What online store should I go, Amazon or eBay? Plz?

2016-02-17 12:49 am

回答 (5)

2016-02-17 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Whether you should shop on Amazon or eBay depends somewhat on what you're shopping for.
Amazon is basically new items, in their original packaging.
eBay is often used items, sometimes with out a box or packaging.
I've bought from both and never had a problem with any purchase.
2016-02-17 12:50 am
I think Amazon is less risky.
2016-02-17 1:03 am
Amazon. Never had a problem with them and they are more reliable than e-bay.
2016-02-17 12:57 am
2016-02-17 8:22 pm
they sell stuff
Ebay only brokers it

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