see her like one of us then things like this don't become so surprising.
2016-02-17 1:52 pm
Never heard that story. Is that the Sports Illustrated article on her?
2016-02-17 5:47 pm
If you think about what she does for a living which is to fight and win, then all of a sudden that is taken from her she feels that she doesn't belong anywhere anymore.
Fighting is her life and she does it to be the best, but if she can't do that then she feels there is nothing else she can do. In her mind she loses everything she has ever worked for in her life.
Its like during the great depression, people worked their entire lives to save money and in an instant everything was taken from them and a lot of people did commit suicide. A lot of people do when they lose everything they have worked for.
2016-02-22 3:24 am
2016-02-22 1:35 am
2016-02-21 11:04 pm
Shes mentally unstable and shouldn't be competing in a sport like UFC. Maybe she needs a mental health evaluation.
2016-02-21 10:41 pm
2016-02-21 8:49 pm
2016-02-21 5:25 pm
She shouldn't be suicidal. Everyone falls down eventually and you get back up and keep going. Losing is part of winning. I hope she feels better soon.
2016-02-21 8:14 am
shes a pussy
2016-02-21 6:45 am
Its nothing serious because losing is part of any game. She should overcome any hurdles for her to come back and hopefully win.
2016-02-21 5:10 am
I think shes just trying to get attention still I feel sad for her and that fact that she feels that way
2016-02-21 3:35 am
I have full sympathy for rousey and her loss BUT. It's her job, she knows the risks, people get beat up in this industry, and for someone who's career is to fight people and take punches while making millions; it was a little bit sad to watch her cry over a fight which is what she does.. If you're going to cry on national television, at least cry about something that matters, such as starvation.. Not taking a few punches and kicks for hundreds and thousands of dollars.. She's still alive, still healthy, and rich.

When has she ever done anything positive with her life other than take her fame and show boat all she has. Taking some modelling pics, and beating the sh*t out of people. Her other opponents that lost didn't cry like a baby on television, they took it.
2016-02-21 12:27 am
That was her mayweather - pacquio fight so I guess she felt like she couldn't lose
2016-02-20 9:30 pm
2016-02-20 9:21 pm
I think she's either lying or she's just being ridiculous. She's not even very famous anyway. I didn't even know who she is until this past week.
2016-02-20 5:24 pm
poor baby
2016-02-20 4:37 pm
I think it's unfortunate that she's all talk.
2016-02-20 9:09 am
less confidence mentally
2016-02-20 4:55 am
i don tbelieve it
2016-02-20 4:01 am
2016-02-20 3:57 am
it's crazy
2016-02-20 1:28 am
if she wasnt so cocky it probably wouldnt have happened it her own damn fault never underestimate a person
2016-02-20 1:00 am
maybe shes just trying to get more attention
2016-02-19 11:42 pm
Of course she could be depressed. The girl eats, sleeps, and breathes MMA fighting, and to suddenly lose the biggest fight of your life; that would be devastating. In the long run, I think it has done her good though. She is now a much more humble person because of it and She now realizes that she can't always win.
2016-02-19 11:33 pm
I am glad she is still alive but a mark of a true champion is to take a loss as a learning opportunity.

