I caught my son watching porn?

2016-02-15 11:01 pm
How should I punish him so he never does it again?

回答 (197)

2016-02-15 11:45 pm
How old is he? Males are visual when it comes to sex. He wasn't doing something unnatural. My advice, as a 39yo man, is not to punish him at all. What you need to do is have a talk with him. Explain what porn is, how it is not how real love works and explain it's purpose. be honest. If you lie to him, and he discovers that you did, he won't believe you about anything to do with porn, love or sex. Ideally, his father should do this. If that isn't possible, you're going to have to. But don't punish him. All that will achieve is that he will take steps to ensure you never find out again. He'll keep watching secretly and have a tragically warped idea of sex and romance. So have an honest dialogue with him, then tell him he cannot look at porn until he is olde. He probably still will, but at least he will know that it is emotionally empty and utterly fake. Understand?
2016-02-16 8:49 pm
Punish him for watching porn? Are you serious?

You didn't say how old he is but if he is a teenager then it's perfectly normal.

Sorry to say it but short of chopping off his arms (don't do that) there is nothing you can do to stop your son from masturbating (i assume that's why he was watching porn). And you should not try! Masturbation is a relatively non-harmful way for a teenager to explore and express his/her sexuality and supressing the urge to do so can lead to serious psychological harm.

So long as he is not showing any abnormal behavior (porn addiction, cronic masturbation, public masturbation etc.) leave him be.

Edit: You could as other have said talk to him. But don't talk to him as if he is doing something bad. Doing so could lead to him feeling guilty or ashamed of his sexuality witch again can lead to psychological harm.
2016-02-16 4:50 pm
I'm a girl and I watch porn. There's nothing shameful about it
2016-02-16 10:07 am
Don't punish him. You'll gain nothing but make your son afraid of you. Put yourself in his shoes and remember what you did at his age. His curiosity is only natural. Sit and talk to him, show him you're the adult and teach him about sex. Take this as a sign to have "that talk" and it's your duty as a parent to do it.
2016-02-16 6:47 pm
There is nothing wrong with watching porn, as long as you don't do it so often that it interferes with things such as school and friends. You need to be more respectful. I've never met someone who doesn't watch porn. Why would you punish him for doing something that's as normal as eating?
2016-02-17 4:22 pm
My parents took all my electronics for like, a month when they Found out I was watching porn but they left the one with a SIM card where I could steal it back so now I'm watching more than ever so I don't suggest you punish him if he's over 13 or 14 since that will just encourage him if he's under 13 you've raised a freak
2016-02-15 11:04 pm
You can't "punish" this out of him. In fact - making it something forbidden will only make it that much more attractive to him.

