Do you think Donald Trump is working for the Clintons and is running a fake campaign?

2016-02-17 1:01 am
Let's look at the facts, Donald Trump is friends with the Clintons and he has donated tons of money to the Clinton foundation, also Trump has been a democrat for majority of his life plus how come Donald Trump doesn't attack Hillary harshly but instead he attacks fellow republican candidates and now he wants to sue Ted Cruz if Ted Cruz wins the republican nomination. The answer is because Donald Trump wants to insure Hillary wins because he wants to be the one running against her and not a REAL conservative. Also how is Trump going to win the election if Hispanics can't stand him, blacks don't like him and Muslims won't vote for him!?

回答 (5)

2016-02-17 1:04 am
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Could be. You're not the first person to think that.
2016-02-17 1:37 am
No, Trump is in it to win. Look at the facts, Trump is on top, with no clear challenger. The republican party leaders were stunned after the New Hampshire primary. A divisive outsider, Trump secured an emphatic victory and none of the other candidates got enough support to emerge as an obvious rival.

Trump has no competition. Bush came in last after his superPAC spent an astonishing $36 million dollars.

Cruz is an "ultraconservative" whom the party establishment loaths. Cruz focus on his Christians values and yet, he and his banker wife, only donate 1% of their million dollar salaries to charity and --$ 0-- to Churches. ( tax returns from 2006 to 2014)

Rubio might be pretty, but he really is robotic and has to memorize debate speeches --really now.
2016-02-17 1:04 am
2016-02-17 1:08 am
Do you remember how Ross Perot did the same thing for her hubby Bill? I am amazed that so many people really believe Mr. Trump is genuine.
2016-02-17 7:13 pm
No, he is a wheeler dealer but he is not a shady character like Clintons. They are dishonest, crafty, slimy, sneaky, corrupt, opportunistic. And he is not their pawn.

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