There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. - Malcolm X

All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. - Walt Disney
2016-02-19 11:15 pm
2016-02-19 10:46 pm
It's pretty sad but everyone goes through struggles even the toughest fighters
2016-02-19 10:08 pm
ridiculous becae she's still rich famousZ
2016-02-19 9:06 pm
feel sorry for her
2016-02-19 9:04 pm
She was held up to a certain standard and when she fell from grace, the world that loved her turned on her. As much as I am not really a fan of Ronda Rousey, I can see how she would be severely depressed after her loss. She was brought down and humiliated as millions of people watched. She is human after all!
2016-02-19 8:55 pm
it was terrible
2016-02-19 8:44 pm
Crazy lol sore loser
2016-02-19 8:34 pm
I haven't heard anything about it.
2016-02-19 8:20 pm
...like Mother Teresa said, the time we spend judging someone is time we could better spend loving them.
2016-02-19 8:19 pm
Scary, I hope she gets the help she needs.
2016-02-19 8:02 pm
I thought wwe is rigged
2016-02-19 7:40 pm
2016-02-19 7:25 pm
Search on the internet
2016-02-19 7:07 pm
2016-02-19 6:50 pm
I understand that she feels very bad, but I think the best thing for that is therapy. If she doesn't get therapy, it will take longer for her to feel better.
2016-02-19 6:37 pm
It is like the myth Athene when Arachne said that she was a better at doing something than a god, the pride she had pushed her down. She tried her best to defeat Athene but there will always be someone better. In the end of the story after Arachne lost to Athene she hung herself. That is why Rhonda Rousey was suicidal, she never should have claimed she was the best UFC fighter, BEST is the keyword.
2016-02-19 6:36 pm
I had no idea of this. From what I have been told, she is really arrogant and bad mouths other people, so she deserves to lose. I trained in the same gym as hers but I never really talked to her, so I had no idea of her being arrogant. She always looked like she was nice to the other people. If she is arrogant, she will be depressed about losing because it is something is not use to. I hope she does get better.
2016-02-19 6:01 pm
She's looking for attention.
2016-02-19 4:51 pm
Losing a fight goes with the sport, I'm sure she knew she wasn't invincible, anyway she has a lot more going for her other than fighting. I doubt that she ever had a suicide thought.
2016-02-19 4:12 pm
fake, fake, fake!
2016-02-19 3:52 pm
Its not any different than losing any contest . I can't begin to tell you how many bettors want to commit suicide after losing their paycheck at the Racetrack/ Football/ Basketball/ nor can I offer an accurate count on how many actually do kill themselves. Its a normal reaction.
參考: common sense
2016-02-19 3:37 pm
Shes great and really pretty. Shes just too hard on herself. Needs a Champions mentality. Come back strong
2016-02-19 2:50 pm
2016-02-19 2:29 pm
I seriously don't get it. She was crying saying she had no idea what she would do with her life. She is worth tons of millions, she can have a life better than most. Who enjoys being slammed in the face for the rest of their life? Even boxers like Mike Tyson grew tired of it.
2016-02-19 1:35 pm
My opinion is that I don't give a crap.
2016-02-19 1:14 pm
She will over come that incident
2016-02-19 12:11 pm
2016-02-19 11:27 am
Maybe she was depressed but it could be embarrassment from talking a load of s*** before the fight
2016-02-19 9:05 am
She needs to wake up and face reality that she is going to lose.
2016-02-19 8:44 am
2016-02-19 8:43 am
She should be over it by now and ready to demolish her rival.
2016-02-19 8:27 am
The higher they are, the harder they fall
2016-02-19 8:15 am
I think she just found it hard to face the world after being so cocky and then being embarrassed by getting beat down
2016-02-19 7:44 am
2016-02-19 6:24 am
Horrible but she had to eventually deal with a loss in her career
2016-02-19 5:01 am
I used to really like her, but that kind of made me lose respect for her.
I hate to not sympathize with her, but at the same time, it's like, get over yourself.