What you CAN do instead is help educate him on the consequences of long term porn viewing. The biggest deterrant that I can think of (and one that MANY young men struggle with these days) is "porn related erectile dysfunction". It's an actual condition - Google it to find out more. Basically it can take a healthy, functioning young man and make it so that he can't even achieve or maintain an erection without porn. It's pretty sad.
2016-02-17 2:45 am
Everyone in all of the comments above are Perverts I am 39 years old and not once have i ever had to watch that ****......it warps a persons mind to think thats all a woman is good for....tell your son if he dont want to grow up to see women as an Object he needs to realize that stuff does more harm than people think it does.
2016-02-17 2:42 pm
You don't need to punish him for this, thats just stupid and embarressing for him. Porn is okay in moderation and masterbation is beyond natural. You should sit down with him and make sure he understands what porn is, thats its not real sex and he needs to know porn is made in a way that it looks good for the cameras and to not let what he see's carry over into the real world or into the bedroom when hes old enough, I would also reccomond teaching your son about respect towards woman too, that woman arent sex toys designed for men and arent always down for sex because of what he might see in porn videos (for example, catching your ex cheating or a pizza delivery guy and obviously degrading/abusive sex) just in case he doesnt understand this already because there are already a lot of ****** up people in this world and now at a young age is the best time to instill good morals.
2016-02-16 3:00 am
he will do it again. again and again and AGAIN. Hes a guy and nothing you can do will change that. Nothing. Have the talk or whatever and just tell him what he needs to know but you cant stop this. Its no big deal- guys watch porn
2016-02-15 11:04 pm
Give him privacy if he's a teenager because you can't stop somebody from masturbating. I'm sure you have masturbated yourself when you were a teenager so let him be.
2016-02-16 2:11 pm
If you punish him you'll make him a masochist! Do you know what that is ignorant troll? You'll connect the pain with the pleasure stupid woman! It's normal for kids to watch porn, adults do it too! Even priests! Thje more puritane they seem...the more they watch! Open your eyes and try to cultivate yourself!
2016-02-18 12:01 am
What the hell? Watching porn is narural. How old is he? My husband was 10 when he started watching it. So regardless if you caught him at home if he's going to watch it he will watch it. You can punish him all you want but boys will be boys. You cant suffucate him.
2016-02-15 11:03 pm
Omg mom.... No watching porn is so normal why the hell would you punish him for being a normal kid with normal feelings? Whats wrong with you? And your so silly to think he wouldn't do it again, what are you gnna do punish him and make him not long attracted to females great thinking mom..
Better question why would you punish him like why do you think its wrong?
2016-02-15 11:04 pm
its normal dont punish him just have "the talk"
2016-02-18 3:24 pm
Depends on how old he is. Obviously, a 6 year old shouldn't see that type of thing. But if he's 14 or so, he already knows what sex is. He may giggle at it still, but he knows. I think you should reinforce what a good relationship means. Dating isn't just about sex. It's about loving the person and figuring out common interests and seeing if there's a spark. If he's masturbating to it, you shouldn't punish him for that. It's a very normal, healthy activity.
There is a healthy style of viewing porn and an unhealthy one. You obviously don't want him to become addicted, but if you punish him, he'll just want it more and will have to "sneak" it around you.
2016-02-18 7:15 am
I suggest some of the "boys will be boys" Mums go and visit a few hardcore porn sites. Read the titles of the top videos. Explore the categories section -- all of them. Read the comments, and look at the language used. Then compare that to your experiences of sexuality in the world before internet porn, when human relationships still had more importance than prostitution (which is what porn really is). If you cannot see the difference, I questions your competence as a parent. You need to unplug your media devices asap.

OP. Porn and prostitution is everywhere. Despite all the studies done to show the harm, we are stuck with it until enough people wake up to it. And, waking up usually means personal damage...which is inevitable for the majority of users.

For now, the best thing you can do is to love your son. Tell him that his sexual urges are very normal, and we all get these temptations, but porn is a trick designed to make money off these urges at the expense of society. Go to YourBrainOnPorn, and let him read both the scientific studies and personal anecdotes from men and women who have come through the other side. Ask him what he feels about love, about relationships, about being a man, about prostitution and its associated harms like sex trafficking and drug addiction, It might not stop him, but you will have at least planted the seed and exposed him to the truth.
2016-02-18 3:59 am
oh come on...that's the ONE thing you shouldn't punish him for or he's going to grow up really messed up. Masturbation isn't a bad thing, it's healthy. It's when people are taught that it's "EVIL" that they become mass murders or something. It's healthy and you need to let him be. Remember he is a human being. Not just your son. He's a growing man lol. Anyway, yeah as long as it's normal porn let him be. If you can't ask the doctor and trust me he will say "that is normal and healthy for a guy of his age".
2016-02-17 5:46 pm
Calm down. As a parent myself, although it is disturbing for me to think of my son watching porn its is perfectly natural to do so. the boy is gonna find out about sex anyway through friends or action. and yes he will meet girls. and yes he will have crazy hormones and a lot of gfs. however this is normal teen behavior. dont u remember when u were a teen? u cant punish a teen for having normal sexual urges. its instinct and natural reaction with all humans regardless of gender. porn is porn. it doesnt mean he is being sexually active but it does mean he is curious
2016-02-16 6:58 pm
I think talking to him is much better. Sex in a real life is so different than what he sees behind the screen. Tell him the side effects of watching porn and tell him that he would get addicted to it n his future and its not a good thing to do.
2016-02-18 6:02 pm
You're a prude?
2016-02-18 1:43 am
Why don't you just punish him for drinking water while you're at it?
2016-02-17 1:24 pm
It's ok every man over the age of 13 watches porn
2016-02-17 8:16 am
Punish a teenage boy for his normal, honest curiosity? Really? I doubt that's how boys operate (it's certainly not how I operated, and I'm a guy). Boys going through puberty need positive reinforcement, encouragement in the right direction, and education on sex and its pros and cons. He's probably curious about how it's done! Why punish him for that!?
2016-02-17 4:43 am
I wouldn't punish him at all, depending on his age, it's pretty normal for teenagers to watch. It's much better than him going out and actually having sex. He's just trying to fulfill he's needs, normal stuff.
2016-02-16 6:47 pm
I would consider to talk to him about the issues of sex. Porn Stars are just that. They are on screen to entertain. Sex in the real world is a lot different than the make believe.
2016-02-16 3:13 pm
youre the one who should be punished and not youre son. whats wrong with watching porn? is it better if he experiments with real physical girls and probably contracts std's and even worse aids? then youd be happy?

