Is having 4 squares in your birth chart bad?

2016-02-17 2:52 am
I have 4 squares in my birth chart, is this bad? What does it mean to my personality?

回答 (2)

2016-02-17 12:20 pm
No it's not bad but look at any trines or sextiles you have; these are where you could be strong but may take these for granted so you don't apreciate what strengths you do have. The squares get you up and going and sort of make you do things so if you can realise what they need from you, you will actually benefit from them. When things don't go right, or not to plan, you have to think of them as "learning experiences" and then next time when something goes wrong you can smile and think to yourself "oh yeah, another learning experience". Then you maybe learn not to take life too seriously.
2016-02-19 2:06 am
It means a strong personality but it can cause tensions.

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