Did she think she would never lose? It's ridiculous, especially when people are struggling with real problems.
2016-02-19 5:00 am
Shes being over dramatic like most sore losers :)
2016-02-19 4:28 am
well i think she should let it go i mean its really hard to be undefeatable like mayweather but shes offensive so yeah i hope she doesnt commit suicide
2016-02-19 4:18 am
Personally I think she over reacted and has demonstrated that she cannot accept losing the match.
2016-02-19 3:55 am
those feelings didn't last long.
2016-02-19 3:55 am
She is just being dramatic, sure it's her first loss in her career history, but she should've been prepared for that (in more ways than one), instead of talking smack to her opponent she could've been actually practicing for and anticipating the match. No wrestler can go with 0 losses their entire lives, you just can't, there's always someone better; that's your answer.
2016-02-19 3:21 am
Who cares? She thinks her TIHS< don't stink and she thinks she is the best, and she is very cocky. She needs to come down to planet earth. I hope she gets a rematch and gets her SSA< kicked again.
2016-02-19 3:20 am
I can understand it because after she was thinking what am I without this title. That was her life and she just lost so it's very understandable to think like that. Honestly I have more admiration for her after losing because she's dealt with these thoughts, grown from them and understands she is more important than mma, and is already wanting to get back in the ring for a rematch
2016-02-19 3:16 am
Nobody bats a thousand. If she continued to fight, she risked losing one. Everyone knows that. Perhaps she was hoping that she would have retired undefeated, but that didn't happen. She is still one of the very best in her field and she should get back in the saddle because she definitely has the ability to get back to the top again. I remember when Mike Tyson seemed undefeatable, then he lost to Buster Douglas in 1990. It's not the end of the world and people really do respect those who handle a loss well.
2016-02-19 3:08 am
Very stupid
2016-02-19 3:07 am
She may be just going through a FaZe
2016-02-19 2:32 am
I guess that's what happens when you think you are an immortal who can never be defeated. She may be good at fighting but sometimes you need reality to smack you across the face (literally). She had terrible sportsmanship and dehumanized her opponent. She had it coming.
2016-02-19 2:32 am
2016-02-19 2:30 am
Shes still cool in my book, just overreacting
2016-02-19 1:51 am
Its never a good idea to fix your identity on something as temporary and fleeting as a career of any kind.
2016-02-19 1:25 am
One should not lose hope.
2016-02-19 1:02 am
I think it's sad but awesome because she's a **** talker.
2016-02-19 12:31 am
2016-02-19 12:23 am
I think it was selfish of her to even think that. She has never lost, and yet the one time she loses she acts like a big cry baby over it. We've all lost a sport or game or something but we don't go home and act like we are going to die because we lost. It was just bad luck, so what she lost? She can be mad or sad but NOT suicidal. What message does that send to kids that lose sports games? That if they lose they should kill themselves? It was wrong of her. PLUS she's rich and famous. SHE LOST ONCE STOP BEING SUCH A BABY!!!!
2016-02-19 12:10 am
I had no idea it would affect her this much, there is always a loser and a winner. No one is always a winner there is always someone better. Shes tough and will be able to get over it. Team Holm.
2016-02-18 11:26 pm
she lost her identity
2016-02-18 10:55 pm
I'm sure she's depressed but she has still left a huge impression on the UFC world and that's something to be pretty damn proud of
2016-02-18 10:43 pm
Fake. In the USA guns and cartridges are readily available to the seriously suicidal. What we have here is a bid for publicity: anything to get her ugly mug in the spotlight.
2016-02-18 10:30 pm
2016-02-18 10:25 pm
2016-02-18 9:55 pm
2016-02-18 9:37 pm