porn is harmless and cheap coz you dont have the expenses of living with youre partner and arguing over the bills. punishing him wont stop him from doing exactly what he wants to when youre oughta the picture. if anything punishing him will make him more determined to see what you were forbidding him to see.
2016-02-16 12:22 pm
Did you tell him he would go blind! What was his response "I'm over here!"..~!
2016-02-16 7:11 am
leave it alone. and this was a nice try for a made up question, but it's not believable. I have never known a mother who didn't know how to handle her kids
2016-02-15 11:25 pm
So what? He'll still watch it even if you tell him he can't. It's better to tell him that the real thing is a lot better than anything you'll see on a screen.
2016-02-19 11:00 pm
You do not.
You are supposed to figure out what was going on in the video, and explain why G*D made humans and other animals with a desire to engage in such activities.
2016-02-19 8:55 pm
accept the fact he's a dude and every guy watches porn
2016-02-19 8:15 pm
Join him
2016-02-19 7:43 am
A lot of sound advice, here. I am in my forties, and was sort of "accidentally" (religious/guilt/shamed) into feeling that there was something wrong with physical love/sex. I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong, but it took up more space in my head than it ever should have, that there was some reason to feel that sex was somehow "wrong".

I think "porn" by modern definition can be a little bit (if not a lot) weird, even unhealthy. Humans, being self-aware, have much broader interests in sex than simple animals. That's why there is so much diversity in "porn". I'm putting quotes around "porn" for the following reason: there is an increasing market for "erotica" (or whatever you want to call it) that is NOT pornographic. PureMature, DaneJones, NubileFilms, and other "brands" of couples simply enjoying making love. It isn't "kinky" or loaded with fetishes, it is just couples enjoying physical intimacy, without any guilt or shame. (It's called "indulgence", and unlike *compulsion*, it is perfectly normal and natural.) If you shame young people, you only cause neurosis and other, occasionally serious, problems.

My point is, there exists very tasteful adult video that is absolutely healthy. People with a healthy attitude about sex are much better adjusted, relaxed, calm, healthy individuals. Puritan values of shame and guilt only create unhealthy psychologies.

Finally, as someone else pointed out, ideally his father (or his predominant male role figure) can clear up any confusion, simply encouraging your son to be himself, and comfortable with himself. Your son is doing nothing wrong. Not truly. If you chose to scar him over this subject, things will not go well.
2016-02-19 4:35 am
Parents like you make me angry. Are you also going to punish him for growing taller during puberty? He is a boy that so happens to be attracted to females. That is in his nature. He has no choice. You're going to punish him for it?

Btw, wouldn't it be better to let your son "relieve" himself via pornography VS relieving himself with the neighbor girls? Definitely something to think about. My best friend who just so happened to by neighbor. Well, his parents were very religious & porn ...well he didn't have access to it at home. We did have a few girls on our block too. Guess what happened?

And, if you think you're actually going to keep him from masterbating ...rofl, get out of here. That's just as much in his nature as wanting to drink water when he's thirsty or wanting to sleep when he's tired or...
2016-02-18 6:16 pm
Would you rather have your son going around and sleeping with multiple woman whom he doesn't even know? I don't think so.

Let him have the pleasure of watching porn. Sure, now that you know he does, it probably makes you uncomfortable, but it is totally normal and natural. I am guessing it also freaked you out a bit; to be honest, it would freak me out a bit too if I found my son watching porn.

A lot of guys watch porn, also girls. So, my advice to you would be to just try and ignore it?
If you forbid him to do so, he is just going to do it more often. The fact that it is "forbidden" to him, just makes it that much more special...
2016-02-18 5:33 pm
If he's about 14.....this is the time his sexual prowess is at its height.....better he watch porn and masturbate than go out and rape girls. I am the mother of 3 boys....all grown now and decent young men...

