A guy once said to me at a bar that I was gorgeous. What did he imply?

2016-02-16 1:25 pm

回答 (6)

2016-02-16 1:29 pm
I don't get why you think that might imply anything. Why do you not assume that he just meant exactly what he said?
2016-02-16 1:29 pm
That he was drunk and desperate for sex.
2016-02-16 1:28 pm
You want to have it in neon that he fancies you or he likes you?
2016-02-16 3:35 pm
Men are simple creatures, he simple meant you're gorgeous, if i wanted someone to feel sorry for me i would say it in sign language
2016-02-16 2:01 pm
That you're gorgeous and wants to sleep with you.
2016-02-16 1:27 pm
that he thinks youre gorgeous. don't overthink

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