I feel she shouldn't be suicidal after a loss. Everyone one loses at least 1 time. Your supposed to gain more from losing than winning most of the time and learn from your loss.
2016-02-18 9:08 pm
F ronda bigmouth rousey
2016-02-18 9:03 pm
It's just ego
2016-02-18 8:35 pm
She's no more suicidal than you or I. She took a loss which is something she wasn't expecting. It was a shock and with shock comes emotional things flying through the mind. None of which define her as suicidal.
Labeled people are victims only to the labelors and not to anyone else, not even themselves.
2016-02-18 8:00 pm
Her being "suicidal" is merely a publicity ploy. Real people that "want" to die don't announce their intentions.
2016-02-18 7:40 pm
I think she's an even worse fighter than everyone thought and now she's realizing it too, its all a publicity stunt.
2016-02-18 7:22 pm
2016-02-18 7:22 pm
Like that one wrestler guy said she needed to learn to lose before winning and she never learned to lose so it ended up devastating her.
2016-02-18 7:19 pm
Who the hell is that
2016-02-18 6:43 pm
Thats crazy, she shouldnt be though
2016-02-18 6:30 pm
She needs to calm down about this depression and contemplating suicide. There are going to be fighters that will beat her again in the future most likely and she is also one of the most if not THE most successful ufc fighters in the world. She should be proud on what she accomplished and yes the loss will hurt but it gives her more of a reason to train harder and get better.
2016-02-18 6:09 pm
I don't think she meant it. She said it because she was stunned about her loss.
2016-02-18 6:01 pm
I hope she does get the help she needs. But that can happen after you lose a family member or someone you were deeply close to. It is true, women are harder on themselves than most men. I wish her the best, because she has accomplished so much and she does seem like a good, sweet, strong, tough, and protective person.
2016-02-18 5:56 pm
shut up every one of you. your all fat whores you all can go choke on a horny toad. YOU STUPID MENTALLY ILL BURRITOS. whats on the menu for dinner? CHILLI CHEESE BEAN PIE
2016-02-18 5:44 pm
2016-02-18 5:35 pm
but once she moves past that, she should be fine.
2016-02-18 5:08 pm
She only felt worthless because she lost but recently in an interview she said she feels like she is very lucky and she loves her boyfriend and he made her feel worth something and she is not seriously suicidal.
2016-02-18 5:04 pm
Don't know her but seems Sad
2016-02-18 3:56 pm
She went from a champ to a chump
2016-02-18 3:42 pm
I don't judge her
2016-02-18 3:34 pm
2016-02-18 3:25 pm
What's there to be depressed about? She has millions of dollars and is set for life, so what's the problem? If she wants to commit suicide because she lost a fight, then she has much more mental problems that just losing a fight.
2016-02-18 3:21 pm
She need to get over it...
2016-02-18 3:20 pm
The girl knows how to get attention and the media knows how to exploit it. RR is solid; I have no worries.
2016-02-18 2:29 pm
2016-02-18 2:23 pm
2016-02-18 2:20 pm
It shows that she thinks of herself so highly that if she loses, she has to die.
2016-02-18 1:56 pm
It's one loss. Big whoop
2016-02-18 1:48 pm
2016-02-18 1:34 pm
2016-02-18 1:16 pm
I understand her
2016-02-18 12:43 pm
2016-02-18 12:22 pm
she is not a role model...shes a crybaby....losing is part of winning...get over it .
2016-02-18 12:21 pm
I'm still going marry her when I grow up.
2016-02-18 12:05 pm
Mouthing off before a fight is part of the fight plane, to try to annoy the opponant, to throw the opponant off his game-plan, to rattle the opponant so what she was dong is just part of the strategies used today (Muhammed Ali was the first to use that, a way of getting the psychological advantage). I suspect she was shocked and then embarrassed and humiliated but... depressed? Naw, I think she was embarrassed and disappointed. She may be beaten again by the same opponant, anything is possible, but I suspect she won't be surprised by her opponant's skills and abilities the second time around.