Mo Ma and Gandma
2016-02-18 11:22 am
So let him watch porn
2016-02-18 8:53 am
It's natural. Nearly everyone watches porn at some stage.
2016-02-18 3:20 am
It's normal for boys to watch porn I'm 15 years old (girl) but all the boys talk about is that.. I don't believe you should punish him but you should talk to him about sex maybe he is curious about it. If you haven't had "the talk" now is the time. Punishment is not the answer for this... At least I don't believe it's punishment enough having him know you saw that he is probably very embarrassed.
2016-02-17 9:36 pm
Why would you punish him? It's natural for guys to watch it.
2016-02-17 6:40 pm
Let him whack it you dumb *****
2016-02-17 5:16 pm
Don't punish him. He is just discovering himself and it's completely normal for anyone to watch porn.
2016-02-17 4:50 pm
My friends that are boys love porn, I find it annoying (I'm a girl). Anyway when boys get to a certain age they become very interested in that stuff, you probably already know that. Anyway you shouldn't punish him because it's pretty natural and don't bring it up tooo much because it will probably be awkward for him
2016-02-17 10:50 am
Many young boys watch porn. It's natural, as they're adolescents, curious about sex, how to please a woman, or have recently discovered orgasm, and like it! Only perverted if it becomes an addiction. Anybody who says only perverts watch porn, while I myself do not, is a bit of an uptight prude with issues of their own to address.
2016-02-16 10:47 pm
Punish. Really? It's normal for his age.
2016-02-16 10:06 pm
No, it will solve nothing.
2016-02-16 8:30 pm
You cannot watch him 24/7
Much depends on his age: 12, 18, 25. It makes a difference
2016-02-16 8:12 pm
who gives a damn. you watch porn. i watch porn. we all watch porn.
2016-02-16 8:07 pm
Nothing wrong with that
2016-02-16 4:37 pm
Now days everyine watches it
2016-02-16 2:16 pm
No because there is nothing wrong with watching it lol everyone masturbates even the ladies
2016-02-16 2:16 pm
dont punish!!! tell him to lock the door!
2016-02-19 8:55 pm
Force him to watch you pork your wife ,doggie style !!!
2016-02-16 7:28 pm
Show him dead porn star memorial 1&2 on you tube tell him to think about it.
2016-02-16 5:31 pm
Sorry to hear that you raised your son to be normal! Have his dad talk to him about it, there's nothing more awkward than talking to your mother about porn. Trust me, my mom found my playboy stash when I was 14. The best thing you can do is be happy that it wasn't gay porn!! (Or was it...lol)
2016-02-16 1:46 pm
Was it gay porn? Yes.......then kick his ***.
2016-02-15 11:02 pm
Talk to him. Make sure he understands any punishment you give. And, good parents don't take bad advice. So be very careful with what other people tell you here. (If you're even being sincere to begin with).
2016-02-16 6:48 pm
Ground him (e.g. no social activities for a week or two, just to school and back home). Take away his cell phone for 2 days. Something like that. Tell him the ground rules in your home-- no porn.
2016-02-17 12:25 am
You must be firm and put your foot down. Let him know that behavior is not permitted as long as he lives under your roof. If he has a computer in his room you need to move it to the family room and lock it down so he no longer has access to these materials. Be sure that you keep your eye on him while he is using the computer. If you want to punish him for what he is looking at I would use a cattle prod. That way you can zap him and he will begin to associate that action with what he is looking at. You can also confiscate his smartphone and replace it with a flip phone that is not capable of playing videos or browsing the web.
2016-05-14 11:08 pm
r u ******* dumb?! dont punish him all teenage boys watch porn and if u stop him than he thats just stopping a naturral part of his life. if porn was bad to watch then every guy on planet earth would be a rapist
2016-03-22 2:32 am
Give him some head so he enjoys himself
2016-02-22 7:30 am
Encourage him to find a girlfriend to have romantic relations with.

