Why do rich people get depressed?

2016-02-15 3:47 am
Im a high school senior that just wants to be a billionaire and travel the world. Money is the only thing I like and interests me. I am a middle class person who is border line struggling. I don't want to go to college because its going to financially hurt me and I'm going to be poor and live in poverty. I don't care about emotions or feelings, I've never had a girlfriend nor would I want one. If I'm rich I'll never have to worry about struggles or povery and I could buy all the material things I like and travel the world. So how are rich people depressed if they got it better than me. I'll do anything for all the money in the world.

回答 (15)

2016-02-15 3:55 am
Yes - you'd imagine all that MONEY would bring happiness. But actually rich people can be very unsettled - many are deeply in debt actually. They're always out looking to make more money - better investments.

And to some degree this always pulls their normal family life apart. Kids need normal family life - loving parents. And if parents are just thinking about money all the time, then that's not so good.

So the children of the rich are often abused by abandonment - starvation for love. They can't have what the lowest peasant has - but they can have the latest car.
2016-02-15 3:53 am
You are a very sad person if you think money equals happiness. Stop spending your time thinking about being a billionaire and start living life.

Rich people struggle and material crap doesn't make you happy. You will die a lonely old man wishing he had opted for love and friendship over the billions.

Seek therapy. You sound like you have an anti-social personality disorder.
參考: Mental patient advocate.
2016-02-15 3:54 am
Money is just an object. You think that all of these experiences will solve all of your problems, but they don't. It certainly makes things much easier but it will never solve your problems.

Quite honestly If i were a billionaire, I would buy a small modern house, an airplane, fly in the airlines as a career, and get into philanthropy.

All of these wealthy people did not have their wealth handed to them. They worked hard, struggled with depression and still managed to find their way to the top because they were dedicated to their path.
2016-07-01 4:25 am
Because you're a faqqot. "Never want a girlfriend." Faqqot.
2016-02-16 2:09 am
Well aside from a medical issue, the reason they commonly fall into depression is disappointment. Humans always need a goal and say "If I can just succeed in this, have this, or do that" that they will achieve happiness or serenity. There are 2 problems with this.
1. Disappointment. When a human finally achieves his goal it rarely, if ever, lives up to the expectations brought to them by their imagination.
2. As i said earlier, humans ALWAYS have to have a goal. If you accomplish your goal ,in this case wealth, it can never be enough otherwise you re done. If you re done, there is no reason to live anymore because the purpose you have given yourself in life is now accomplished. If you feel you have no purpose in life depression ensues almost like a declutterer, trying to tear you down because in your mind you are worth as much as hot pocket packaging after you've eaten the hot pocket, junk that's filled it s purpose and can now be disposed of.
TL;DR: Nothing is ever enough, whether it be your money, love life, etc.

Also, you can't be happy without fulfillment, the correct combination of success and personal achievement dependent on the person.
2016-02-15 3:55 am
Rich people get depressed for many reasons, for example loneliness, personal conflict, sexual jealousy, death in the family, illness, injury, or because they can't do what they want even with their money.
2016-02-15 3:48 am
Clinical depression doesn't give a f*ck about the amount of money you have.
2016-02-16 4:16 am
Why are not you happy if you are a millionaire in comparison of billion of people who dream about having what you have?

Because you have it. Happiness has to do more with anticipation and that is a tragedy.

2016-02-15 11:46 pm
Money does not buy permanent happiness. It will give you some pleasures and fun temporary, but it will not give you inner happiness that is lasting. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it will not erase disappointments, sickness, unforeseen occurrences, injustices and it won't prevent other bad things from happening... There are poor people who are happy and content with sustenance and covering, whereas there are rich people who see no point in living... It's because money does not buy quality of life... The best things in life are for "FREE"...
2016-02-15 5:43 pm
Their life is based on money and there is a constant need
to get more..With money you have a great life in most cases,also time.
Drugs and alcohol enter into the equation many times.
There also is great inner anguish when an investment fails.
Greed feeds upon itself .
2016-02-15 11:35 am
Rich people have so many things to worry about.Rich people will be some businessmen,celebrities or some one else.But all are rich because of something.A businessman can be rich because of his business.When the business will not do well he will get depressed.Same is the case with others.If your only goal is to become rich it will not happen.If you become expert in something you can earn a lot of money through that.
2016-02-15 5:56 am
They're used to the riches and they seek materialistic things to fill voids
2016-02-15 4:20 am
They've never been poor.
2016-02-15 4:16 am
< I'll do anything for all the money in the world.> You're going to have to suck a lot of dick for a billion dollars. And with no education past high school, how else exactly do you imagine you'll become a billionaire? Are you a financial genius? Do you have any computer programming skills, such as propelled Bill Gates and the dotcom billionaires on their way? Any ideas to start a business? Do you have any skills at all? Or are you just living in Fantasy Land, trying to convince yourself that an emotionally-empty life is what you really want?
2016-02-15 4:10 am
coz they is crazy, a bit

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