Back when Ali was using the media to mouth off, he was actually promoting the fight against Frazier. I saw him in NYC with a bunch of kids asking him questions and getting his autograph. I approached the group to listen and one kid called Frazier a "Tom" and that's when I almost ran away... Ali got serious and wagged his finger in the kid's face and said, "Boy, don't you never say some sh!t like that again... Joe is a good man, a family man and he ain't my enemy! I talk like that 'cause I'm getting ticket sales for the fight!..." and there was nothing but silence; I walked away, hoping not to be noticed.
2016-02-18 12:03 pm
Never underestimate your opponent .Buster Douglas knocked out 'Iron' Mike Tyson. Buster who? Exactly! Leon Spinks remember him? Probably not. Moral of the story it's not how you fall it's how you get up and finish. To cherish victory you must know defeat.
2016-02-18 11:55 am
Suicide is hilarious go **** yourself
2016-02-18 11:27 am
It was a careful line to win sympathy from people. It also acts as a PC barrier where if you laugh at her loss, people will jump on you for making a joke about a depressed wench.
2016-02-18 11:26 am
Good enough
2016-02-18 10:50 am
She is depressed but surely will come back in the octagon again
2016-02-18 10:25 am
My opinion? She is be physically strong but obviously mentally weak if she's suicidal for that reason...
2016-02-18 9:34 am
2016-02-18 9:21 am
First time ever hearing of this, probably made up.
2016-02-18 8:43 am
When you're a really competitive person, losing affects you personally. Especially something like fighting where it's a 1 on 1 thing, all the responsibility is on you. I'm sure after the loss she doubted herself, everything she had worked for, what she could've done differently. In dark times people have dark thought's, but hopefully she has good people around her who will support her through the tough times. It's not about how you deal with Winning, it's aboutt how you deal with Losing.
2016-02-18 8:24 am
Whatever happens is destined to happen ! You can't help fate !!
2016-02-18 8:24 am
It is not how you fall but how you stand up in life
2016-02-18 8:14 am
2016-02-18 8:00 am
I think she's a complete idiot and needs to learn to humble herself. The thought of not being the best at what she does physically is more overpowering than the potential she has to be a good human, to make a family with the man she claims to love, and to learn how to be happy for others even when she is below them
2016-02-18 7:52 am
Getting kicked in the head could affect her thinking.
2016-02-18 7:40 am
2016-02-18 7:09 am
I don't know her heart. Perhaps she thought that way. It was an embarrassment. She did not train as hard as she could have. Even now when I see her I think that that may have been her last fight. She doesn't appear physically to be training and want a rematch. If she were honest to herself she should have quit when she was ahead.
2016-02-18 6:37 am
Her problem is her own thinking, attitude and ego. She has a backwards prospective on life and doesn't know what's important and what isn't.
2016-02-18 6:22 am
Wait what?!?!?! She was the one who was so cocky and arrogant before and during the fight and now she is being suicidal?? She is one ****** up individual.
2016-02-18 6:18 am
she takes her pride and sport seriously so i know how it feels
2016-02-18 6:08 am
PR gimmick that, according to most reactions, is a total failure just like her corner's coaching during her last bout with Holms.
2016-02-18 5:58 am
Very juvenile and pathetic of her.
2016-02-18 4:51 am
Don't believ it
2016-02-18 4:38 am
I believe so.
2016-02-18 4:36 am
It's kind of ridiculous but I understand
2016-02-18 4:25 am
It's not all that unusual. Young people who haven't had a whole lot of failures, when they do finally fail (and everyone fails sometime), think it's the end of the world, cannot face the ridicule and feel so shamed they'd rather end their lives. That's why failing, small failures every now and then all through life, are so important. You have to learn to put on your flame proof suit, adjust your face to look like it didn't matter, and go out and face your public showing them it was just one small set back but you are going to fight through it. I've heard young people agonizing over things like "I walked out of the bathroom with my skirt in my panties and didn't know it and none of my friends said anything! Everyone saw! I'm so humiilated I could die..." You have to just shake it off, sigh, go "well, shiet happens!" and go on like nothing happened--and people will forget, people will see how strong you are and that a set back is not going to stop you. I'm glad she didn't try suicide, I'm glad she's admitting it and showing just how tough she is.
2016-02-18 4:18 am
I don t like that she got all emotional on tv. She is supposed to be all badass. How could she do that? Can you see one of the male competitors going on on a talk show and crying on the host s shoulder? I consider myself a feminist, and expect a woman in a violent sport not to go all soft and emotional. She should have kept all that stuff to herself and her family. By doing that she let women down.
2016-02-18 4:03 am
I feel sorry for her having been suicidal myself. I think it shows her softer side and makes her seem more human than just someone who fights for a living.
2016-02-18 3:10 am
2016-02-18 3:09 am
We all suffer differently, therefore we should try to empathize with one another.
2016-02-18 3:00 am
Cause she wasn't her self when she was fighting
2016-02-18 2:48 am
It was obvious the way she said it, she went from feeling suicidal-"people admire me as a good fighter, if I'm not a good fighter-I am worthless"- to then seeing her partner & feeling love and valueing other things and having value to other parts of life, like family.
It seems much more like a whole bunch of different feelings happening at once in a short period of time. Nothing like what psychologists would consider being depressed or suicidal which is over weeks, if not months or years.
2016-02-18 2:31 am
2016-02-18 2:26 am
2016-02-18 2:09 am
Suck it up!! That may sound extremely harsh, but she has lost many matches before. And sure, this one was important, but you won't get anywhere by pouting. She's still famous. She's still an amazing athlete. One defeat doesn't mean it's all over.
2016-02-18 2:01 am
When your head is swelled up and then the air gets punched out of it, there is nothing left but for it to fall.....