You can effectively stop him from doing it if you have the willpower using tech tools and monitoring equipment. I think there are websites devoted to this. Start with OpenDNS, your ISP and by becoming the administrator on his computer to set the DNS as an admin. If you can't do the last step, schedule the internet to shut off after a certain time. If he's smart you will have to lock the router away in a room.
2016-02-20 3:43 am
Take off his phone, and computer.
2016-02-20 2:15 am
Tell masturbation is just as good as sex, but your alone so it may feel good. But without a partner his friends and his family even may make him jealous, and after he's done each time he'll be like damn I just shouldn't have started
2016-02-19 7:00 pm
Don't punish him lol. He's a guy who is probably feeling some sexual desires and wants to 'relieve' himself. Every guy i know watches porn. Its totally normal. I mean, are you gonna punish him for having sex in his life too? Porn isnt really big deal. just dont let him binge watch it and turn into to some sex raging pervert
2016-02-19 6:54 pm
no? It's a natural thing.
2016-02-19 6:46 pm
Troll!!!!! REPORTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-02-19 5:25 pm
yes punish him
2016-02-19 3:39 pm
I have done it since i was 8 and I'm a girl, they are just curious it's natural
2016-02-19 2:30 pm
thats natural
2016-02-19 2:00 pm
Well i wouldnt punish my son for watching porn at the age of 15 and above. Males at these age are very curious about sex. They think it all the time i believe.Wathing porn isnt bad its pretty much normal. Let your son watch porn regularly its not a big deal he is just exploring . Let him do all these thinks now that he is young you dont want him to be like 30 and still watching porn and masturbating. He should get a serious relationship then cause he would be bored of sex- masturbation. (I am only 18 y.o. but thats my opinion you can ignore it sure but i am just saying i used to watch porn since like 8 years old , yeah thats pretty bad but i am just fine now i have my girfriend and i dont have her to just **** her , i respect her . Cause after 10 years of watching porn masturbating and having sex with random girls all i want now is to have a real relationship. If you let him do this thinks now you will help him avoid doing this thinks in the future. I have seen my cousin who is like 40 y.o. and he is all about watching porn and getting ****** with some idiot girls.He is not married and he is not looking for that all that cause he started watching porn when he was like 20 and had sex when he was 25-26. Everytime i see him i am like omfg grow up cousin find a girl and marry her you are 40 yo. and you are a loser you dont have a job you just spent your fathers money and **** with random strangers.You can ignore me for sure but i believe at what i said
2016-02-19 12:12 pm
lap dance
2016-02-19 11:18 am
offer to watch it with him
2016-02-19 9:35 am
NO! This is a time for love and understanding.....move on....we all do this....have or will....let him grow up
2016-02-19 6:09 am
Buy him some lotion lol
2016-02-19 5:28 am
Do not punish him. Tell him about right and wrong moral values. Tell him one thing that it is a wrong thing and will let you to the wrong direction. This problem is very serious but unfortunately majority of people are not taking it seriously.
2016-02-19 4:42 am
2016-02-19 4:07 am
it's definitely natural for a boy to be curious. I would take it too hard on him. maybe lay down some morals for him to follow and monitor what he does on his phone and if he continues than take it away
2016-02-19 3:59 am
Most guys do it and most girls do too.
2016-02-19 3:53 am
2016-02-19 3:14 am
Take all forms of Internet from him and have him talk to a councilor about it, unlike these other people on here I don't agree it's okay or a good thing for kids to view porn, it's been proven to cause serious issues in adult hood with sex.
2016-02-19 12:33 am
At least he didn't catch you
2016-02-18 11:36 pm
did your dad punish you??? he's just doing what most guys do ,,,, better to watch porn than take drugs
2016-02-18 11:08 pm
your son is getting to the stage where he is figuring out himself. All I'm gonna say is boys will be boys and my mom caught me watching it and masterbating once and she didn't really care. If he was younger than 12 I would punish him but if he's 12 or over he's propoly getting to the puberty stage
2016-02-18 9:04 pm
2016-02-18 8:48 pm
Oh god...
2016-02-18 8:09 pm
A spray bottle?

