Do you think WATTPAD is a good story site?

2016-02-16 3:07 pm

回答 (6)

2016-02-16 3:20 pm
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No. Full of illiterate teenage girls
2016-02-16 3:45 pm
Everything Mikah has said is true. If you just want to share your stories and maybe meet some people then it's a great site. If you need honest feedback in order to improve then it's not such a good site. The problem with Wattpad is that a lot of people on there are teenagers who don't know how to write yet. They can't tell the difference between good and bad writing so they gush over anything. That doesn't help aspiring writers who actually need help to see where they might be going wrong.

Wattpad has been great to me in the couple of years that I've been on there. I've met some fantastic people, and it's even opened up some really great publishing opportunities. But I wouldn't have gone on there if I hadn't first invested several years in actually learning how to write.
2016-02-16 3:36 pm
Define "good". Good for casual, beginner writers who just want to get their stories out there, and maybe make some friends? Yeah, sure. It's a great site for that. Good for writers who take their craft seriously and are seeking publication? No, probably not. Good for authors who have written YA novels and want to tap into that market? Yup, if used correctly, it can generate interest for your work.
2016-02-16 4:06 pm
Haha, no.

If you actually want to read good stories that will help your own writing, go to the library. If you want constructive criticism for your writing, run far away from Wattpad. It's piece of trash unless you want to write crap and just write for popularity. Most members are teenage girls who so dimwitted I want to scream. If you're older than twenty - four they probably won't talk with you. You have to be under sixteen, in love with some famous, kid - bop celebrity and stupid to be liked on there.
2016-02-17 9:28 am
Also try Penana and make your own judgement.
2016-02-16 3:09 pm

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