that is what Rousey has experienced....her head was blown up and she lied to herself into the false idea she was better than anyone and even suggested better than men...she was invincible, and no one could defeat her....

REALITY entered the ring and ripped that balloon head off her shoulders...now she see's the truth and she can not handle the truth......her thought kill herself because she is NOT the Best and will never be......she could not handle the reality

and IF she fights again and gets beat up...she may just do herself in....

Dana White is doing her no favors...in fact is hurting her as a fighter and a human being.....
2016-02-18 2:00 am
I don't believe it, BUT I do believe that if it is true, she should have that right no matter how many people love her, whether as family, friends, lovers, or fans, or how stupid the reasons may be. Everyone should have that right and direct forcible intervention should either be illegal or at least highly restricted, like a lifetime limit similar to certain government benefit programs.
2016-02-18 1:48 am
she is a broad who wants attention
2016-02-18 1:37 am
She should get over it ever one loses once in life
2016-02-18 1:16 am
2016-02-18 1:10 am
She's a ******* millionare why even think of suicide wtf
2016-02-18 12:37 am
2016-02-18 12:37 am
She drank a really big glass of the cool aid and thought she'd never lose and coast to retirement.

Life isn't fair or works like that.
2016-02-18 12:10 am
She should know that a loss should not affect her so negatively. Ronda must learn to accept it, and she should continue to be EVEN MENTALLY STRONGER after this loss.

Life is meant to endure challenges.

