Christians, please answer these questions truthfully?

2016-02-15 5:13 am
This question is used as an analogy I read from another website. It's a hypothetical example and nobody believes in the logic behind it. But I feel like it's an analogy we can all use to explain good and evil.

If God were an alien who, 4 billion years ago, seeded the earth with the organic matter that would later give rise to all the forms of life, if he then left and later returned, and proceeded to do everything the Bible says God (Yahweh) did - my questions are

1) If he demanded that we all bow down and worship him or die, would we all conclude that the alien is an evil being?
2) Would we - as a planet - rise up and fight him with our dying breaths?

回答 (8)

2016-02-15 5:19 am
If this fantastic tale were true, then yes, we would defend ourselves. However, if this supposed "alien" saved us by sacrificing its own life for us, and demonstrated that it was actually God, by constantly doing things only God could do, then we would have no reason to defend ourselves.
2016-02-15 5:13 am
blah blah blah
2016-02-15 6:00 am
Same thing he got me, not a damned thing.
2016-02-15 8:44 am
Your questions miss out much of the facts that would alter any thinking mind, which means the one posing such questions must have an unhealthy agenda.
2016-02-15 6:05 am
1) god is not a alien creature. god is creator and supreme in power and rulership.

2) the world might do that but i only speak for myself not the whole world. a alien being is not god and can not seed the lanet with organic matter. your analogy fails miserably
2016-02-15 5:29 am
Mankind never would have evolved out of our wild state of evolution and learn what it takes to turn us into human beings if it wasn't for Divine intervention by the God Yahweh. He then left us a Book of instructions that would keep us from evolving back into the ancient wild apes God created us from if we are smart enough to follow it. The Bible was written for mankind to follow to help establish the most perfected human societies possible while we inhabit planet earth. When we stop following this Instruction Book our societies start to self destruct which is happening as we speak. That sounds like an alien that is trying to help mankind just as a human father tries to help their children through strict rules that their children don't understand why at the time.
An evil alien never would have written a instruction manual for humans to follow to help prolong our existence on earth.
參考: The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.
2016-02-15 5:24 am
If God created Adam and eve on his ship and Satan told them of their existance. Then it would make sense to banish all 3 to earth. I trust no one. Not even god. I've never seen or met him or them but I'll be able to tell.

I bow to no man and no god. I am freedom
2016-02-15 5:19 am
An alien, right.
Some of us learn how to think critically to avoid stupid and really dumb opinions.

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