How can I keep my brother safe in Atlanta GA?

2016-02-17 4:21 am
My brother has paranoid schizophrenia and refuses to take medication or seek therapy.
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to help because he is over 18, he's actually older than me.
Anyway Im afraid because of the gun laws. Im afraid he'll get into a fight with someone like he always does here in ny, but I feel that a person might feel threatened and shoot him.

How can I keep him safe in Duluth GA?

回答 (2)

2016-02-17 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
U can't. Simple.
參考: Exstreet person
2016-02-17 4:28 am
all you got to do in order to make him take his pills is to crush them up and put it in his drink [stir it up good] or put it in his food [mix it up good]

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