How to let go of a grudge?

2016-02-16 7:57 pm
I'm a christian which is why I want to let go of grudges I'm holding against ppl that have bullied me..turn the other cheek and all that but I can't😞 does anyone know how to let go of the anger that I have build uo and of the pain I still feel about it?

回答 (19)

2016-02-16 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There's a story about an older monk and a young monk who are walking along a muddy road in the rain. They come to a woman who asks for help getting across, so the older monk carries her across. The whole time she complains that he is letting her dress drag in the mud, and after he puts her down she continues to curse him. The two monks continue on without a word - finally the young monk says 'that woman was very rude, even after you helped her - you should have said something'. The older monk says 'why are you still carrying that woman? I put her down several miles ago.'
2016-02-16 8:30 pm
Realize that it hurts only you and not your intended victim.

And then realize this fully >>>>

Mat 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Mat 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

Jesus forgave his murderers as an example to us. Surely you can forgive some hurt feelings.
2016-02-16 10:55 pm
Just let it go and treat those bullies like sick people who need a doctor. You should be that doctor. Prescribe them the right medication(u know,give them some advice) to cure them of their spiritual disease. Forgive them and go on with ur life!
2016-02-16 8:46 pm
Remember the story when Jesus washed the disciples feet, right before he was arrested? (John 13} Pay close attention verse 12, he washed ALL of their feet,including Judas, the one who betrayed him. Think about how hard it must have been for Jesus to forgive Judas. When Jesus washed their feet he was forgiving them, washing away their sins. Even thou Judas betayed him he still forgave him. We can never forgive someone more than God has already forgiven you,or me
2016-02-16 8:37 pm
Avoid further contact with the offender until such time as they can be proven to be trustworthy, otherwise, they will screw you over again.
參考: Reality
2016-02-16 8:44 pm
You have been forgiven much so in turn you release that forgiveness to others
We all need forgiveness all the time
2016-02-16 8:26 pm
Pray in the way Christ instructed (find the passages and then actually do it the way He said to), with faith, that your hurt feelings be healed, and that you are able to forgive. You can pray this with total certainty that you as asking for what is in accord with God's will, as taught to us by Christ. This is one of the very best possible prayers, and every Christian should do it when needed, and most all have needed.
2016-02-16 8:21 pm
The best way to let go is to remember that how God deals with us in regards to forgiveness has a direct bearing on how we forgive others. (Luke 6:37,38)
2016-02-16 8:21 pm
2016-02-16 8:01 pm
The only method I have found that works is praying. Ask God to give you the grace to forgive them. And remember the Our Father: Forgive us our sins, AS WE FORGIVE THOSE who trespass against us. We must emulate the Father in forgiving others for Him to forgive us.
2016-02-16 7:57 pm
Read Matthew 5
2016-02-16 10:42 pm
You need to meditate on the fact that they too, are God's children, there was a time when you were not a Christian and God's forgiveness of your sins will depend on your forgiveness of theirs.

You need to also remember that all sin is a rebellion against God and one is no worse than another.

Your anger is a desire for revenge. Consider what God has said. He will see to it that justice will be done in the long run. They may die for what they have done to you without regret.
Is that what you really want? As a Christian?

Would it not be better to pray that they too, find God before the end and repent of their actions.
2016-02-16 10:21 pm
A grudge is rooted in pride of self. In other words, 'how dare you do this to me.' type of thing. So if you can realize that you have done things wrong, not the same, but wrong, then you know there are people out there who have forgiven you and you can get strength in that and let it go.
2016-02-16 9:03 pm
By working to increase your humility. The more humbly you rate yourself, the less bad it will seem when people offend against you. Also, the more you recognise your own weaknesses and sins, the more you will be able to understand and forgive the weaknesses and sins of other people.
2016-02-16 8:28 pm
By expressing your anger! Dress for war confront the bully and be equipped to take him down . do as I did hunt down the bully soak him down with wildfire pepper spray and proceed to administer a royal whooping with a long thick leather strap!

Then tell him your forgiven now! Have a nice life.
2016-02-16 8:21 pm
Jesus' instructions are NOT optional.

He says if you don't forgive, you will not be forgiven.

If you condemn, you will be condemned.

The instructions are for your own good, not his, he never changes.
2016-02-16 8:11 pm
What does being a Christian have to do with it? Does that make it harder?
2016-02-16 8:03 pm

2016-02-16 8:01 pm
I remember being hassled by some idiots in high school. The truth was though, I just didn't care and had a positive attitude that made people want to hang around with me.

So, in short, if you want to really get some pay-back, drop the negative feelings and be positive and enjoy your life, Your happiness and indifference to their animosity will bother them more than anything else you could ever do and the good things that you do with and for other people will make you feel good about who you are.
2016-02-16 7:57 pm
Take a long vacation you'll feel better after.

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