If he's just a kid, explain that he's not ready, explain what he is seeing, why porn exists, etc. A decent lecture about it may be a decent deterrent! But If he's a teen, just make sure he doesn't pay for any of it on your cable bill or online, and doesn't do it when others are around.
2016-02-18 6:49 pm
Don't punish him
2016-02-18 6:48 pm
And? Every guy watches porn.
2016-02-18 6:26 pm
2016-02-18 5:44 pm
do not punish him at all
2016-02-18 5:17 pm
and as it depicts female badly an we all know that
2016-02-18 5:05 pm
Ban him ?
2016-02-18 4:32 pm
tell him why you think watching porn might be harmful to him but don't punish him, repressing someone's sexuality only leads to unhappiness
2016-02-18 4:05 pm
It depends on his age. If you think he is old enough, then talk to him about it so he isn't confused.
2016-02-18 2:55 pm
It's time for the birds & bees chat!! Explaining it's okay to be curious, that's him growing into that handsom man your so proud of!! Explain that if he has questions it's okay to ask. His questions will give u an idea of why he's looking for or curious about. This will help you keep tabs on what he looking at so he don't do things un- normal...If he's a pre-teen this is very normal!! No punishment is needed for these types of things.. Kids are just tring to learn something we as a society push so much about.. Make your child understand that NO matter what questions he has he can ask his mother/father. You don't want him to be scared to be curous!!
2016-02-18 1:34 pm
its normal
2016-02-18 12:50 pm
If hes a teen get used to it. It's normal. As long as it's not constant
2016-02-18 11:19 am
no dear its normal but keep an eye on him that he is not addictive.
2016-02-18 11:12 am
No it's normal
2016-02-18 10:57 am
try to engage him other activities you should not punish him treat him like your friend. have you not watched?. try to understand all have same feeling
2016-02-18 10:29 am
Newsflash....young men have ( whether they like it or not !! ) naturally high sex drives , that does not make him a criminal !! It is something the vast majority of young men would rather they did NOT have !!
2016-02-18 9:54 am
dont punish
2016-02-18 8:31 am
Talk to him about the first time you had sex.
2016-02-18 7:39 am
let the kid live at least hes not gay
2016-02-18 7:36 am
Just merry him to a nice girl. He needs a partner in his life.
2016-02-18 6:48 am
dont punish him for it. its human nature for him to be curious. just make sure that he doesn't start seeing women as sex objects.
2016-02-18 6:35 am
DON'T punish him
2016-02-18 6:15 am
he is a guy.
this may make you feel weird but guys are guys and have their entertainment.
everyone does this and thinks about this eventually.
respect his feeling for you are no virgin woman.
tell him that he shouldn't watch this if he is young.
it will disappoint him as my english teacher said.
2016-02-18 5:54 am
2016-02-18 5:24 am
You shouldnt punish him at all. Watching porn is natural for biys going through puberty. All their doing is finding some type of visual idea of sex.
2016-02-18 5:21 am
Porn and masturbation should be used in moderation. So you want to punish for using a body organ? Not the right move. He will see that as an overreaction on your part. Just embrace it and talk to him about it if he wants to.
2016-02-18 5:12 am
come on man....punishing is not a solution...u didnt mention his age....if he z near to adult then its common..amd now a days thz are more common due to internet age...if u want he should not watch porn then sit behind him and make him understbd...dont be rough....i this age father and mother should be his friend...not as a strict dad mom
2016-02-18 4:19 am
If it was females, don't worry.
2016-02-18 3:50 am
It's how men are wired (not trying to sound sexist). You can't really do anything about it. Even if you do something punishment related, he's still going to watch porn.
2016-02-18 3:44 am
It's okay girl , every teen in this century does that now /: it's sad but they can't help it
2016-02-18 3:33 am
You really should not punish him. Its a natural thing that every young man goes through. Talk to him , bit punishing him will embaress him and make him resent you. Trust me this is coming from a 17 year old teen and I can assure you this is how he would feel.
2016-02-18 3:23 am
Depends..... When it comes to things like this, you can't punish... because it's natural and he's going to do it regardless. SO its better to just talk to him about sex and the consequences and safety now...
2016-02-18 3:15 am
Don't punish him it's a normal part of life.
I don't understand parents who put punish their children for watching pornhub or masturbating.
I'm pretty sure everyone was a child before so they may have done it even if they didn't remember.
Just leave him be about it and don't mention it unless he's letting it distract him from doing things he needs to do.
2016-02-18 3:05 am
If your son is 40 years old or older, ground him for a day or two. :)
2016-02-18 2:50 am
where you in it
2016-02-18 2:40 am
Make him watch "Hot girls wanted" on Netflix, so he understands the porn industry and why the girls do what they do
2016-02-18 2:01 am
I don't see why you would punish him for this. It's pretty normal.
2016-02-18 1:08 am
Well, you should not punish him, as someone already said you can't watch him 24/7 but tell him not to waste much of his precious time masterbating and don't let him smoke cigarettes or cannabis.
2016-02-18 12:10 am
If he's a teenager, it is natural for him to be curious. Just tell him to do it when no one is home/around.
2016-02-17 10:42 pm
depends on how old I got caught when I was 11 or9 some in those age. they locked safe search
2016-02-17 10:39 pm
Like you dont.
2016-02-17 9:28 pm