2016-02-17 11:59 pm
Have you ever seen the movie Unfriended? Remember what people told the girl who crapped her pants? Well...
2016-02-17 11:37 pm
She probably upset due to she got her *** kicked off the pedestal she was on for such a long time , including sponsors , fans, bets, and then of course the pedestal she was on for knocking out competition so quickly . I doubt its suicidal , more or less depressed due to the lose of so much so quickly
2016-02-17 11:13 pm
I believe it.....hell ive been in a depression for several years now and have had thoughts like that over what others would call trivial things but to me they are big things....its just a matter of the way a person thinks....
2016-02-17 11:04 pm
I don't understand that. I mean that can hit someone hard but I don't think that should make you wanna give up your whole life.
2016-02-17 11:02 pm
2016-02-17 10:46 pm
She said she only felt like that for few minutes I think it was just a shocking feeling to not be on top as she usually is.
2016-02-17 10:21 pm
Lol she's dumb af
2016-02-17 10:14 pm
it was for attention
2016-02-17 10:09 pm
I hope she's not serious but could sympathize with her
2016-02-17 10:09 pm
Reality has a way of crushing people. It eventually gets around to everyone. In the moment that we believe we are "special," we, unknowingly, wait for a future moment when we will know the truth.
2016-02-17 9:34 pm
Overly emotional. Its only one loss.
2016-02-17 8:42 pm
2016-02-17 8:19 pm
felt bad
2016-02-17 7:27 pm
Being suicidal, while wrong in many ways, has its justification. The act itself does not however
2016-02-17 7:25 pm
Because she's cute af
2016-02-17 6:59 pm
It means she's a she. By nature, women are softer than men. Some are tougher. I'm just surprised she let everyone know. I thought she was harder and more resilient than that.
2016-02-17 6:57 pm
Emotional but overreacting
2016-02-17 6:54 pm
I'm not sure what to say about this.
2016-02-17 6:51 pm
As someone who has struggled with depression before, I understand her feelings. She has allowed her entire identity, her entire inner person, to become the unbeatable fighter that we all knew her as. When Holm defeated her, it shook the very fabric of who she was. She was no longer the invincible figure that she drew all of her self esteem from. And in a moment like that, when all of your self esteem is taken from you, you ask yourself, "Who am I really?" Everything she had wrapped up her self confidence was gone and no longer existed. In a sense, it was like she was starting all over. Of course, it is very sad that she considered suicide, but the loss was a shock to the very core of who she was, and I think engendered an identity transformation. Her psyche took a huge blow.
2016-02-17 6:41 pm
Its hard being strong all the time
2016-02-17 6:17 pm
sad, I was a big fan of her
2016-02-19 4:49 am
I think is she is super brave, yea what she does for a living is dangerous and brought upon herself but that doesnt make losing any more difficult or any less concerning for her health. Granted it is her choice but it would be the same if a football player were injured, or a boxer. We idealize extreme sports and take losses to home even when then not really ours to have loss, we are just invested in the game. She knows she lost, she humbled out, and she opened up about her vulnerability, of suicide. Putting yourself in her shoes, taking an injury like that and realizing one wrong move could literally ruin her career. The career she has worked so hard to achieve and put in so much of her life to succeed. What is she to do if it had come to end? It sucks and it's scary. Just because your successful and have money and fame and everything you could want in the world doesnt make you any less susceptible to thoughts of suicide, or depression. For people to say her suicidal-ness or whatever you want to call it is a "joke" is ridiculous. Would you say the same for other celebrities? people? athletes?

Have some respect or at the very least, some decency. Its not okay to downplay the hurt or seriousness of someones issues. We all have our own battles, and no matter the size of them or how they may differ from yours, it doesnt make them any less real.
2016-02-18 11:46 pm
I'd advise her not to be overly dramatic about the issue, but at the same time I would need to understand how difficult it was for her to lose a major fight in her career and experience vulnerability for the first time ever. No matter how over reactive her thoughts were, as long as Rousey's sincere, that needs to be treated sensitively.

As a spectator, it would've been better to maybe see her hard at it, dropping everything in her life to become better and prepare for a rematch. If Rousey was at least driven and in the gym saying "I have to get my title back", there'd be respect for her. You can't knock down a person who lost and is still hungry for the title. Just my opinion.
2016-02-18 8:22 pm
I doubt she was depressed, it was more embarrassment and the bruised reputation which made her contemplate suicide. She just didn't want to deal with all the hate she would get online and all the media repeating the defeat over and over again. She was seen as a role model for women across the world, and the loss kind of ruined the whole superwoman thing. She went into the fight with too big of a head, and now she paid the price. Sure, losing for the first time sucks, but failure must always be present for improvement.

