GM / Chevrolet offers WiFi "service" in vehicles. My phone company tells me NOT to text and drive -- WiFi is the same thing isn't it?

2016-02-15 4:29 am

回答 (2)

2016-02-16 9:50 pm
No, Wi-fi in your vehicle is not the same as texting. Wi-fi in your car was made so people other than the driver can connect their tablets, laptops or phones to your wireless instead of having to use the cellular network for data connectivity. It's the same idea as having a wireless router at home so you don't need Ethernet cables everywhere to browse the Internet.
2016-02-15 4:40 am
What the?
Wi-Fi is the same thing as what?

Wi-Fi is a radio frequency, and I'm not sure what you're comparing it to.
Text messages are usually SMS, and are sent through a cellular connection.

I honestly don't know what you're asking.

And don't text and drive. It is extremely dangerous, and very stupid of you to do that. I hate it when people do that. To me, that indicates that you don't give a **** about your's or any other person's life (Is it worth your life, or another innocent person's life to send a stupid message?). I'm normally a quiet person, but when I see someone doing that, I feel like telling them things that I wouldn't normally say.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:48:50
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