Just don't. It is completely natural, pretend you saw nothing, pretend to be blind. Because you'll just make it worse.
2016-02-17 7:46 pm
Check what kind of friends he has made. Friend circle often destroys the children. And cut off the wires of pc or take away his mobile phones. Smartphone is the only thing that destroyed the world's innocent children.
2016-02-17 7:17 pm
Take a chill pill.
2016-02-17 7:09 pm
Uhm . You do not punish him for it. It is a normal thing and most men do it?
2016-02-17 5:48 pm
Tell him to enjoy it while it lasts. Sex gets really boring when you hit 40.
2016-02-17 5:43 pm
Hide your porn stash
2016-02-17 3:51 pm
Theirs no pnushing him he is a boy and is now into sex. However yiu can explain to him the good/bad things about porn and have him be aware of what exactly he is getting into. And try to have him learn that it may not be best for him
2016-02-17 3:42 pm
first of all get some clarity why dont you want him to watch porn ok got that,now if the reason is good enough plan a good way to stop him
2016-02-17 3:32 pm
Get a new son.
2016-02-17 2:31 pm
2016-02-17 1:24 pm
Try trolling harder. The very fact that you don't mention his age proves your retardness. How can we let someone as immature as you have kids ??
2016-02-17 1:05 pm
Block the websites
2016-02-17 12:25 pm
you dont
2016-02-17 12:01 pm
It's human nature, it's a normal thing for younger people to do. They're curious, when someone tells them not to do something, they go out and do it. He probably heard someone talking about it, and wanted to see. At first it can be very uncomfortable, realising that your child is growing, becoming hormonal. I walked in on my daughter watching it, I didn't punish her, I talked to her about it. As awkward as it is, just talk and it'll be fine.
2016-02-17 11:41 am
A lot of males start watching porn by the time they are 15/16. It's quite normal. As long as he isn't obsessed with it, I don't see the issue.
2016-02-17 11:19 am
Ok now what do you do about it cause it is not to be avoided.
2016-02-17 11:00 am
Educate your son
2016-02-17 10:24 am
very good boy
2016-02-17 9:59 am
how much old?
2016-02-17 9:52 am
so what?
2016-02-17 9:17 am
just let him watch, hes curious
2016-02-17 9:07 am
Hahaha. You will never stop him.
2016-02-17 9:04 am
talk to him calmly
2016-02-17 8:46 am
It's only porn, you didn't say how old he is but if he's a teen or older obviously he's curious.
2016-02-17 8:18 am
I think you should talk with him directly. It will be better.
2016-02-17 7:29 am
I suggest you both get naked and watch pron together. He will be embarrassed
2016-02-17 7:20 am
tell all the neighbors
2016-02-17 6:35 am
Punishing him for getting urges out of the way? What are you also going to punish him when he brings a girl home for you to meet?
2016-02-17 6:17 am
If he's 18, you can't do sh!t to him. He's an adult. If he's a minor, don't you dare tell him off! Get your husband to talk with him about sex, if you're his father, have the sex talk with him. Don't stifle his natural sexual curiosity. He hasn't committed a crime, he's probably just curious
2016-02-17 5:38 am
Just murder him, there is no hope left for that child. Tell your husband you have to try again, but try to make a daughter this time
2016-02-17 5:34 am
2016-02-17 5:02 am
If he is young, he is curious and horny. If he's older is horny. Let him be. Say nothing.
2016-02-17 4:14 am
How old is he? If he's a teenager then it's normal. I'm 15 and i masterbate almost every other day! It's normal. :)
2016-02-17 4:01 am
its not normal porn kills love
2016-02-17 3:54 am
Dont punish him!
2016-02-17 3:34 am
just join him watching it.
2016-02-17 2:55 am
It's okay at his age, the less you interfere the better. You wouldn't understand because you are woman which is understandable but for a kid like him it's completely normal and in fact quite healthy. Dont punish him. Because if you get mad about it now, You will be getting mad pretty often until he is out of the house
2016-02-17 2:50 am
2016-02-17 2:34 am
Talk to him about this
2016-02-17 2:22 am
Tell him no laptop or computer for a month unless it's for school or college.
2016-02-17 2:08 am
What's wrong with it? Would you rather have him having sex with numerous different women, and catching an std or masterbate.
2016-02-17 2:03 am
Lol leave him alone!
2016-02-17 12:50 am
There's no reason you should punish him. He's a teenage boy (I assume), it's completely normal. Unless his actions inflict physical or emotional harm into himself, you, or any loved ones, you should give him the freedom to do what he wants
2016-02-17 12:47 am
It isn't his fault he is attracted to beautiful, naked women. It all started with PUBERTY. You need to go after PUBERTY. Punish that puberty; don't punish your son.
2016-02-17 12:38 am
I believe talking works a lot better than punishing someone who is curious share how sex is not meant to be this way in God's eyes ..talk to him.............Good luck.
2016-02-17 12:31 am
Was he watching porn you have in the house?
2016-02-16 11:34 pm
depends on his age
2016-02-16 10:32 pm
Instead of punishing him, educate him about how pornography isn't the same as real sex and about issues of porn addiction. Viewing porn and masturbation, assuming he was also masturbating, is natural.
2016-02-16 9:14 pm
he has coriosity but i thing is not correct too see it always, so you have to talk with him and take out the computer or cellphone and say he never has to do it again
2016-02-16 8:20 pm
if you're a parent worth any grain of salt you'd tell him to snap out of it, then after disclosing that topic, you'd talk to him some time after about his relationships with women in his school instead of being a shitty helicopter parent (I don't know you)