I can't blame her for having a cocky attitude. The media, as well as society, had such high expectations for her. In reality, she's just another human being. The media made her think she was untouchable with all these stories of heroism, and reality hit her hard. She is having trouble coping with the fact she is not invincible, but once she moves past that, she should be fine.
2016-02-18 1:30 am
I believe she a good fighter... Can't be a winner all the time
2016-02-18 12:52 am
I not surprised when someone like Ms.Rousey who is so driven,head strong, & high belief in her self. With the shock of losing when losing isn't something that crosses their mind. the shock can be soul crushing and overwhelming.. crushing and overwhelming feelings could naturally cause dark thoughts and negative feels.
2016-02-18 12:37 am
She is a strong independent woman.
2016-02-17 11:34 pm
I think people calling her a 'cry baby' are wrong. Maybe she didn't really have a legitimate reason to be suicidal, but when you're expecting to win like that and act so cocky and then lose in front of the whole world, you're going to feel like a failure.
2016-02-17 11:12 pm
Nothing but a cheap marketing ploy.
2016-02-17 10:23 pm
Its all publicity bull ****, she was never suicidal, she got her butt kicked and was looking for sympathy
2016-02-17 9:27 pm
I think it's just a statement to add drama to the rematch and for her to get more fans/followers. I say this simply because despite beaten she didn't seem at all hollow like someone who'd start thinking that way after she lost. But if she really did which is a possibility then it's sad that she thought that since I think she'd be popular even if she wasn't a undefeated fighter and just a good one. Because people liked her attitude. Though I was one of the people who liked when she got knocked out due to her hubris and general attitude which I did not enjoy, but most people were in the opposite camp and liked her attitude so again I think she'd still have fans.
2016-02-17 9:13 pm
I feel bad for her no matter what. But she should still look at it this way, her face is still everywhere, on every game, movies, commercial and so forth. Not Holly whats-her-****. Her title was a huge loss but her fan base didn't change. I still support her.
2016-02-17 7:50 pm
I think it's normal because imagine you are basically at the top of the world, the reigning champ, you're probably the best, and one mistake and bam you're down again. It's normal because you win some, you lose som. She probably didn't expect to lose.
2016-02-17 5:40 pm
No, Game have some lose or win then she not being suicidal after her loss even also she will try to give her best ever.
2016-02-17 5:22 pm
2016-02-18 4:42 am
I think it's pretty normal after a sudden loss, she is strong and will evolve, I'm from NM and I am thrilled and excited that Holly came out w/ the belt but Ronda still has feelings and she has been my favorite ever since I was small.
2016-02-17 9:21 pm
If she really really felt suicidal than I feel for her. However, I too am sick of hearing about Rousey. I don't care much for sports or competitive anything. I think I felt more disgusted that she thought she had a chance at playing Ms. Marvel. No No No. You stink as an actor. Stay in MMA.
2016-02-17 9:07 pm
I understand her completely. Being greatest about your passion is one thing and losing in front of million people, having them teasing you for weeks long and being humiliated in front of your loved ones, you'd come to think of suicidal. But everyone finds a way past it. So I understand Ronda.
2016-02-17 8:56 pm
For someone so strong and tough like Ronda to get suicidal thoughts makes me think we're all vulnerable. As much as these celebrities say words don't hurt them they really do.

I feel like maybe she got caught under this web where she thought she was invinsible. Life hits you hard. She got hurt and hopefully she'll grow. I hope she does. She didn't do it. She didn't commit suicide, she's stronger than ever.

I hope she learned she doesn't have to please or exceed anyone's expectations, just her own. These so called "die hard fans" will evaporate faster than gas. It's sad. I liked her even when she had lost, I like her even more. She'll come back stronger than ever just watch.
2016-02-17 7:12 pm
i think that she is great person.
2016-02-17 6:15 pm
Well I hope you trolls got what you wanted. A broken woman
2016-02-18 4:52 pm
I cant even imagine how someone who has thier career and reputation riding on winning would feel. Rousey seems to have had a HUGE ego - she was an undefeated professional fighter who got knocked out in front of the whole world after talking A LOT of smack. I am sure she disappointed many people and felt like a joke. If she truly felt suicidal then thats sad and I hope she gets help for those feelings but I was happy to see her get knocked down a peg - hopefully she comes back stronger then ever BUT humbled. I would like her a lot more if she didn't seem so pompous. I think she'd be popular even if she wasn't a undefeated fighter and just a good one. Because people liked her attitude. Though I was one of the people who liked when she got knocked out due to her hubris and general attitude which I did not enjoy, but most people were in the opposite camp and liked her attitude so again I think she'd still have fans.

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