If killing Is illegal and child abuse is illegal, neglecting is against the law, so how do you characterize abortion?

2016-02-15 11:31 pm

回答 (29)

2016-02-16 12:38 am
Know what else is against the law?
Stealing organs.
Stealing bodily fluid.
Holding a person hostage for their organs or bodily fluids.
Forcing a person to give organs or blood or any other fluids without their consent.
Trying to force someone to conform to your religious morals.

These are all reasons abortion is legal.
Because unlike a child, a fetus isn't a person.
It does not have bodily autonomy.
It can not survive outside the body of the person pregnant with it.
It is not capable of thought or suffering.
Though of course, that bodily autonomy is kind of the important bit.
Something that has to use someone else's body to survive, and literally can not survive without that individual person's body, has no rights. It has no personhood. It can not make demands.
Nor can pro-lifers.
2016-02-15 11:56 pm
Abortion is legal when the fetus is not yet viable, and remains entirely physically dependent on the health of the mother. That's how I characterize it.

All your other examples involve someone who's been born, and who can live separately from the parent if necessary.
2016-02-15 11:34 pm
Well a fetus isn't a person so, none of the above.

And even if they were I would consider it ceasing using a person's body for anothers benefit against their will. If a child needed blood, we wouldn't force an unwilling parent to give it, regardless of how we might feel about their decision.
2016-02-16 12:27 am
As a woman's right to choose, not the government's. That is the issue here.

And abortion is legal, has been for 40 years according to the Supreme Court. Why don't you guys give it up?
2016-02-15 11:33 pm
Fetuses are not children, especially in early stages. If so, the biggest abortionist on the planet is God, because fetuses are naturally miscarried every second of every day. The medical term for that is spontaneous abortion.
2016-02-15 11:59 pm
It's a medical procedure, like removing and killing a tape worm would be. This isn't a matter of if you agree with this or not, it's a matter of how the law can justify it according to your question.
2016-02-15 11:43 pm
Abortion isn't any of those things.
2016-02-15 11:35 pm
Bodily autonomy: the right of a person to choose what they wish to do with their own body.

I believe that everyone has the right to do whatever they want with their body. If they do not wish to endure 9 months of pregnancy, including weight gain, stretch marks, bloating, vomiting, dizziness, appetite changes, mood swings, sleeping difficulties, and then many hours of painful labor and delivery, they should not have to.
2016-02-17 3:52 am
The liberals will characterize it like freeing the host from a parasite.
Having raised three children, i can tell you "viability" comes at @ 18 . Before that they will starve or freeze if separated from their caregivers.
We are all links in a chain of life, connected to our ancestors and our progeny. Break the chain and kill not just one but all who would have followed.
Acomplete human being is the potential at conception and should be accorded equal right to life. Even if it cant vote.
2016-02-17 5:15 am
It's illegal if you force a woman to abort her child because of a girl or if she want to give birth to a child. But if she do not want to give birth or if she is facing problem in her body due to pregnancy, then it should not be illegal to abort child.
2016-02-16 11:42 pm
And should always remain so
And other certain circumstances its legal to kill, such in self defense or time of war and thankfully where I live protection of property
2016-02-15 11:44 pm
2016-02-17 7:59 am
Murder, child abuse and neglect all deal with human beings.

Abortion is not about a human being, it's about a tiny cluster of cells.
2016-02-21 7:48 pm
Your right it is a human rights to decide whether or not abortion is suitable for them..her choice, Her pain, Her shame, Her conscious, if she wanna live a question mark! Her choice not mine.. I do agree, that in horrible circonstance the option should be available for all women.. I am fighting for those who can't fight and speak for those who lives are taken away before they can even defend themselves or speak.
2016-02-18 6:00 am
Because the fetus has to put the mom through child birth.... so the baby is causing the mom pain and posibily death..... therefor its just self defense
2016-02-18 3:25 am
it is against the right of the child... to have a life outside the womb where it did not put itself... it is murder as a pregnancy begins the moment the egg and sperm unite,,, some folks just detest the truth...
2016-02-17 9:07 pm
You get to define for yourself what the word person means. You do NOT get to define for anyone else. The only exceptions to this rule are members of the Supreme Court.
2016-02-17 1:25 pm
2016-02-17 10:38 am
Is not a cancer or common cold growing inside the body the same?
2016-02-17 9:35 am
You better be vegan.
2016-02-17 6:36 am
2016-02-15 11:44 pm
Actually murder is illegal. killing someone is not always illegal. Have you not heard of justifiable homicide and killing during war time is in most cases not considered illegal
2016-02-15 11:42 pm
The child is yet to have a sentience at the stage of which they abort the fetus
2016-02-15 11:35 pm
yeah, laws don't protect lives. sound judgment does. one celled organisms have no conscious ability to understand choice let alone be given one.
2016-02-15 11:34 pm
Butcher baby soup
2016-02-17 5:34 pm
I would characterize abortion as legal up to the point where the fetus could survive outside of the womb. After that it is murder.
2016-02-17 3:33 pm
I characterize it by giving the woman the right to choose. Pretty simple.
2016-02-17 9:31 am
Lol, didn't get what you wanted coming here. Try the Religion section if you want uninformed rants about abortion. Or....get....a....life.
2016-02-16 2:43 am
The LEGAL termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

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