is he still doing good in school? socializing with people? engaging in some physical activity? leave him be but keep an eye on him.

is he playing video games all day, staying at home, and not looking around his goddamn environment and letting his time fly by? maybe you should BE A PARENT and HELP.
2016-02-16 7:30 pm
2016-02-16 7:14 pm
that would be a good trick
2016-02-16 6:52 pm
it depends how old he is. if hes 15 and older i dont think theres anything wrong with that. thats their age when they start feeling that way.
2016-02-16 6:50 pm
i do it all the time and my dad said it helps when beinng older
2016-02-16 6:34 pm
Since porn is about sexual stuff and rape, I know the justice punishment hehe. Just pull a rape face when you talk to him and say, 'if you do it again, it will become real' lol.
2016-02-16 4:10 pm
A lot of boys watch that because it's easy access to get to it. You should talk to him about it
2016-02-16 2:36 pm
If he'said underage I would put parental controls, not really punish him as they do that. If he's an adult, there's nothing you can really do.
2016-02-19 8:44 pm
i hope i never experience this /sad
2016-02-19 7:39 pm
give us his age and then we can help you
2016-02-18 12:50 pm
There's nothing wrong with watching porn everyone is watching lesbeonest
2016-02-16 10:28 pm
Cut his penis of!
2016-02-16 10:27 pm
As long as it was between a male and a female please do not be overly angry.Just tell him that it was wrong but you understand the temptation and that he is to save himself for the right woman !
2016-02-16 10:24 pm
I thing it's ok, but keep an eye on him. If he will still watch it long time, it's NOT ok.
2016-02-16 6:44 pm
Tell him that he'll get addicted to it and it will be very hard to quit. I recently just quit watching pornography after 12 years!! I started when I was 7... Also, pornography will pervert him, he'll start looking at women as sex things. Which is kinda normal if you let it be... Dang was open hard to quit....
2016-02-16 12:20 pm
Just make his understand that it is not the right time.
2016-02-15 11:02 pm
2016-02-16 12:38 pm
cut IT off???
2016-02-15 11:15 pm
slap his booty so hard so that every time he sees it in these videos he will remember the pain and suffering that he experienced when you beat him.
God Bless
2016-02-19 9:47 am
You confiscate his phone and move his computer into the living room so you can keep an eye on what he is doing. The best punishment would be to spend some quality mother-son time watching porn together every night for the next two or three months. Set aside thirty minutes and watch the kind of things you caught him watching before. Afterwards you can discuss what you just watched and plan what to watch tomorrow. After a steady three month diet of these videos and the discussion that follows he may never watch this kind of video again.

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